29,803 research outputs found

    Recession and Umemployment in the OECD

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    Konjunkturelle Arbeitslosigkeit; ErwerbstÀtigkeit; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; LebensqualitÀt; OECD-Staaten

    Discovery of Two High-Magnetic-Field Radio Pulsars

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    We report the discovery of two young isolated radio pulsars with very high inferred magnetic fields. PSR J1119-6127 has period P = 0.407 s, and the largest period derivative known among radio pulsars, Pdot = 4.0e-12. Under standard assumptions these parameters imply a characteristic spin-down age of only tau = 1.6 kyr and a surface dipole magnetic field strength of B = 4.1e13 G. We have measured a stationary period-second-derivative for this pulsar, resulting in a braking index of n = 2.91+-0.05. We have also observed a glitch in the rotation of the pulsar, with fractional period change Delta_P/P = -4.4e-9. Archival radio imaging data suggest the presence of a previously uncataloged supernova remnant centered on the pulsar. The second pulsar, PSR J1814-1744, has P = 3.975 s and Pdot = 7.4e-13. These parameters imply tau = 85 kyr, and B = 5.5e13 G, the largest of any known radio pulsar. Both PSR J1119-6127 and PSR J1814-1744 show apparently normal radio emission in a regime of magnetic field strength where some models predict that no emission should occur. Also, PSR J1814-1744 has spin parameters similar to the anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 1E 2259+586, but shows no discernible X-ray emission. If AXPs are isolated, high magnetic field neutron stars (``magnetars''), these results suggest that their unusual attributes are unlikely to be merely a consequence of their very high inferred magnetic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 3 embedded EPS figures, to be published in Ap

    Dark Matter Annihilation Signatures from Electroweak Bremsstrahlung

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    We examine observational signatures of dark matter annihilation in the Milky Way arising from electroweak bremsstrahlung contributions to the annihilation cross section. It has been known for some time that photon bremsstrahlung may significantly boost DM annihilation yields. Recently, we have shown that electroweak bremsstrahlung of W and Z gauge bosons can be the dominant annihilation channel in some popular models with helicity-suppressed 2 --> 2 annihilation. W/Z-bremsstrahlung is particularly interesting because the gauge bosons produced via annihilation subsequently decay to produce large correlated fluxes of electrons, positrons, neutrinos, hadrons (including antiprotons) and gamma rays, which are all of importance in indirect dark matter searches. Here we calculate the spectra of stable annihilation products produced via gamma/W/Z-bremsstrahlung. After modifying the fluxes to account for the propagation through the Galaxy, we set upper bounds on the annihilation cross section via a comparison with observational data. We show that stringent cosmic ray antiproton limits preclude a sizable dark matter contribution to observed cosmic ray positron fluxes in the class of models for which the bremsstrahlung processes dominate.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Updated to match PRD versio

    Regional unemployment in Scotland

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    One of the primary aims of the Eraser of Allander Institute is to try to form a detailed and consistent view of the structure of the Scottish economy. Disaggregation is an essential prerequisite to an appreciation of the diverse character of the Scottish economy. This article explores Scotland's first 'tier' of disaggregation under the new regional authority structure. Estimates of the numbers of employees in employment in the new regions for the period 1964 to 1973 have been made by the Department of Employment. These employment statistics provide one viewpoint from which can be formed a picture of the differing industrial structures in the regions, and the changes which have taken place in patterns of industrial activity over this period. The outstanding feature is the decline in employment in the Strathclyde region. Approximately 92,000 jobs have been lost there during this 10 year period. Nearly half of this decline has occurred in manufacturing industry. In contrast the Grampian and Highland regions have increased employment between 1964 and 1973. Their gains are concentrated in the manufacturing and service sectors. Although the employment figures for these regions support the view that the centre of economic activity in Scotland is moving north and east the figures for the other regions exhibit no clear spatial pattern. Fife gained approximately 4000 jobs between 1964 and 1973, while Tayside lost over 10,000. The Central region marginally increased its workforce, but around 17,000 jobs disappeared from the Lothians. The Borders lost over 1000 jobs but little net change was experienced in Dumfries and Galloway

    A new test of conservation laws and Lorentz invariance in relativistic gravity

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    General relativity predicts that energy and momentum conservation laws hold and that preferred frames do not exist. The parametrised post-Newtonian formalism (PPN) phenomenologically quantifies possible deviations from general relativity. The PPN parameter alpha_3 (which identically vanishes in general relativity) plays a dual role in that it is associated both with a violation of the momentum conservation law, and with the existence of a preferred frame. By considering the effects of alpha_3 neq 0 in certain binary pulsar systems, it is shown that alpha_3 < 2.2 x 10^-20 (90% CL). This limit improves on previous results by several orders of magnitude, and shows that pulsar tests of alpha_3 rank (together with Hughes-Drever-type tests of local Lorentz invariance) among the most precise null experiments of physics.Comment: Submitted to Classical Quantum Gravity, LaTeX, requires ioplppt.sty, no figure

    Timing the Parkes Multibeam Pulsars

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    Measurement of accurate positions, pulse periods and period derivatives is an essential follow-up to any pulsar survey. The procedures being used to obtain timing parameters for the pulsars discovered in the Parkes multibeam pulsar survey are described. Completed solutions have been obtained so far for about 80 pulsars. They show that the survey is preferentially finding pulsars with higher than average surface dipole magnetic fields. Eight pulsars have been shown to be members of binary systems and some of the more interesting results relating to these are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 embedded EPS figures, to be published in proceedings of "Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond", ASP Conf. Se

    A Numerical Method for General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics

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    This paper describes the development and testing of a general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) code to study ideal MHD in the fixed background of a Kerr black hole. The code is a direct extension of the hydrodynamic code of Hawley, Smarr, and Wilson, and uses Evans and Hawley constrained transport (CT) to evolve the magnetic fields. Two categories of test cases were undertaken. A one dimensional version of the code (Minkowski metric) was used to verify code performance in the special relativistic limit. The tests include Alfv\'en wave propagation, fast and slow magnetosonic shocks, rarefaction waves, and both relativistic and non-relativistic shock tubes. A series of one- and two-dimensional tests were also carried out in the Kerr metric: magnetized Bondi inflow, a magnetized inflow test due to Gammie, and two-dimensional magnetized constant-ll tori that are subject to the magnetorotational instability.Comment: 37 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJ. Animations can be viewed at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~jd5v/grmhd/grmhd.htm
