9 research outputs found
Забезпеченість вітаміном D та показники мінерального обміну лактуючих корів залежно від сезону та умов утримання
The article contains data on the content of the active metabolite of vitamin D3 – 25-OHD3, the concentration of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and the activity of alkaline phosphatase in the blood of lactating cows in different periods of keeping. The experiment was performed by the method of periods on the cows-analogues for the 4th month of lactation. Cows are divided into three groups of five heads, each depending on the sampling period: winter stall (January), summer pasture (July) and autumn stall (October) for one year. The blood for tests was collected from the jugular vein before morning feeding in winter-stall, summer-pasture, and autumn-stall hold periods. The composition and nutrition of the diets of cows were also analyzed. Changes in the content of 25-OHD3 in the blood of cows were determined depending on the season and conditions of keeping. The lowest level of 25-OHD3 was in the winter-stall holding period and was 22.38 ± 3.58 nmol/l and the highest was in the summer pasture. In the autumn-stall period, the level of 25-OНD3 decreased relative to the summer pasture, but was higher than in the winter-stall (P < 0.05). The total calcium content of the serum of cows was highest in the summer pasture and winter-stallion periods and was, respectively, 2.96 and 2.90 mmol/l. In the autumn-stalling period, the total calcium content decreased and was significantly lower compared to the summer pasture period (P < 0.05). Changes in the total calcium content of cows' blood during different retention periods were due to changes in its fractions. The activity of total alkaline phosphatase and its bone isoenzyme in the blood of cows at 4 months of lactation varied in contrast to the content of 25-OНD3.У статті наведено дані щодо вмісту активного метаболіту вітаміну D3 – 25-OHD3, концентрації кальцію, фосфору, магнію та активності лужної фосфатази в крові лактуючих корів у різні періоди утримання. Дослід проведено методом періодів на коровах-аналогах на 4-му місяці лактації. Корів поділено на три групи по п’ять голів у кожній залежно від періоду відбору проб: зимово-стійловий (січень), літньо-пасовищний (липень) та осінньо-стійловий (жовтень) упродовж одного року. Для біохімічних досліджень від корів брали кров з яремної вени у зимово-стійловий, літньо-пасовищний і осінньо-стійловий періоди утримання. Також проводили аналіз складу і поживності раціонів корів. Встановлено зміни вмісту 25-ОНD3 у крові корів залежно від сезону та умов утримання. Найнижчий рівень 25-ОНD3 був у зимово-стійловий період утримання і становив 22,38 ± 3,58 нмоль/л, а найвищий – у літньо-пасовищний. В осінньо-стійловий період рівень 25-ОНD3 знизився щодо літньо-пасовищного, проте був вищим, ніж у зимово-стійловий (P < 0,05). Вміст кальцію загального у сироватці крові корів був найбільшим у літньо-пасовищний і в зимово-стійловий період утримання і становив, відповідно, 2,96 і 2,90 ммоль/л. В осінньо-стійловий період вміст кальцію загального знизився та був вірогідно нижчим у порівнянні з літньо-пасовищним періодом (P < 0,05). Зміни вмісту кальцію загального у крові корів у різні періоди утримання відбувались за рахунок змін його фракцій. Активність загальної ЛФ і її кісткового ізоензиму в крові корів на 4-му місяці лактації змінювалася протилежно до вмісту 25-ОНD3
Periconceptional folic acid associated with an increased risk of oral clefts relative to non-folate related malformations in the Northern Netherlands:a population based case-control study
<p>Periconceptional folic acid has been associated with a reduced risk of neural tube defects, but findings on its effect in oral clefts are largely inconclusive. This case-control study assesses the effects of periconceptional folic acid on cleft risk, using complementary data from the Dutch Oral Cleft Registry and a population-based birth defects registry (Eurocat) of children and foetuses born in the Northern Netherlands between 1997 and 2009. Cases were live-born infants with non-syndromic clefts (n = 367) and controls were infants or foetuses with chromosomal/syndromal (n = 924) or non-folate related anomalies (n = 2,021). We analyzed type/timing/duration of supplement use related to traditional cleft categories as well as to their timing (early/late embryonic periods) and underlying embryological processes (fusion/differentiation defects). Consistent supplement use during the aetiologically relevant period (weeks 0-12 postconception) was associated with an increased risk of clefts (adjusted odds ratio 1.72, 95 % confidence interval 1.19-2.49), especially of cleft lip/alveolus (3.16, 1.69-5.91). Further analysis systematically showed twofold to threefold increased risks for late differentiation defects-mainly clefts of the lip/alveolus-with no significant associations for early/late fusion defects. Effects were attributable to folic acid and not to other multivitamin components, and inclusion of partial use (not covering the complete aetiologically relevant period) generally weakened associations. In conclusion, this study presents several lines of evidence indicating that periconceptional folic acid in the Northern Netherlands is associated with an increased risk of clefts, in particular of cleft lip/alveolus. This association is strengthened by the specificity, consistency, systematic pattern, and duration of exposure-response relationship of our findings, underlining the need to evaluate public health strategies regarding folic acid and to further investigate potential adverse effects.</p>
Experiences of caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases: A qualitative study
Background: We sought to understand the experiences of parents/caregivers of children with inherited metabolic diseases (IMD) in order to inform strategies for supporting patients and their families. We investigated their experiences regarding the management of disease, its impact on child and family life, and interactions with the health care system.
Methods: From four Canadian centres, we conducted semi-structured telephone interviews with parents/caregivers of children with an IMD who were born between 2006 and 2015 and who were participating in a larger cohort study.
Participants were selected with the aim of achieving a diverse sample with respect to treatment centre, IMD, and age of the child. Interviews emphasized the impacts of the disease and its treatment on the child and family and explicitly queried perceptions of interactions with the health care system. We identified emergent themes from the interview
Results: We completed interviews with 21 parents/caregivers. The 21 children were aged <1 to 7 years old with IMD that included amino acid disorders, urea cycle disorders, fatty acid oxidation disorders, and organic acid disorders or ‘other’ IMD. Most parents reported that they and their families had adapted well to their child’s diagnosis. Parents used proactive coping strategies to integrate complex disease management protocols into routine family life. An important source of stress was concern about the social challenges faced by their children. Participants reported positive interactions with their most involved health care providers within the metabolic clinic. However, they reported challenges associated with the health care system outside of disease-specific metabolic care, when encountering systems and providers unfamiliar with the child’s disease.
Conclusions: The successful use of proactive coping strategies among parents of children with IMD in this study suggests the potential value of promoting positive coping and is an important direction for future study. Parents’ social concerns for their children were important stressors that warrant consideration by health care providers positioned to support families. Our results with respect to experiences with care highlight the important role of specialized metabolic clinics and point to a need for better coordination of the care that takes place outside the disease-specific management of IMD.This study was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Emerging Team Grant, TR3-119195