90,748 research outputs found

    The importance of political cartoons and graffitis as mass media in the Syrian Arab Spring.

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    Este artículo busca identificar, analizar y estudiar la caricatura y el grafiti como medio de comunicacion en la Primavera Árabe en Siria, en tanto que se convirtió en una herramienta que ayudó a provocar una reacción social. Este movimiento popular se carecterizó por un desarrollo artístico que se manifestó principalemente de forma directa en las calles. Hasta ese momento, estas obras revolucionarias habían sido consideradas una forma de entretenimiento que enmascaraban una serie de ideas, opiniones y actitudes que eran sostenidas por la sociedad pero que nadie se había atrevido a mostrar de forma pública. Por tanto, a raíz de dichos acontecimientos, adquirió un sentido que no había existido anteriormente. Para llevar a cabo este estudio, se ha utilizado una aproximación teórica al estado de este movimiento, basándose en una metodología cualitativa. En este contexto, se han examinado una serie de datos obtenidos mediante un proceso de codificación de las distintas fuentes primarias y secundarias, acompañado de una muestra de imágenes que han ejemplificado todo este proceso. Tras la ejecución de dicho análisis, se ha observado que tanto la caricatura como el grafiti son un medio de comucicación alternativo que permite visualizar la forma en la que se ha encontrado un nuevo medio de transmisión que, a través de internet y las redes sociales, han ayudado a provocar un gran impacto social y políticoThis research is an attempt to identify, analyze and study Arab political cartoons and graffitis as an alternative media in Syria in the Arab Spring on the grounds that this artistic expression became a tool of social reaction. This social movement was characterized by an artistic tendency which was mainly reflected on the streets in a direct style. These revolutionary arts have not been taken into account before because they have been considered a form of fun and entertainment. However, they could express opinions, ideas and attitudes that the society held, for which there was no other cultural outlet. In other words, they could provide commentary on many issues which were relevant to the public sphere. In order to develop this research, a theoretical approach has been drawn on as primary and secondary sources have been studied and analyzed. As a result, this research has been a process of collecting, coding and analyzing data to generate a theory using a good variety of images so as to exemplify this case of study. After this analysis, Arab cartoons and graffitis should be considered an alternative form of communication on the grounds that they have used a different way of transmission through the internet and social networks. For this reason, the development of this artistic movement has been able to result in political and influence society strongly, born of the fact they are able to encourage people to challenge the authorities

    Evaluating the Baluti Formation at Sararu village, Ora Anticline, Iraqi Kurdistan : a stratigraphic and geochemical approach

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    Open access through Springer Compact Agreement Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Colin Taylor and Walter Ritchie from University of Aberdeen for their technical support and assistance with laboratory work. We would also like to thank Mr. Omer Kamil Ali, the Head of the Qumri village, for providing accommodation during fieldwork.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Política de formación de investigadores: un análisis comparativo (Portugal-Brasil) en el contexto de programas de postgrado

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    O texto analisa, comparativamente, os marcos referenciais das políticas de formação de pesquisadores em contextos de PPGEd em Portugal e no Brasil sobre políticas de formação de pesquisadores. Utiliza o método histórico-crítico para compreender as questões que emergem do uso da comparação apresentando dados e sínteses conceituais que subsidiem novas políticas públicas. Parte do pressuposto da importância do conhecimento científico como instrumento potencial para a compreensão deste empreendimento histórico, pois, se a educação é incapaz de mudar a sociedade desigual hodierna, ela é fonte relevante para compreensão dos fundamentos da desigualdade e para a geração de uma nova institucionalidade no mundo globalizado.Urge demandar um novo ordenamento social em que a regulação seja elemento propulsor de novas políticas intencionais e operacionais que fomentem pesquisas de ponta nestes países e no mundo globalizado.This article comes from two researches about researchers and professionals in higher education in the Postgraduate Education training policy in two countries, Portugal and Brazil. From the methodological point of view, we analyze the differences and similarities. We use the comparative historical-critical method to detect the discrepancies in the two countries and, in particular, within the Program of Postgraduate Stricto Sensu in Education. It seeks to understand some issues that emerge from the comparison and presents a comparative methodological view on the subject of the researchers training policies . In Brazil, the productivity, which is a principle category in business logic, invaded the academic and educational fields as a whole, developing an unprecedented need for production in the history of Brazilian education. In Portugal, and what can be analyzed from the changes in the parameters of the Bologna Process, the research at the postgraduate level has been primarily influenced by the national agency called Science and Technology Foundation. Thence come the conceptual syntheses presented.Este artículo proviene de dos investigaciones sobre la política de formación de los investigadores y los profesionales de la educación superior en los programas de postgrado en Educación en dos países, Portugal y Brasil. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, se analizan las diferencias y similitudes.Usamos el método comparativo histórico-crítico para detectar las discrepancias en los dos países y, en particular, dentro del Programa de Postgrado stricto sensu en Educación. Se trata de entender algunas cuestiones que surgen de la comparación y presenta una visión metodológica comparativa sobre el tema de las políticas de formación de los investigadores. En Brasil, la productividad, que es una categoría de principio en la lógica de negocio, invadió el ámbito académico y educativo en su conjunto, desarrollando la necesidad sin precedentes de la producción en la historia de la educación brasileña. En Portugal, y lo que puede ser analizado en el cambio de los parámetros del proceso de Bolonia, la investigación a nivel de postgrado ha sido influenciada principalmente por el organismo nacional llamado Fundación para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. De allí viene la síntesis conceptual presentada.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPQ

    A global battlefield?: Drones and the geographical scope of armed conflict

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    The ever-increasing use of drones in the pursuit of the 'war on terror' has given rise to concerns over the emergence of a global battlefield whereby the entire planet is subject to the application of the laws of armed conflict. These concerns stem from drone strikes frequently occurring outside the 'active battlefields' of Afghanistan and into the border regions of Pakistan and expanding further afield into Yemen and Somalia. In response to emerging practice, a significant body of academic literature has emerged on the legal classification of transnational armed violence. Less attention however, has been given to the geographical scope of the concept of armed conflict itself. This article provides a detailed analysis of the geographical scope of non-international armed conflict under international humanitarian law, and in the context of drone strikes. In particular, it focuses upon the legal implications of the geographical disjunction between the location of drone strikes and primary battlefields from the point-of-view of the application of international humanitarian law

    Potato virus Y (PVY) strains in Belgian seed potatoes and first molecular detection of the N-Wi strain

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    Potato virus Y (PVY), one of the most important agents causing potato crop losses worldwide, is transmitted by a variety of aphid species in a non-persistent manner. Several PVY strains have been differentiated, all of them causing different symptoms and symptom expression levels on numerous commercial potato cultivars. In Belgium, strains belonging to the N group have been reported as the most prevalent, but no detailed information on the relative importance of the PVY strains in Belgium have been published to date. We report here on a survey performed on Belgian seed potatoes harvested in 2010 in which 2700 individual tubers from 54 seed potato lots originating from 54 farms were screened for presence of PVY. The results revealed a high PVY incidence and substantial strain diversity in some farms. The dominance of the N group in Belgian seed potatoes was confirmed, while the 0 strain was only found in a few locations. Further characterization using multiplex PCR identified 75% of the isolates as NTN strains and 7.5% as Wilga strain (N-Wi). The presence of the N-Wi strain was confirmed and characterized for the first time in Belgian seed potato production

    Systematic review of brucellosis in the Middle East: disease frequency in ruminants and humans and risk factors for human infection

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    This paper considers the problem of finding global states incoming to a specified global state in a Boolean network, which may be useful for pre-processing of finding a sequence of control actions for a Boolean network and for identifying the basin of attraction for a given attractor, We show that this problem is NP-hard in general along with related theoretical results, On the other hand, we present algorithms that are much faster than the naive exhaustive search-based algorithm. ©2007 IEEE.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Effect of culture on acceptance of telemedicine in Middle Eastern countries: Case study of Jordan and Syria

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    © Mary Ann Liebert, INC.We investigated issues that affect the use and adoption of telemedicine in Middle Eastern countries, taking the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic as case studies. Our study is based on interviews with key stakeholders (including doctors, technicians, engineers, and decision makers) and questionnaires administered to key stakeholders (including patients), ensuring opinion was gained from people from a full range of backgrounds and roles in the healthcare system. We found doctor and patient resistance was a major issue preventing the adoption of telemedicine in both countries, followed by poor infrastructure, lack of funding, and lack of information technology training. Our research identifies that culture is a greater issue than technical matters for the adoption of telemedicine in Middle Eastern countries. Based on our preliminary results we developed a guideline framework for each country that might be applied to telemedicine projects at the pre-implementation phase. The proposed guideline framework was validated through a return visit to the stakeholders and seeking further opinion

    The Cowl - v.20 - n.11 - Feb 5, 1958

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 20, Number 11 - February 5, 1958. 6 pages