531 research outputs found

    Ketidakfasihan Berbicara Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris Dalam Ujian Seminar Proposal Di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya (Sebuah Analisis Psikolinguistik)

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    This research is entitled “Ketidakfasihan Berbicara Mahasiswa Saat Mengikuti Ujian Seminar Proposal di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya”. The objectives of this research are to identify the types of speech disfluencies and to analyze the causes of speech disfluencies of the students in Seminar Examinations in Faculty of Humanities, Sam Ratulangi University. The writer used descriptive method in this research. In classifying and analyzing the collected data, the writer used Fox-Tree's (1995) theory about the types of speech disfluencies and Bortfeld's, et al. (2001) theory about the causes of speech disfluencies. The results of this research show that silent pauses and filled pauses occurred the most because of the increase of cognitive process that results in heavy planning and delays in utterances. The speech disfluencies of the students are mainly affected by variables such as cognitive load, communication medium, topic under discussion, addressee characteristics, speaker characteristics, as well as social and situational factors

    Hubungan Asupan Makanan Asam Lemak Omega 3;6 Terhadap Memori Jangka Pendek Anak Sekolah Dasar Islam Al-azhar 21 Pontianak Tahun 2014

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    Background : Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are the important essential fatty acids for children brain. Essential fatty acids play animportant role in biochemical process of human brain. Good short termmemory ability is important for school age children in order to improve theiracademic achievement. There is no other research conducted thecorrelation between intake of omega 3;6 fatty acids and short termmemory in Islamic elementary school student of Al-Azhar 21 Pontianak.Objective : This research aims to find whether there is correlationbetween intake of omega 3;6 fatty acids and short term memory in Islamicelementary school student of Al-Azhar 21 Pontianak. Method : This is ananalytic study with cross-sectional approach. Sixty three participants arerecruited using non-probability sampling (consecutive sampling) technique.Measurement was taken including subject's height and weight. Short termmemory test was evaluated by digit span from Wechsler-BellevueIntelligence Scale for Children. Result : There is no significant correlationbetween intake of omega 3;6 fatty acids and short term memory(p=0,203). Conclusion : Intake of omega 3;6 fatty acids is not a primaryfactor of increasing children short term memory, there are the othersfactors like iron, stimulation, omega 3;6 during pregnancy, history ofexclusive breastfeeding and children's age which support the increasing ofshort term memory

    Perbedaan Kematangan Sosial Ditinjau Dari Pengalaman Mengikuti Kelompok Bermain

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    Not all students who get in formal education have a considerable social maturity. This poses a problem in the first years of formal education or primary school. Social maturity is one person\u27s development as seen from the feeling of self-assessment as well as the ability to present themselves appropriately in groups or different social environments (Hasan, 1981). The subjects involved in this study there were 80 students, consisting of: 40 students who had followed the group playing experience and 40 students who do not have the experience to follow the playing group. Criteria for study subjects was following a group play experience for at least 1 year in a row or do not have the experience to follow the play at all. The method used to collect data is observation and documentation methods. This method is used to obtain data on the social maturity. Observation of the child\u27s behavior is done by using the method of systematic observation. This observation is used in the rating scale. Rating scale is the recording of symptoms according to their levels. In this observation used 2 people rater, the researcher and the classroom teacher. documentation methods used to obtain data on the identity of the subject, age, birth order and whether the experience to follow the playing group. The data obtained in this study will be analyzed by using 3-Way Anova, in order to see the difference between the social maturity of the child who has the experience and the play follows a group of children who do not have the experience to follow the playing group, taking into account gender and birth order. The results of data analysis obtained with F = 0.441 p = 0.000. It shows there is differences social maturity between children who had followed the group experience playing with children who do not have the experience to follow the playing group. The mean social maturity children who do not have the experience to follow the play = 150.750. The mean social maturity follow children who have experience playing group = 176.675. This suggests that the child\u27s social maturity follow a group that has experience playing better than the child\u27s social maturity with no experience to follow the playing group

    Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kemiskinan Rumah Tangga di Kota Kendari Tahun 2014

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    The aims of this study were; (1) to determine the characteristics of household poverty in Kendari city (2) to determine factors that affect household poverty in Kendari city in 2014; (3) to determine the poverty tendency based on factors that affect poverty in Kendari city. Data were analyzed of using descriptive analysis, chi squared analysis and inferential analysis of Logistic Regression. Data were obtained from the result of Susenas 2014 which were collected by the Central Agency for Statistics of Kendari city. Results of the study were: (1) The characteristics of Household poverty are migrants, male, aged under 60 years, the number of family members is more than 4 people, the level of education is less than high school, and work in the formal and informal sector. (2) a partial examination using The Chi Square analysis showed that all the variables under investigation including migration status, household head's gender, household head's age, number of family members, household head's level of education, employment status of the household head , had significant effect on household poverty, given that the p value = 0.000,which was below α = 0.05. Simultaneous examination using the logistic regression test showed that all variables under investigation had significant effects on the household poverty; (3) if seen from Odds Ratio, two variables, i.e., education and number of family members, exhibited a higher tendency than did other variables