159 research outputs found

    Kinematic modelling of a 3-axis NC machine tool in linear and circular interpolation

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    Machining time is a major performance criterion when it comes to high-speed machining. CAM software can help in estimating that time for a given strategy. But in practice, CAM-programmed feed rates are rarely achieved, especially where complex surface finishing is concerned. This means that machining time forecasts are often more than one step removed from reality. The reason behind this is that CAM routines do not take either the dynamic performances of the machines or their specific machining tolerances into account. The present article seeks to improve simulation of high-speed NC machine dynamic behaviour and machining time prediction, offering two models. The first contributes through enhanced simulation of three-axis paths in linear and circular interpolation, taking high-speed machine accelerations and jerks into account. The second model allows transition passages between blocks to be integrated in the simulation by adding in a polynomial transition path that caters for the true machining environment tolerances. Models are based on respect for path monitoring. Experimental validation shows the contribution of polynomial modelling of the transition passage due to the absence of a leap in acceleration. Simulation error on the machining time prediction remains below 1%

    A Comparative Study of Permanent Magnet Motor Cost Minimization Dedicated to Electric Traction JES Journal of Electrical Systems

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    In this paper, we present a permanent magnet motor cost minimization dedicated to the electric traction based on a genetic algorithms (GAs) method. Our objective is to minimize this cost by taking account of certain constraints. The choice of a suitable coding is a critical element which depends largely on the genetic algorithm effectiveness. That is why we present a comparative study between two types of genetic algorithms i.e. a binary coded genetic algorithm (BCGA) and a real coded genetic algorithm (RCGA)

    Probe the QCD phase diagram with \phi-mesons in high energy nuclear collisions

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    High-energy nuclear collision provide a unique tool to study the strongly interacting medium. Recent results from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on \phi-meson production has revealed the formation of a dense partonic medium. The medium constituents are found to exhibit collective behaviour initiated due to partonic interactions in the medium. We present a brief review of the recent results on \phi production in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. One crucial question is where, in the phase diagram, does the transition happen for the matter changing from hadronic to partonic degrees of freedom. We discuss how \phi-meson elliptic flow in heavy-ion collisions can be used for the search of the QCD phase boundary.Comment: Plenary talk at Strange Quark Matter 2008, Beijing China, 6-10 October 2008. To appear in proceedings of SQM200

    Chemical equilibration of strangeness

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    Thermal models are very useful in the understanding of particle production in general and especially in the case of strangeness. We summarize the assumptions which go into a thermal model calculation and which differ in the application of various groups. We compare the different results to each other. Using our own calculation we discuss the validity of the thermal model and the amount of strangeness equilibration at CERN-SPS energies. Finally the implications of the thermal analysis on the reaction dynamics are discussed.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX (figures included); Talk given at the Int. Symposium on Strangeness in Quark Matter 1997, Santorini (Greece), April 199

    Combined anti-AGEs and antioxidant activities of different solvent extracts of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. (Solanaceae) fruits during ripening and related to their phytochemical compositions

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    Oxidative stress and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are known as key factors for the development of diabetic complications such as retinopathy, cataract as well as atherosclerosis and neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s diseases. In this context, natural products have been previously identified as promising sources for antioxidant and anti-glycation compounds. The current study focuses on the evaluation of antioxidant and glycation inhibitory activities of different solvent extracts of Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav (Solanaceae) fruits at different ripening stages. The results showed that antioxidant and anti-AGEs activities were significantly influenced by solvents polarities and ripening stages of S. elaeagnifolium Cav. With one exception, methanolic extract of overripe S. elaeagnifolium Cav fruit showed important protective effects against cellular oxidative stress. The aqueous extract showed the highest ABTS+ scavenging ability. Principal component analysis showed that total phenolic and flavonoid contents correlated well with observed antioxidants and anti-glycation activities. These results bring attention to the possible use of S. elaeagnifolium Cav as a valuable source of bioactive compounds exhibiting antioxidant effects and potentially alleviating diabetic complications

    Strangeness Conservation in Hot Nuclear Fireballs

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    A constraint between thermal fireball parameters arises from the requirement that the balance of strangeness in a fireball is (nearly) zero. We study the impact of this constraint on (multi-)strange (anti-)baryon multiplicities and compare the hadron gas and quark-gluon plasma predictions. We explore the relation between the entropy content and particle multiplicities and show that the data are compatible with the quark-gluon plasma hypothesis, but appear to be inconsistent with the picture of an equilibrated hadron gas fireball. We consider the implications of the results on the dynamics of evolution and decay of the particle source.Comment: 35 pages, 11 postscript figures, report PAR/LPTHE/92--2

    Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: from the BEVALAC to RHIC

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    I briefly describe the initial goals of relativistic nuclear collisions research, focusing on the LBL Bevatron/Bevalac facility in the 1970's. An early concept of high hadronic density fireball formation, and subsequent isentropic decay (preserving information as to the high density stage) led to an outline of physics observables that could determine the nuclear matter equation of state at several times nuclear ground state matter density. With the advent of QCD the goal of locating, and characterizing the hadron-parton deconfinement phase transformation suggested the need for higher s\sqrt{s}, the research thus moving to the BNL AGS and CERN SPS, finally to RHIC at BNL. A set of physics observables is discussed where present data span the entire s\sqrt{s} domain, from Bevalac and SIS at GSI, to top RHIC energy. Referring, selectively, to data concerning bulk hadron production, the overall s\sqrt{s} evolution of directed and radial flow observables, and of pion pair Bose-Einstein correlation are discussed. The hadronization process is studied in the grand canonical statistical model. The resulting hadronization points in the plane T vs. ÎŒB\mu_B converge onto the parton-hadron phase boundary predicted by finite ÎŒB\mu_B lattice QCD, from top SPS to RHIC energy. At lower SPS and top AGS energy a steep strangeness maximum occurs at which the Wroblewski parameter λs≈\lambda_s \approx 0.6; a possible connection to the QCD critical point is discussed. Finally the unique new RHIC physics is addressed: high pTp_T hadron suppression and jet "tomography".Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Genetic diversity in Tunisian horse breeds

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    This study aimed at screening genetic diversity and differentiation in four horse breeds raised in Tunisia, the Barb, Arab-Barb, Arabian, and English Thoroughbred breeds. A total of 200 blood samples (50 for each breed) were collected from the jugular veins of animals, and genomic DNA was extracted. The analysis of the genetic structure was carried out using a panel of 16 microsatellite loci. Results showed that all studied microsatellite markers were highly polymorphic in all breeds. Overall, a total of 147 alleles were detected using the 16 microsatellite loci. The average number of alleles per locus was 7.52 (0.49), 7.35 (0.54), 6.3 (0.44), and 6 (0.38) for the Arab-Barb, Barb, Arabian, and English Thoroughbred breeds, respectively. The observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.63 (0.03) in the English Thoroughbred to 0.72 in the Arab-Barb breeds, whereas the expected heterozygosities were between 0.68 (0.02) in the English Thoroughbred and 0.73 in the Barb breeds. All FST values calculated by pairwise breed combinations were significantly different from zero (p  <  0.05) and an important genetic differentiation among breeds was revealed. Genetic distances, the factorial correspondence, and principal coordinate analyses showed that the important amount of genetic variation was within population. These results may facilitate conservation programs for the studied breeds and enhance preserve their genetic diversity
