488 research outputs found

    Elevated protein kinase C alpha expression may be predictive of tamoxifen treatment failure

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    We previously reported that stable transfection of protein kinase C alpha (PKCα) into T47D human breast cancer cells results in tamoxifen (TAM)-resistant tumour growth. Relevance of PKCα expression in clinical specimens was determined by comparing PKCα expression in tumours from patients exhibiting disease recurrence with patients remaining disease-free following TAM treatment. Our results suggest that PKCα expression may predict TAM treatment failure

    Guest Editorial: Clarifications on the use of the new classification of periodontitis

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    This editorial provides clarifications on the application of the Stage and Grade classification of periodontitis. In particular it describes: (1) how to apply the extent criterion to the defined Stage of the disease; and (2) how to calculate tooth loss because of periodontitis in Stage III and IV cases presenting with evidently hopeless (irrational to treat) teeth with a clinical definition of such teeth.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155462/1/jcpe13286_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155462/2/jcpe13286.pd

    Trochanteric locking nail versus arthroplasty in unstable intertrochanteric fracture in patients aged over 75 years

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    SummaryIntroductionIn trochanteric fracture, whatever its anatomic type, internal fixation is currently the standard attitude, with arthroplasty as a relatively unusual option.HypothesisHip implants are an excellent alternative to osteosynthesis in unstable trochanteric fracture in patients aged over 75 years.Patients and methodsA non-randomised prospective multicenter study compared osteosynthesis by trochanteric nailing (n=113) to hip arthroplasty (n=134) in unstable trochanteric fracture (AO types 31 A2.2 and 3 and A3.3) in 247 patients over the age of 75 years. The series was recruited during 2007 in seven centres, four of which included only arthroplasties, two only osteosyntheses and one both. The two groups were comparable in age, sex, preoperative Parker score, pre-fracture place of residence, fracture type, time to surgery and preoperative comorbidity. The sole difference was in operators, with more senior surgeons in arthroplasty (62% versus 27%).ResultsThree-month mortality was identical in the two groups (21.2% versus 21%). General complications did not differ, although mechanical complications were more frequent in the nailing group (12.5% versus 2.8%). Functional results (Parker and PMA scores) were better in the implant than in the nail group.DiscussionThe present study validated hip arthroplasty in these indications. Cemented stems associated to a dual-mobility acetabular component gave the best results.Type of studyProspective, level of evidence III

    Severe Periodontitis and Biomarkers of Bacterial Burden. Results From a Case-Control and Intervention Clinical Trial

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    Background and aims: Periodontitis is an inflammatory-infectious disease. Identifying markers of systemic exposure of periodontitis might be of interest to study its interaction with other conditions. Soluble triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 1 (sTREM-1) is upregulated during bacterial infections. Our aim was therefore to investigate whether periodontitis and its treatment are associated with bacterial endotoxin and sTREM-1. Methods: Fifty patients with severe periodontitis and 50 age-matched controls were included in a case-control study (all never smokers). A secondary analysis of a previously published intervention study was performed, in which included 69 patients with severe periodontitis were randomized to receive either intensive (IPT) or control periodontal therapy (CPT) and monitored over 6 months. Serum levels of bacterial endotoxin and sTREM-1 were determined at one time point (case-control study) and at baseline, 1 day, 1 and 6 months after periodontal treatment (intervention study). Results: Severe periodontitis was associated with elevated circulating endotoxin levels when cases (22.9 ± 2.2 EU/ml) were compared to controls (3.6 ± 0.5 EU/ml, p < 0.001) and with sTREM-1 levels (1302.6 ± 47.8 vs. 870.6 ± 62.0 pg/ml, p < 0.001). A positive correlation was observed between sTREM-1 and endotoxin levels (r = 0.4, p < 0.001). At 6 months after treatment, IPT significantly decreased serum levels of sTREM-1 compared to CPT (adjusted mean difference of 500.2 pg/ml, 95% CI: 18.9-981.4; p = 0.042). No substantial differences were noted in endotoxin levels at any time point after treatment between groups. Conclusions: Severe periodontitis is linked to increased circulating endotoxin and sTREM-1 levels and following IPT a reduction in sTREM-1 levels is observed

    Prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases-The EFP S3 level clinical practice guideline.

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    BACKGROUND The recently published Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for the treatment of stages I-IV periodontitis provided evidence-based recommendations for treating periodontitis patients, defined according to the 2018 classification. Peri-implant diseases were also re-defined in the 2018 classification. It is well established that both peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis are highly prevalent. In addition, peri-implantitis is particularly challenging to manage and is accompanied by significant morbidity. AIM To develop an S3 level CPG for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases, focusing on the implementation of interdisciplinary approaches required to prevent the development of peri-implant diseases or their recurrence, and to treat/rehabilitate patients with dental implants following the development of peri-implant diseases. MATERIALS AND METHODS This S3 level CPG was developed by the European Federation of Periodontology, following methodological guidance from the Association of Scientific Medical Societies in Germany and the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation process. A rigorous and transparent process included synthesis of relevant research in 13 specifically commissioned systematic reviews, evaluation of the quality and strength of evidence, formulation of specific recommendations, and a structured consensus process involving leading experts and a broad base of stakeholders. RESULTS The S3 level CPG for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases culminated in the recommendation for implementation of various different interventions before, during and after implant placement/loading. Prevention of peri-implant diseases should commence when dental implants are planned, surgically placed and prosthetically loaded. Once the implants are loaded and in function, a supportive peri-implant care programme should be structured, including periodical assessment of peri-implant tissue health. If peri-implant mucositis or peri-implantitis are detected, appropriate treatments for their management must be rendered. CONCLUSION The present S3 level CPG informs clinical practice, health systems, policymakers and, indirectly, the public on the available and most effective modalities to maintain healthy peri-implant tissues, and to manage peri-implant diseases, according to the available evidence at the time of publication

    Core outcomes in periodontal trials:study protocol for core outcome set development

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    Abstract Background There are a large number of clinical outcome measures used to assess the effectiveness of prevention and management strategies of periodontal diseases. This heterogeneity causes difficulties when trying to synthesise data for systematic reviews or clinical guidelines, reducing their impact. Core outcome sets are an agreed, standardised list of outcomes that should be measured and reported in all trials in specific clinical areas. We aim to develop a core outcome set for effectiveness trials investigating the prevention and management of periodontal disease in primary or secondary care. Methods To identify existing outcomes we screened the Cochrane systematic reviews and their included studies on the prevention and management of periodontal diseases. The core outcome set will be defined by consensus of key stakeholders using an online e-Delphi process and face-to-face meeting. Key stakeholders involved in the development will include: patients, dentists, hygienists/therapists, specialists, clinical researchers and policy-makers. Stakeholders will be asked to prioritise outcomes and feedback will be provided in the next round(s). Stakeholders will have an opportunity to add outcomes found in the Cochrane review screening process at the end of the first round. If consensus is not reached after the second round we will provide feedback prior to a third round. Remaining outcomes will be discussed at a face-to-face meeting and agreement will be measured via defined consensus rules of outcome inclusion. Discussion The inclusive consensus process should provide a core outcome set that is relevant to all key stakeholders. We will actively disseminate our findings to help improve clinical trials, systematic reviews and clinical guidelines with the ultimate aim of improving the prevention and management of periodontal diseases. Trial registration COMET ( http://www.comet-initiative.org/studies/details/265?result=true ). Registered on August 2012

    Antinociceptivna i protuupalna svojstva vodeno-etanolnog ekstrakta pokožice grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca izolirane iz otpada vinske industrije

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    Research background. Extracts from grape pomace, including the wine, show many biological effects such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Unfortunately, winemakers discard the bagasse, so the waste is not exploited, although it contains bioactive compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The work aims to analyze the hydroethanolic extract of peels from Vitis labrusca agro-industrial waste and to evaluate its antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory properties. This study is relevant for reusing a residue and adding value to the grape economic chain. Experimental approach. A representative sample of pomace was obtained and the peels were used to produce the extract. The phenolic compounds were determined by mass spectrometry in multiple reaction monitoring mode and Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method, using gallic acid as standard. The biological analyses were carried out using mice orally treated with crude extract at doses of 30, 100 and 300 mg/kg. We evaluated mechanical hyperalgesia by the von Frey method, thermal heat hyperalgesia using a hot plate at 55 °C, paw edema using a pachymeter, and neutrophil recruitment by measurement of myeloperoxidase activity. The nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity were evaluated by biochemical analyses using blood samples that were collected after the Vitis labrusca administration. Results and conclusions. In all wet winemaking residues peel mass fraction was 75%, and in dry residues 59%. We identified nine anthocyanins (3-O-glucosides: peonidin, delphinidin, petunidin and malvidin; 3-p-coumaroyl-glucosides: cyanidin, peonidin, petunidin and malvidin, and malvidin-3,5-diglucoside), five flavonoids (apigenin-7-glucoside, luteolin-7-glucoside, quercetin-3-galactoside, isorhamnetin-3-glucoside and myricetin-3-rutinoside), and mass fraction of phenolic compounds, expressed as gallic acid equivalents, was 26.62 mg/g. In vivo assays showed that Vitis labrusca extract at mass fractions 100 and 300 mg/kg reduced carrageenan-induced mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia, 50% of the paw edema, and neutrophil recruitment. In addition, there were no indications of nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. Our extract obtained from winemaking residue has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, related at least in part to the presence of phenolic compounds, and it is not toxic to renal and hepatic tissues. Novelty and scientific contribution. This bio-product can be used as an alternative to synthetic anti-inflammatory agents with the same pharmacological potential and fewer side effects. We demonstrated that Vitis labrusca winemaking waste can be used for the production of antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory products (nutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetics) without toxicity, contributing to the environmental economy.Pozadina istraživanja. Ekstrakt komine grožđa, kao i vino, ima mnoga biološka svojstva, poput antioksidacijskog i protuupalnog učinka. Nažalost, proizvođači vina odbacuju neiskorišteni trop iako sadržava bioaktivne spojeve s antioksidacijskim i protuupalnim svojstvima. Svrha je ovoga rada bila ispitati antinociceptivna i protuupalna svojstva vodeno-etanolnog ekstrakta pokožice grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca iz agroindustrijskog otpada. Značaj je ovoga istraživanja u tome što se korištenjem otpada daje dodatna ekonomska vrijednost grožđu u uzgojnom lancu. Eksperimentalni pristup. Ekstrakt je dobiven iz pokožica izdvojenih iz reprezentativnog uzorka komine. Udjel fenolnih spojeva određen je praćenjem višestrukih reakcija pomoću masene spektrometrije i metodom Folin-Ciocalteu, uz galnu kiselinu kao standard. Biološka aktivnost ekstrakata ispitana je na miševima koji su hranjeni sirovim ekstraktom u dozama od 30, 100 i 300 mg/kg. Ispitani su sljedeći parametri: mehanička hiperalgezija pomoću von Frey filamenata, toplinska hiperalgezija na vrućoj ploči pri 55 °C, edem šape pomoću pomičnog mjerila i aktivnost mijeloperoksidaze kao pokazatelj aktivacije neutrofila. Nefrotoksičnost i hepatotoksičnost su ispitane biokemijskim pretragama uzoraka krvi miševa hranjenih ekstraktom grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca. Rezultati i zaključci. Maseni udjel pokožica u svim uzorcima otpada vinske industrije iznosio je 75 % mokre tvari i 59 % suhe tvari. Identificirali smo devet različitih antocijanina (3-O-glukozide peonidin, delfinidin, petunidin i malvidin; 3-p-kumaroil-glukozide cijanidin, peonidin, pe¬tunidin i malvidin, te malvidin-3,5-diglukozid), pet flavonoida (apigenin-7-glukozid, luteolin-7-glukozid, kvercetin-3-galaktozid, izorhamnetin-3-glukozid i miri¬cetin-3-rutinozid), a maseni udjel fenolnih spojeva, izražen kao ekvivalent galne kiseline, bio je 26,62 mg/g. Ispitivanja in vivo pokazala su da su ektrakti grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca masenog udjela 100 i 300 mg/kg smanjili mehaničku i toplinsku hiperalgeziju kod miševa nakon injekcije karagenana, reducirali edem šape za 50 % i smanjili broj neutrofila. Osim toga, nije bilo pokazatelja nefrotoksičnosti i hepatotoksičnosti. Ekstrakt dobiven iz otpada vinske industrije ima analgetska i protuupalna svojstva, djelomično zbog toga što sadržava fenolne spojeve, a nije toksičan za tkiva bubrega i jetre. Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Dobiveni se bioproizvod može upotrijebiti kao alternativa sintetičkim protuupalnim agensima, s istim farmakološkim potencijalom a manje nuspojava. Pokazali smo da se vinski otpad grožđa vrste Vitis labrusca može upotrijebiti za proizvodnju antinociceptivnih i protuupalnih proizvoda (nutraceutičkih, farmaceutskih i kozmetičkih) koji nemaju toksični učinak, te na taj način pridonijeti zaštiti okoliša

    Relevant domains, core outcome sets and measurements for implant dentistry clinical trials: The Implant Dentistry Core Outcome Set and Measurement (ID-COSM) international consensus report

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    AIM: Lack of consistently reported outcomes limits progress in evidence-based implant dentistry and quality of care. The objective of this initiative was to develop a core outcome set (COS) and measurements for implant dentistry clinical trials (ID-COSM). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET)-registered international initiative comprised six steps over 24 months: (i) systematic reviews of outcomes reported in the last 10 years; (ii) international patient focus groups; (iii) a Delphi project with a broad range of stakeholders (care providers, clinical researchers, methodologists, patients and industry representatives); (iv) expert group discussions organizing the outcomes in domains using a theoretical framework and identifying the COSs; (v) identification of valid measurement systems to capture the different domains and (vi) final consensus and formal approval involving experts and patients. The methods were modified from the best practice approach following the Outcome Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial and COMET manuals. RESULTS: The systematic reviews and patient focus groups identified 754 (665 + 89, respectively) relevant outcome measures. After elimination of redundancies and duplicates, 111 were formally assessed in the Delphi project. By applying pre-specified filters, the Delphi process identified 22 essential outcomes. These were reduced to 13 after aggregating alternative assessments of the same features. The expert committee organized them into four core outcome areas: (i) pathophysiology, (ii) implant/prosthesis lifespan, (iii) life impact and (iv) access to care. In each area, core outcomes were identified to capture both the benefits and harms of therapy. Mandatory outcome domains included assessment of surgical morbidity and complications, peri-implant tissue health status, intervention-related adverse events, complication-free survival and overall patient satisfaction and comfort. Outcomes deemed mandatory in specific circumstances comprised function (mastication, speech, aesthetics and denture retention), quality of life, effort for treatment and maintenance and cost effectiveness. Specialized COSs were identified for bone and soft-tissue augmentation procedures. The validity of measurement instruments ranged from international consensus (peri-implant tissue health status) to early identification of important outcomes (patient-reported outcomes identified by the focus groups). CONCLUSIONS: The ID-COSM initiative reached a consensus on a core set of mandatory outcomes for clinical trials in implant dentistry and/or soft tissue/bone augmentation. Adoption in future protocols and reporting on the respective domain areas by currently ongoing trials will contribute to improving evidence-informed implant dentistry and quality of care

    Relevant domains, core outcome sets and measurements for implant dentistry clinical trials: The Implant Dentistry Core Outcome Set and Measurement (ID-COSM) international consensus report

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    AimLack of consistently reported outcomes limits progress in evidence‐based implant dentistry and quality of care. The objective of this initiative was to develop a core outcome set (COS) and measurements for implant dentistry clinical trials (ID‐COSM).Materials and MethodsThis Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials (COMET)‐registered international initiative comprised six steps over 24 months: (i) systematic reviews of outcomes reported in the last 10 years; (ii) international patient focus groups; (iii) a Delphi project with a broad range of stakeholders (care providers, clinical researchers, methodologists, patients and industry representatives); (iv) expert group discussions organizing the outcomes in domains using a theoretical framework and identifying the COSs; (v) identification of valid measurement systems to capture the different domains and (vi) final consensus and formal approval involving experts and patients. The methods were modified from the best practice approach following the Outcome Measures in Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial and COMET manuals.ResultsThe systematic reviews and patient focus groups identified 754 (665 + 89, respectively) relevant outcome measures. After elimination of redundancies and duplicates, 111 were formally assessed in the Delphi project. By applying pre‐specified filters, the Delphi process identified 22 essential outcomes. These were reduced to 13 after aggregating alternative assessments of the same features. The expert committee organized them into four core outcome areas: (i) pathophysiology, (ii) implant/prosthesis lifespan, (iii) life impact and (iv) access to care. In each area, core outcomes were identified to capture both the benefits and harms of therapy. Mandatory outcome domains included assessment of surgical morbidity and complications, peri‐implant tissue health status, intervention‐related adverse events, complication‐free survival and overall patient satisfaction and comfort. Outcomes deemed mandatory in specific circumstances comprised function (mastication, speech, aesthetics and denture retention), quality of life, effort for treatment and maintenance and cost effectiveness. Specialized COSs were identified for bone and soft‐tissue augmentation procedures. The validity of measurement instruments ranged from international consensus (peri‐implant tissue health status) to early identification of important outcomes (patient‐reported outcomes identified by the focus groups).ConclusionsThe ID‐COSM initiative reached a consensus on a core set of mandatory outcomes for clinical trials in implant dentistry and/or soft tissue/bone augmentation. Adoption in future protocols and reporting on the respective domain areas by currently ongoing trials will contribute to improving evidence‐informed implant dentistry and quality of care

    Expression of caspase-3, p53 and Bcl-2 in generalized aggressive periodontitis

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    BACKGROUND: Apoptosis, or programmed cell death is a form of physiological cell death. It is increased or decreased in the presence of infection, inflammation or tissue remodelling. Previous studies suggest that apoptosis is involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory periodontal disease. The aim of the present study was to investigate the clinical features and known indicators of apoptosis (p53, Bcl-2, Caspase-3) in patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) METHODS: Eight patients with GAP, who had sites with probing depths (PD) > 5 mm, and 10 periodontally-healthy persons were included in the study. Clinical examinations and PD were performed, and the plaque index and gingival index were recorded. Gingival tissues biopsies were obtained from active site of each patient and from healthy individuals. The expression of caspase-3, Bcl-2, and p53 was evaluated by immunohistochemistry RESULTS: There were no significant differences between GAP and control group with respect to levels of caspase-3 and p53 expression (P > 0.05). Contrary, the frequency of grade 3 expression of Bcl-2 was higher in GAP group than the control group. CONCLUSION: The higher frequency of Bcl-2 expression in GAP group indicates and delayed apoptosis can lead to increasing resident inflammatory cells in periodontal tissues and resulting in progressive periodontal destruction