424 research outputs found

    An action principle for Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher-spin gravity

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    We provide Vasiliev's fully nonlinear equations of motion for bosonic gauge fields in four spacetime dimensions with an action principle. We first extend Vasiliev's original system with differential forms in degrees higher than one. We then derive the resulting duality-extended equations of motion from a variational principle based on a generalized Hamiltonian sigma-model action. The generalized Hamiltonian contains two types of interaction freedoms: One set of functions that appears in the Q-structure of the generalized curvatures of the odd forms in the duality-extended system; and another set depending on the Lagrange multipliers, encoding a generalized Poisson structure, i.e. a set of polyvector fields of ranks two or higher in target space. We find that at least one of the two sets of interaction-freedom functions must be linear in order to ensure gauge invariance. We discuss consistent truncations to the minimal Type A and B models (with only even spins), spectral flows on-shell and provide boundary conditions on fields and gauge parameters that are compatible with the variational principle and that make the duality-extended system equivalent, on shell, to Vasiliev's original system.Comment: 37 pages. References added, corrected typo

    Strong obstruction of the Berends-Burgers-van Dam spin-3 vertex

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    In the eighties, Berends, Burgers and van Dam (BBvD) found a nonabelian cubic vertex for self-interacting massless fields of spin three in flat spacetime. However, they also found that this deformation is inconsistent at higher order for any multiplet of spin-three fields. For arbitrary symmetric gauge fields, we severely constrain the possible nonabelian deformations of the gauge algebra and, using these results, prove that the BBvD obstruction cannot be cured by any means, even by introducing fields of spin higher (or lower) than three.Comment: 19 pages, no figur

    Supersymmetric Higher Spin Theories

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    We revisit the higher spin extensions of the anti de Sitter algebra in four dimensions that incorporate internal symmetries and admit representations that contain fermions, classified long ago by Konstein and Vasiliev. We construct the dS4dS_4, Euclidean and Kleinian version of these algebras, as well as the corresponding fully nonlinear Vasiliev type higher spin theories, in which the reality conditions we impose on the master fields play a crucial role. The N=2{\cal N}=2 supersymmetric higher spin theory in dS4dS_4, on which we elaborate further, is included in this class of models. A subset of Konstein-Vasiliev algebras are the higher spin extensions of the AdS4AdS_4 superalgebras osp(4N)osp(4|{\cal N}) for N=1,2,4{\cal N}=1,2,4 mod 4 and can be realized using fermionic oscillators. We tensor the higher superalgebras of the latter kind with appropriate internal symmetry groups and show that the N=3{\cal N}=3 mod 4 higher spin algebras are isomorphic to those with N=4{\cal N}=4 mod 4. We describe the fully nonlinear higher spin theories based on these algebras as well, and we elaborate further on the N=6{\cal N}=6 supersymmetric theory, providing two equivalent descriptions one of which exhibits manifestly its relation to the N=8{\cal N}=8 supersymmetric higher spin theory.Comment: 30 pages. Contribution to J. Phys. A special volume on "Higher Spin Theories and AdS/CFT" edited by M. R. Gaberdiel and M. Vasilie

    The minimal conformal O(N) vector sigma model at d=3

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    For the minimal O(N) sigma model, which is defined to be generated by the O(N) scalar auxiliary field alone, all n-point functions, till order 1/N included, can be expressed by elementary functions without logarithms. Consequently, the conformal composite fields of m auxiliary fields possess at the same order such dimensions, which are m times the dimension of the auxiliary field plus the order of differentiation.Comment: 15 page

    Unfolding Mixed-Symmetry Fields in AdS and the BMV Conjecture: I. General Formalism

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    We present some generalities of unfolded on-shell dynamics that are useful in analysing the BMV conjecture for mixed-symmetry fields in constantly curved backgrounds. In particular we classify the Lorentz-covariant Harish-Chandra modules generated from primary Weyl tensors of arbitrary mass and shape, and in backgrounds with general values of the cosmological constant. We also discuss the unfolded notion of local degrees of freedom in theories with and without gravity and with and without massive deformation parameters, using the language of Weyl zero-form modules and their duals.Comment: Corrected typos, references added, two figures, some remarks and two subsections added for clarit

    Gauge fields and infinite chains of dualities

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    We show that the particle states of Maxwell's theory, in DD dimensions, can be represented in an infinite number of ways by using different gauge fields. Using this result we formulate the dynamics in terms of an infinite set of duality relations which are first order in space-time derivatives. We derive a similar result for the three form in eleven dimensions where such a possibility was first observed in the context of E11. We also give an action formulation for some of the gauge fields. In this paper we give a pedagogical account of the Lorentz and gauge covariant formulation of the irreducible representations of the Poincar\'e group, used previously in higher spin theories, as this plays a key role in our constructions. It is clear that our results can be generalised to any particle.Comment: 37 page

    Molecular cloning and characterization of human endothelial nitric oxide synthase

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    AbstractThe constitutive calcium/calmodulin-dependent nitric oxide (NO) synthase expressed in vascular endothelium shares common biochemical and pharmacologic properties with neuronal NO synthase. However, recent cloning and molecular characterization of NO synthase from bovine endothelial cells indicated the existence of a family of constitutive NO synthases. Accordingly, we undertook molecular cloning and sequence analysis of human endothelial NO synthase. Complementary DNA clones predict a protein of 1,203 amino acids sharing 94% identity with the bovine endothelial protein, but only 60% identity with the rat brain NO synthase isoform. Northern blot analysis with an endothelial-derived cDNA identified a 4.6–4.8 kb mRNA transcript in HUVEC and in situ hybridization localized transcripts to vascular endothelium but not neuronal tissue

    A minimal BV action for Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher spin gravity

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    The action principle for Vasiliev's four-dimensional higher-spin gravity proposed recently by two of the authors, is converted into a minimal BV master action using the AKSZ procedure, which amounts to replacing the classical differential forms by vectorial superfields of fixed total degree given by the sum of form degree and ghost number. The nilpotency of the BRST operator is achieved by imposing boundary conditions and choosing appropriate gauge transitions between charts leading to a globally-defined formulation based on a principal bundle.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figure. Additional comments in the conclusion

    Deformation independent open brane metrics and generalized theta parameters

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    We investigate the consequences of generalizing certain well established properties of the open string metric to the conjectured open membrane and open Dp-brane metrics. By imposing deformation independence on these metrics their functional dependence on the background fields can be determined including the notorious conformal factor. In analogy with the non-commutativity parameter Θμν\Theta^{\mu\nu} in the string case, we also obtain `generalized' theta parameters which are rank q+1 antisymmetric tensors (polyvectors) for open Dq-branes and rank 3 for the open membrane case. The expressions we obtain for the open membrane quantities are expected to be valid for general background field configurations, while the open D-brane quantities are only valid for one parameter deformations. By reducing the open membrane data to five dimensions, we show that they, modulo a subtlety with implications for the relation between OM-theory and NCYM, correctly generate the open string and open D2-data.Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Invariant Differential Operators and Characters of the AdS_4 Algebra

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    The aim of this paper is to apply systematically to AdS_4 some modern tools in the representation theory of Lie algebras which are easily generalised to the supersymmetric and quantum group settings and necessary for applications to string theory and integrable models. Here we introduce the necessary representations of the AdS_4 algebra and group. We give explicitly all singular (null) vectors of the reducible AdS_4 Verma modules. These are used to obtain the AdS_4 invariant differential operators. Using this we display a new structure - a diagram involving four partially equivalent reducible representations one of which contains all finite-dimensional irreps of the AdS_4 algebra. We study in more detail the cases involving UIRs, in particular, the Di and the Rac singletons, and the massless UIRs. In the massless case we discover the structure of sets of 2s_0-1 conserved currents for each spin s_0 UIR, s_0=1,3/2,... All massless cases are contained in a one-parameter subfamily of the quartet diagrams mentioned above, the parameter being the spin s_0. Further we give the classification of the so(5,C) irreps presented in a diagramatic way which makes easy the derivation of all character formulae. The paper concludes with a speculation on the possible applications of the character formulae to integrable models.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, TEX-harvmac with input files: amssym.def, amssym.tex, epsf.tex; version 2 1 reference added; v3: minor corrections; v.4: minor corrections, v.5: minor corrections to conform with version in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen; v.6.: small correction and addition in subsections 4.1 & 4.