528 research outputs found

    Innovative practices in the system of higher education: impact, dynamics, challenges determining their development and M-plementation

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    This paper is an attempt to analyze the contemporary phenomena affecting higher education. The main impact and dynamics of the innovative practices in the system of higher education are studied. The authors consider the process of globalization, the changing of supply and demand in higher education, and changes in funding of higher education as factors that have the most significant impact on the functioning of the world market of educational services, and determine the development and implementation of the innovative practices in the higher education system at the present stage of its developmen

    The world market of higher education services: current indicators and trends

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine current trends in the world market of higher education and exposure to different countries for its developmentye

    International experience of the higher economic education realization: models of education

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    The characteristic feature o f the higher economic education model, realized in the most of the European countries nowadays, is the co-existence o f the German and American modelsyesBelgorod State Universit

    Conditions of the effektive integration of the russian higher economic education in the globalizing market of educational services

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    In this paper we study the conditions under which the process of integration in the field of higher economic education can be effective, consider the forms, methods and conditions of integrationye