147 research outputs found

    Is Nasobiliary Tube Really Safe? A Case Report

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    A case of esophageal ulcer caused by nasobiliary tube is described. This tool is not routinely considered to be a cause of major complications in the literature and to our knowledge, this is the first report of this kind of complication in nasobiliary tube placement. A 72-year-old patient presented with Charcot's triad and was demonstrated to have cholangitis with multiple biliary stones in the common bile duct. Biliary drainage was achieved through endoscopic retrograde cholangiography, endoscopic sphincterotomy, biliary tree drainage and nasobiliary tube with double pigtail. The patient presented odynophagia, dysphagia and retrosternal pain 12 h after the procedure and upper endoscopy revealed a long esophageal ulcer, which was treated conservatively. This report provides corroboration of evidence that nasobiliary tube placement has potential complications related to pressure sores. In our opinion this is a possibility to consider in informed consent forms

    Management of trichobezoar: case report and literature review

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    Trichobezoars (hair ball) are usually located in the stomach, but may extend through the pylorus into the duodenum and small bowel (Rapunzel syndrome). They are almost always associated with trichotillomania and trichophagia or other psychiatric disorders. In the literature several treatment options are proposed, including removal by conventional laparotomy, laparoscopy and endoscopy. We present our experience with four patients and provide a review of the recent literature. According to our experience and in line with the published results, conventional laparotomy is still the treatment of choice. In addition, psychiatric consultation is necessary to prevent relapses

    Endoscopic Implantation of Bilioduodenal Endoprostheses in Benign Bile Duct Stenoses

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    A New Development in Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Sclerotherapy Using Fibrin Sealant

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    Techniques of Endoscopic Bile Drainage

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