10 research outputs found


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    The article presents the results of organ-preserving treatment protocol of atypical endometrial hyperplasia and well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma in young women. This protocol was applied in 24 patients. The period of patients observation was 3—6 years. During 6—9 months the patients were given GnRG analogue with add-back therapy. Intrauterine levonorgestrel-releasing system was inserted with therapeutic purpose for the period of not less than 6 months in atypical endometrial hyperplasia and for 1 year for well differentiated endometrial carcinoma. Combined using of GnRG analogue and intrauterine levonorgestrel-releasing system is effective method for treatment of atypicalendometrial hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma stage I А in young women, especially in cases of unrealized fertility and can be considered as an alternative way to hysterectomy

    Vessel-due f in the prevention of thrombophic complications of expectant mothers with defects of hemostasia

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    The main purpose of the work is research of the effectiveness of Vessel-Due F use like the prevention of grave complications of gestational process of the patients with different forms of thrombophilia. 105 patients in 2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy were inspected. With the help of simple randomization by the methods of 2 envelopes all patients were divided into 2 groups: main group(74 expectant mothers with high level of risk in development of perinatal complications in gestational process with Vessel-Due F therapy) and the group of comparison (31 patients with traditional therapy only). As a result of research the following regularity was noted: significant reduction of the index of the activity of lupous anticoagulant and activation of fibrinolytic activity after the two-week use of Vessel-Due F in the dose of 1000 units per 24 hours (p<0,02, effectiveness 85%), improvement of bloodstreams in uteroplacental and fetalplacental course (p<0,03, effectiveness 77%). Moreover, it was determined, it is better to prolong the prescription of the preparation to the point of the delivery and during puerperal period. It does not increase the level of hemorrhage after the delivery, but effectively prevents thrombosis during the pregnancy, generic and operating stress of patients with defects of hemostasia.С целью изучения эффективности использования препарата Вессел-Дуэ-Ф в профилактике тяжелых осложнений гестации у больных с различными формами тромбофилий, было обследовано 105 пациенток во 2 и 3 триместре беременности. При помощи простой рандомизации методом двух конвертов все пациентки были разделены на 2 группы: основную, включающую 74 беременных группы высокого риска на развитие перинатальных осложнений гестации, получавших терапию вессел-дуэ-ф и группу сравнения, состоящую из 31 пациентки получавших только традиционную терапию. В результате проведенного исследования отмечено значимое снижение показателя активности ВА и активация ФА после двухнедельного применения Вессел-Дуэ-Ф в дозе 1000 ед./сут. (р<0,02, эффективность 85%) и улучшение кровотоков в маточно-плацентарном и плодово- плацентарном русле (р<0,03, эффективность 77%). Кроме того, установлено, что целесообразно продлевать назначение препарата вплоть до родоразрешения и в послеродовом периоде, что не увеличивает величину кровопотери в родах и надежно предупреждает тромбозы во время беременности, родового и операционного стресса у пациенток с дефектами гемостаза


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    The purpose of the article: The purpose of this study is to identify the social representations of students about the manifestations of social apathy and its causes. The leading methods for the study of this problem are the method of questioning, which allows conducting a qualitative analysis of students’ social representations about the manifestations of social apathy and its causes; to identify the opinion of students about the manifestations of social apathy in the behavior of young people. Materials and methods: As the main method of research in this work, the method of questioning is chosen. Results of the research: Positions of overcoming of social apathy are allocated: social apathy is a personal problem with which the person has to cope independently, nobody can help him with it; the help of collective in the solution of this problem is necessary; participation of professional psychologists is necessary. The point of view of students is revealed that the solution to this problem has to be complex: the person, collective, psychologists, other social institutions. A number of features of social behavior attributed to people subject to social apathy are shown: unsociability, isolation, irresponsibility, passivity, immersion in their own problems, exposure to someone else's influence, and an understated level of claims. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of reasons for student social apathy is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Informe técnico final del proyecto “Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro - MAREMEX”

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    Resumen en inglés incluidoEl proyecto “Manejo de desastres ante eventos meteorológicos extremos (sequías, heladas y lluvias intensas) como medida de adaptación ante el cambio climático en el valle del Mantaro” - también conocido como MAREMEX-Mantaro -, se inició en febrero del año 2009, y con una duración de 36 meses tuvo por objetivo principal el de fortalecer la capacidad en el manejo del riesgo ante eventos meteorológicos extremos por parte tanto de la población como de las instituciones que tienen el manejo de los recursos naturales a su cargo, a fin de disminuir la vulnerabilidad de la población urbana y rural en el valle del Mantaro. El desarrollo del proyecto consideró la alta vulnerabilidad del valle del río Mantaro, - localizado en los Andes Centrales Peruanos -, a eventos meteorológicos extremos relacionados con la variabilidad climática, así como los estimados de que dicha vulnerabilidad se incrementaría en los siguientes años debido al cambio climático (IGP, 2005). Debido a la amplitud de la zona de estudio se priorizaron 3 subcuencas de estudio (Shullcas, Cunas y Achamayo), las que se escogieron tomando en cuenta varios factores: representatividad de ecosistemas, vulnerabilidad a la ocurrencia de los eventos meteorológicos identificados, accesibilidad, existencia de zonas urbanas de importancia, interés e intención de participar, etc. Entre los objetivos específicos se buscó fortalecer y profundizar los estudios sobre causas, ocurrencia e impactos de heladas, sequías y fenómenos de lluvias intensas en la región; identificar los actores claves involucrados y evaluar las actuales capacidades de los pobladores del valle del Mantaro en el manejo del riesgo de desastres ante la ocurrencia de eventos meteorológicos extremos; elaborar un plan integrado de manejo de riesgo y estrategias de adaptación frente a heladas, sequías y lluvias intensas en el valle del Mantaro (con la participación de autoridades locales, gobiernos regionales, comunidades, ONG y otros actores relevantes); y promover el fortalecimiento institucional y difusión de los resultados del proyecto a la población, instituciones y medios científicos, a través de la creación o fortalecimiento de capacidades de investigación de entidades e investigadores locales en temas de adaptación al cambio climático..