146 research outputs found

    Praktek Quran-based Human Resource Management Di Perbankan Syariah Berdasarkan Karakteristik Biografis

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    The purpose of this study was to describe Quran-based human resource management practices in Islamicbanking according to biographical characteristics. Total respondents in this study were 52 people. Biographicalcharacteristics of respondents analyzed in this study included age, gender, marital status, number ofchildren, period of employment, and education. Data analyses used were analysis of variance (ANOVA) andIndependent sample t-test. The results of this study indicated that Quran-based human resource managementpractices had been properly implemented and not distinct according to biographical characteristics

    Profil Titer Antibodi Newcastle Disease (Nd) Dan Avian Influenza (Ai) Pada Itik Petelur Fase Grower Di Kecamatan Gadingrejo Kabupaten Pringsewu

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    This study aimed to determine the antibody titre against Newcastle Disease (ND) and AvianInfluenza (AI) in laying duck of grower phase. This study has been conducted in December 2013--January 2014 in Gadingrejo Subdistrict, Pringsewu District, Lampung Province. The method used inthis study were survey method and sample collecting by method of purposive sampling. The variableobserved was the antibody titre against Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza. The data analysisused in this study was descriptive analysis. Based on the result of Hemaglutination Inhibition (HI) onAvian Influenza in laying duck of grower phase in Gadingrejo Subdistrict, there were 33% ducks thatshowed seropositive result on AI with the score of 21, 23, 26, 27, 25 and there were 67% ducks showedseronegative. Based on the result of HI test of Newcastle Disease in laying duck of grower phase inGadingrejo Subdistrict that showed seropositive result 19% with the titre score of 23, 24 and 81%ducks showed seronegative. The level of uniformity on AI was granted the score of 33% and the levelof uniformity on ND was 19%

    Sistem Pengambilan Keputusan Penerimaan Karyawan Pada PT. Mega Auto Central Finance Cabang Manna Menggunakan Visual Basic 6.0

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    In a Decision Making System Employee Recruitment happens sometimes difficult to determine qualified employees , especially if the if the employee takes a little and receiving a lot of this is very difficult to determine which ones are good and qualified. Of the various problems that exist , the writer will take a few issues, this is due to limitations in terms of time , cost , effort , and ability to write . The issues that will be examined by the authors include only on the recruitment of employee at Central Auto Finance Branch PT. MEGA Manna

    Potret Remaja Berperilaku Menyimpang di Kecamatan Mandau Kabupaten Bengkalis Duri

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    This thesis is submitted in order to qualify holds a Bachelor of Sociology. With the title " The Teen Portrait of Behave Deviating in Mandau District Of Gutter Village Duri Bengkalis. The issues discussed in this paper is to describe the factors adolescents do deviant behavior and characteristics of adolescents who commit deviant behavior. The issue of juvenile crime should receive special attention from both families especially those of the parents who are the closest to the teens. Teen issues have become a social reality in our society, especially when taken into consideration that the teen generation is going to fill a variety of positions in society in the future that will continue the life of society, the nation and the State in the future. The subject of this research were all adolescents who do meyimpang behavior. The sampling technique used in this research is census techniques. Census technique is a method of sampling as a whole. The method used is quantitative descriptive method with quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Data screening instruments are observation, questionnaires, and documents. The theory is used to issue the factors of deviant behavior is by EH Sutherland who say evil person behaves the same way with the evil behavior. That is, evil behavior is studied in interaction with others and the person is getting nasty behavior as a result of interactions made by people who behave in a tendency against the norms of existing laws. Further Sutherland called it a differential association process (differential association), because what is learned in the process, as a result of interaction with the patterns of Malicious behavior. The theory is also used Kartini theory subculture theory linking Kartono about trust or confidence, certain ambitions (eg its ambitions material, relaxed life, a criminal pattern, heterosexual relationships are free, and others) that motivate the emergence of groups of teenagers brandalan and criminal.Results of research in general is done then the writer can say that meyimpang behavioral factors that most affect young people do is a playmate and economic factors , playmates became one of the factors that influence as a teenage friends playing a social action in the achievement of the character himself . Economic factors are sufficient to support the juvenile perform deviant behavior , adolescents with live well is not always avoid deviant acts , live with all the facilities that are already available causes teens to feel bored and looking for something that they do not get at home . Beyond the search process is not always a positive value but often teenagers confronted with the values that are negative.Keywords : Juvenile Delinquency , Deviant Behavio

    Penanganan Susut Panen dan Pasca Panen Padi Kaitannya dengan Anomali Iklim di Wilayah Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    To reduced losses in rice farming requires the application of modern agricultural machinery in harvesting equipment, postharvest and processing. Varying knowledge of farmers and entrepreneur rice milling unit (RMU) in yield loss as well as the impacts of global climate change research should be conducted through a structured survey of farmers and entrepreneurs RMU in Yogyakarta. Results obtained demonstrate the preferred use of new type variety among farmers so that the tool is suitable harvest sickle cutting down system in districts of Bantul and Gunungkidul more popular as straw used for animal feed. More than 70% of farmers do at harvest time by looking at the panicle and leaf color. Utilization of power threshers more developed in Sleman because of such preferred cut up and threshing by stampede way. With the limitations of manpower, the farmer was forced to delay harvest in Gunungkidul. The thickness of the grain is dried in the sun need to be added so as not too thin and can produce more rice intact during milling. Entrepreneur RMU need to complete with seed cleaner to increase the yield, as well as using double-pass system so that quality and yield of rice produced would be better
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