289 research outputs found


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    Using the rapid method of digital image analysis by the developed scanning flour analyzer the optical properties of flour (semolina) obtained in laboratory and production conditions from durum wheat of three years of harvest (2017–2019), namely the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum, were determined. The semolina color was also evaluated by the Konica Minolta CR-410 colorimeter. It is established that the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum did not change within the first 5 to 6 days after grinding. The change of these indicators for all the samples is observed in the period from 6 to 20 days after grinding, there with the «yellowness» indicator decreased by 25 to 40 relative units, the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum increased on average by 133,75 relative units. Over the next three months, there was no change of color (by both indicators). In the course of experimental work the optical properties change depending upon carotenoids content of flour (semolina) during its ripening was shown. The correlation dependence between the «yellowness» indicator of flour (semolina) and its carotenoids content is characterized by a high approximation coefficient. The dependence of the color characteristic of flour in the blue part of the spectrum on the content of carotenoids is characterized by an approximation coefficient equal to 0.9358, and is described as a polynomial equation. It shows, that with a low carotenoid content, the considered indicator is higher by an average of 1100 relative units compared to the color of samples with a carotenoid content from 0.70 to 1.21 mcg/g. At that during storage the optical properties of flour variety with the lowest carotenoids content remained practically the same. During 78 days of storage, there was no significant change of color characteristics of the industrial flour samples, studied from the eleventh day after grinding — 5–8 times higher than the average repeatability of the measurement results.Using the rapid method of digital image analysis by the developed scanning flour analyzer the optical properties of flour (semolina) obtained in laboratory and production conditions from durum wheat of three years of harvest (2017–2019), namely the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum, were determined. The semolina color was also evaluated by the Konica Minolta CR-410 colorimeter. It is established that the «yellowness» indicator and the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum did not change within the first 5 to 6 days after grinding. The change of these indicators for all the samples is observed in the period from 6 to 20 days after grinding, there with the «yellowness» indicator decreased by 25 to 40 relative units, the color characteristic in the blue part of the spectrum increased on average by 133,75 relative units. Over the next three months, there was no change of color (by both indicators). In the course of experimental work the optical properties change depending upon carotenoids content of flour (semolina) during its ripening was shown. The correlation dependence between the «yellowness» indicator of flour (semolina) and its carotenoids content is characterized by a high approximation coefficient. The dependence of the color characteristic of flour in the blue part of the spectrum on the content of carotenoids is characterized by an approximation coefficient equal to 0.9358, and is described as a polynomial equation. It shows, that with a low carotenoid content, the considered indicator is higher by an average of 1100 relative units compared to the color of samples with a carotenoid content from 0.70 to 1.21 mcg/g. At that during storage the optical properties of flour variety with the lowest carotenoids content remained practically the same. During 78 days of storage, there was no significant change of color characteristics of the industrial flour samples, studied from the eleventh day after grinding — 5–8 times higher than the average repeatability of the measurement results

    Pulmonary and systemic responses of highly pure and well-dispersed single-wall carbon nanotubes after intratracheal instillation in rats

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    The present study was conducted to assess the pulmonary and systemic responses in rats after intratracheal instillation of highly pure, well-dispersed, and well-characterized SWCNTs. Exposure to SWCNTs up to 2mg/kg did not produce mortality, changes in clinical signs, or body weights during the observation period. Dose-dependent changes were observed in the lung weight, BALF inflammatory cells, and biochemical parameters such as LDH value, protein content, IL-1β and IL-6 activity, and histopathology. In the 0.04 mg/kg SWCNT-exposed group, almost no changes were observed during the observation period. In the 0.2 mg/kg SWCNT-exposed group, pulmonary inflammatory responses were observed after instillation. In the 1 mg/kg and 2 mg/kg SWCNT-exposed group, acute lung inflammation and subsequent granuloma accompanied by increased lung weights were observed. Furthermore, the histopathological findings in the lungs of rats exposed to SWCNTs showed inflammatory responses related with the vital reaction to the foreign substance that was instilled intratracheally, and there were no fibrosis, atypical lesion, or tumor-related findings even at the highest dose (2 mg/kg) of SWCNT-exposed groups up to 6 months after instillation. For all groups, histopathological changes due to the instillation exposure of SWCNTs were observed only in the lungs and lung-associated lymph nodes and not in the other tissues examined (i.e. the liver, kidney, spleen, and cerebrum)

    Promising directions of laboratory diagnostics in spores and fitness

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    The article describes the main biomarkers for determining human adaptation to physical activity. Analyzed modern scientific publications on the criteria of individual tolerance of food products, studied promising directions of personalized correction of the diet. The authors have formed a group of valid (sports-specific) laboratory indicators, it is proposed to pay close attention to the reference values of laboratory equipment that have “their own” norms. A promising direction of laboratory diagnostic work is the formation of reliable and accessible complementary criteria that are at the “junction” of functional and instrumental diagnostic methods. Metabolomics is viewed as a young but highly effective science for detecting highly specific metabolic characteristics of human health. The authors proposed the main directions of scientific research in laboratory diagnostics in sports

    Surgical treatment of postoperative sternal mediastinitis using titanium nickelide implant

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    Postoperative sternal dehiscence is a severe complication of cardiac surgery. The aim of the study was to evaluate the outcomes of different surgical treatment tactics in patients with postoperative sternal mediastinitis. A total of 41 patients with postoperative sternal mediastinitis were studied from 2010 to 2014. Patients comprised 29 men (70,7%) and 12 women (29,3%) aged 61,12 ± 8,62 years. The first stage of surgical intervention included: secondary surgical debridement; surgical debridement with metal osteosynthesis (MOS) by metal suture (configurations: 1-1-1-1-1-1; 1-Х-1-1-1-1; 1-8-8-8) and longitudinal MOS of the left middle third of the sternum + transverse MOS (configurations: Z-Z-Z and 1-1-88-1-1 among others); sternal resynthesis with mesh titanium nickelide implant according to originally designed method (patent of the Russian Federation N 2489097). The study demonstrated that routine sternoraphy is not recommended in patients who underwent operations involving median sternotomy or if the re-thoracotomy is required due to infection complication in the sternum and anterior mediastinum. Indeed, this method did not result in recovery in 72,22% of cases and even worsened sternal fragmentation. In case of the absence of severe sternal fragmentation and when elimination of acute inflammation was achieved (surgical debridement, correct antibiotic therapy, and bandaging), sternal resynthesis with mesh titanium nickelide implant was preferable. Combination of this method with surgical debridement of the sternum and anterior mediastinum was acceptable in patients with chronic sternal osteomyelitis and mediastinitis. The method of sternal resynthesis with mesh titanium nickelide implant achieved good immediate results and secure fixation of the sternal fragments with recovery of sternal continuity. This method should be indicatedfor treatment of patients without severe sternal fragmentation

    A functionalized single-walled carbon nanotube-induced autophagic cell death in human lung cells through Akt–TSC2-mTOR signaling

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    Nanoparticles are now emerging as a novel class of autophagy activators. Functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes (f-SWCNTs) are valuable nanomaterials in many industries. This article is designed to assess the autophagic response for f-SWCNTs exposure in vitro and in vivo. A few types of f-SWCNTs were screened in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells for the autophagic response and related pathways in vitro. Formation of autophagosomes and LC3-II upregulation were confirmed on the basis of electron microscopy and LC3 western blotting for COOH-CNT, but not for PABS-CNT and PEG-CNT. MTT assay showed marked increase in cell viability, when COOH-CNT was added to cells in the presence of autophagy inhibitor 3MA, ATG6 or TSC2 siRNA. Consistent with the involvement of the Akt–TSC1/2–mTOR pathway, the phosphorylation levels of mTOR, mTOR's substrate S6 and Akt were shown significantly decreased in A549 cells on treatment with COOH-CNT using western blotting. What's more, autophagy inhibitor 3MA significantly reduced the lung edema in vivo. In a word, COOH-CNT induced autophagic cell death in A549 cells through the AKT–TSC2–mTOR pathway and caused acute lung injury in vivo. Inhibition of autophagy significantly reduced COOH-CNT-induced autophagic cell death and ameliorated acute lung injury in mice, suggesting a potential remedy to address the growing concerns on the safety of nanomaterials

    Dimensionality of Carbon Nanomaterials Determines the Binding and Dynamics of Amyloidogenic Peptides: Multiscale Theoretical Simulations

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    Experimental studies have demonstrated that nanoparticles can affect the rate of protein self-assembly, possibly interfering with the development of protein misfolding diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and prion disease caused by aggregation and fibril formation of amyloid-prone proteins. We employ classical molecular dynamics simulations and large-scale density functional theory calculations to investigate the effects of nanomaterials on the structure, dynamics and binding of an amyloidogenic peptide apoC-II(60-70). We show that the binding affinity of this peptide to carbonaceous nanomaterials such as C60, nanotubes and graphene decreases with increasing nanoparticle curvature. Strong binding is facilitated by the large contact area available for π-stacking between the aromatic residues of the peptide and the extended surfaces of graphene and the nanotube. The highly curved fullerene surface exhibits reduced efficiency for π-stacking but promotes increased peptide dynamics. We postulate that the increase in conformational dynamics of the amyloid peptide can be unfavorable for the formation of fibril competent structures. In contrast, extended fibril forming peptide conformations are promoted by the nanotube and graphene surfaces which can provide a template for fibril-growth

    МКЭ-анализ эффективности бионической исторической консоли в качестве колонны крупногабаритного станка

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    Concept of machine tool’s column in the appearance of vertical bionic console is proposed. Console was 3D-transformed from the shape of legacy oak-like structure – Eddystone lighthouse. It is proposed to create the variable-section column with “layer-by-layer” technics from the polymer concrete.FEA shows high stiffness of the column. It increases from 1500 to 11000 N/μm from top to bottom along vertical guideways. Such stiffness needs only 19.3 ton of concrete for the instance of 4.5 m height’s column. FEMmodelling pointed out rather high eigenmode’s frequencies (˃49 Hz). FRF is appropriate for pre-resonance heavy cutting as for post-resonance finishing. Proposed bionic-shape column is perspective as for stand-alone variant so for portal composition created by two opposite columns.Предложена концепция станочной колонны в виде вертикальной бионической консоли. Консоль получена виртуальной 3D-трансформацией древоподобной башни исторического маяка Эдистон. Колонну предложено создавать из полимербетона с послойным формированием переменного сечения.МКЭ-анализ показал высокую жесткость колонны (от ~1500 до ~11000 Н/мкм сверху вниз). Такая жесткость достигнута для высоты колонны в 4,5 м при массе бетона только 19,3 т. МКЭ-моделирование указывает, что резонансы колонны располагаются высоко (˃49 Гц). АЧХ благоприятна для силового резания на дорезонансых частотах и для чистовой зарезонансной обработки. Возможно использование как уединенной бионической колонны, так и создание из двух оппозитно размещенных колонн портала с динамической траверсой

    МКЭ-анализ напряжений Пизанской башни как путь освоения студентами сферы виртуальных исптыний

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    FEA of stress state for Pisa Tower is accomplished. Imaginary vertical orientation of the tower is simulated as well as its actual leaning position too. Moderate deformational incompatibility between “column drum” and “stem” load-bearing systems is revealed. Twofold overstressing of lower colonnade is found comparatively to the stem surface. Tower’s compressive stress concentrators are described. The inner helical passage into stem causes a periodical stress concentration about 1.5 – 2 times in the passage vicinity. Arch compression concentrator tied to stem – basis transition is revealed. Places for priority monitoring of marble masonry are pointed out.Some methodic experience is gained due to lively and successful student participation in all phases of the Pisa Tower FEM simulation.Выполнена МКЭ-оценка напряженного состояния Пизанской башни. Виртуальные испытания проведены для проектного вертикального и реального наклонного состояний. Выявлено несовместность деформирования барабана колонн и ствола башни. Обнаружено двукратное перенапряжение колонн нижнего яруса. Выявлены концентраторы сжатия в башне. Концентрация напряжений сопровождает винтовой ход внутри ствола. Описан дуговой концентратор сжатия, возникающий на переходе от ствола к базису. Даны рекомендации по мониторингу системы.Собран методический опыт, позволяющий студентам полноценно участвовать в командной работе в серьезных виртуальных испытаниях в сфере CAE

    Применение янтарной кислоты в процессе фитоэкстракции свинца и кадмия из загрязненных почв

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    Succinic acid influence on migration properties of lead and cadmium in soil-plant system has been investigated. It has been shown that the addition the activator (succinic acid) into soil increases the efficiency of phytoextraction of lead and cadmium. The optimum conditions of succinic acid usage as the process activator have been established.В работе изучено влияние янтарной кислоты на миграционные свойства свинца и кадмия в системе «почва-рстения». Установлено, что внесение в почву активатора - янтарной кислоты повышает эффективность процесса фитоэкстракции свинца и кадмия. Установлены оптимальные условия применения янтарной кислоты в качестве активатора процесса