10 research outputs found

    Content of protein and glycoproteins, their components in the oral fluid in children with chronic gastritis, duodenitis

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    In the oral fl uid of children with chronic gastritis, duodenitis there is the increased protein content (up to 7.33±0.43 g/l) against the background of the decreasing level of glycoproteins (up to 0.03±0.01 mg/ml). Coeffi cient of ratio protein / glycoproteins in the oral fl uid is increased by a factor of 9510, which has shown the intensive decay of protein-carbohydrate complexes and the increasing content of the protein fragments. In the composition of glycoproteins there is the reduced amount of hexosamines (up to 0.23±0.01 mmol/l), against the background of the increasing sialic acids (up to 0.16±0.01 mmol/l) and fucose (up to 0.87±0.02 mmol/l). Coeffi cient of ratio of terminal and corpus monosaccharides in the glycoproteins of the oral fl uid in patients with chronic gastritis, duodenitis is increased by a factor of 2.41 and 3.34, as compared to the same values in the control group of children, which signifi cantly modifi es the functional properties of the protein-carbohydrate complexes

    The impact of positive psychological interventions on well-being in healthy elderly people

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    This systematic review aims to evaluate the impact of Positive Psychological Interventions (PPIs) on well-being in healthy older adults. Systematic review of PPIs obtained from three electronic databases (PsycINFO, Scopus, and Web of Science) was undertaken. Inclusion criteria were: that they were positive psychology intervention, included measurement of well-being, participants were aged over 60 years, and the studies were in English. The Cochrane Collaboration Guidelines dimensions of quality control, randomization, comparability, follow-up rate, dropout, blinding assessors are used to rate the quality of studies by two reviewers independently. The RE-AIM (Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance) for evaluation of PPIs effectiveness was also applied. The final review included eight articles, each describing a positive psychological intervention study. The reminiscence interventions were the most prevalent type of PPIs to promote and maintain well-being in later life. Only two studies were rated as high quality, four were of moderate-quality and two were of low-quality. Overall results indicated that efficacy criteria (89%), reach criteria (85%), adoption criteria (73%), implementation criteria (67%), and maintenance criteria (4%) across a variety of RE-AIM dimensions. Directions for future positive psychological research related to RE-AIM, and implications for decision-making, are described

    (Bio)degradable Ionomeric Polyurethanes Based on Xanthan: Synthesis, Properties, and Structure

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    New (bio)degradable environmentally friendly film-forming ionomeric polyurethanes (IPU) based on renewable biotechnological polysaccharide xanthan (Xa) have been obtained. The influence of the component composition on the colloidal-chemical and physic-mechanical properties of IPU/Xa and based films, as well as the change of their properties under the influence of environmental factors, have been studied. The results of IR-, PMS-, DMA-, and X-ray scattering study indicate that incorporation of Xa into the polyurethane chain initiates the formation of a new polymer structure different from the structure of the pure IPU (matrix): an amorphous polymer-polymer microdomain has occurred as a result of the chemical interaction of Xa and IPU. It predetermines the degradation of the IPU/Xa films as a whole, unlike the mixed polymer systems, and plays a key role in the improvement of material performance. The results of acid, alkaline hydrolysis, and incubation into the soil indicate the increase of the intensity of degradation processes occurring in the IPU/Xa in comparison with the pure IPU. It has been shown that the introduction of Xa not only imparts the biodegradability property to polyurethane, but also improves the mechanical properties

    Aspects of preventive medicine in the work of the family doctor

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    В статті зазначено важливу роль профілактичних заходів у зниженні смертності населення від найбільш поширених хронічних захворювань, що переконливо доведено науковими дослідженнями. Підкресено, що зміцнення превентивного напрямку охорони здоров’я потребує об’єднання зусиль багатьох немедичних і медичних струк-тур,перебудови медичної освіти з урахуванням навчання здоровому способу життя. Зазначена важлива роль просвітницької і профілактичної діяльності сімейного лікаря. Приведено дані власних досліджень з інформованості хворих про фактори ризику найпоширеніших хронічних захворювань та аналізом об’єму та ефективності превентивних заходів на рівні первинної ланки медичної допомоги. Підкреслено недостатнє навчання та прихильність пацієнтів до контролю факторів ризику та їх корекції, необхідність удосконалення діагностики та модифікації патогенетичних чинників хвороб. Показано наукові напрямки проведення донозологічної діагностики за допомогою сучасних інформаційних технологій; В статье обозначено важное значение профилактических мероприятий в снижении смертности населения от наиболее распространенных хронических неинфекционных заболеваний, что убедительно доказано научными исследованиями. Подчеркнуто, что укрепление превентивного направления здравоохранения требует объединения усилий многих немедицинских и медицинских структур, перестройки медицинского образования с учетом обучения здоровому образу жизни. Указана важная роль просветительской и профилактической деятельности семейного врача. Приведены данные собственных исследований информированости о факторах риска наиболее распространенных хронических заболеваний и анализа объема и эффективности превентивных мероприятий на уровне первичного звена медицинской помощи. Подчеркивается недостаточное обучение пациентов и приверженность к контролю факторов риска и их коррекции, необходимость усовершенствования диагностики и модификации патогенетических факторов заболеваний. Показано научные направления проведения донозологической диагностики с помощью современных информационных технологий; The article noted the important role of preventive measures in reducing mortality from the most common chronic noninfectious diseases, which conclusively proven scientific research. It was shown that the contribution of preventive measures, significantly less costly compared to all medical conditioned by more than 50%. The main areas of preventive medicine are: the formation of healthy living and early detection chronic noninfectious diseases and their risk factors, followed by timely correction. The success of the first direction not only of awareness and his basics and ensure appropriate conditions. This can be achieved only at the general government level. The second direction can be realized health system. The leading role in this belongs to the family doctor. In today’s educational programs of family physician emphasizes the skills of diagnosis and modification of risk factors most prevalent chronic noninfectious diseases, and counseling patients on healthy lifestyles. Through experimental clinical and epidemiological especially identified factors related to lifestyle, environment, human genetic features that contribute to the development and progression of diseases that are the leading cause of adult deaths . This concept is a scientific basis for their prevention. Of the strategic objectives and principles in the field of chronic infectious diseases among the factors related to lifestyle, highlights smoking, unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and alcohol abuse. Their correction will reduce an individual’s risk for and obesity, hypertension, disturbance of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Risk factors associated with human life are common for major chronic noninfectious diseases cardiovascular, chronic nonspecific lung disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV / AIDS and others. There are factors that may modify the patient, changing your lifestyle, but there are those that are hereditary and are not considered chronic and change them through medical intervention (eg genetic cholesterolemia). Doctor here need help. According to the rational organization of the family doctor 30-40% of his working time should be given preventive diagnosis. Family doctor spends as general maintenance work for the entire population and individual. Family physician should detect the disease in its early stages, treat them to monitor complications and often provide long-term or even life medical care. The authors studied the state of awareness of risk factors and performance measures for secondary prevention of chronic noninfectious diseases at the level of primary care Health analyzed medical card patients with coronary artery disease, stable angina and describing patients with acute myocardial infarction and stroke retrospective analysis showed that primary care physicians lack of attention to major risk factors and their correction. The observed low adherence to control risk factors and low percentage achievement of target levels. Rarely used lipidlowering drugs, including statins. A lack information patients about risk factors, no more than a third do not drug recommendations for secondary prevention. The necessity of taking into account the presence of the metabolic syndrome to determine cardiovascular risk in patients. Drawn research areas to nosological diagnosis using modern information technology

    Non-coronary cardiac syndromes and coronary pathology: problems of diagnosis and treatment. Review of literature and own research

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    В статті освітлено вплив екстракардіальної патології на перебіг ІХС і зумовлені цим проблеми діагностики і лікування. Вивчалась асоціація ІХС з остеохондрозом хребта, судинною патологією мозку, захворюваннями щитоподібної залози та хворобами травної системи. Визначено особливості клініко-патогенетичного перебігу ІХС на тлі поєднаних захворювань. Вивчено механізми їх взаємообтяження, в основі яких лежать нервово-рефлекторні, проекційні зв’язки, а також вегетативні дисфункції, гемодинамічні, реологічні, гормонально-метаболічні порушення. Показана роль екстракардіальних захворювань в формуванні і маніфестації ІХС. Все це необхідно враховувати при розробці лікувально-діагностичних комплексів з індивідуальним підходом до реабілітації кожного хворого і проведенні профілактичних заходів. В статье освещено влияние экстракардиальной патологии на течение ИБС и связанные с этим проблемы диагностики и лечения. Изучалась ассоциация ИБС с остеохондрозом позвоночника, сосудистой патологией мозга, болезнями щитовидной железы и системы пищеварения. Определены особенности клинико-патогенетического течения ИБС на фоне сопутствующих заболеваний. Изучены механизмы их взаимоотягощения, в основе которых лежат нервно-рефлекторные, проекционные связи, а также вегетативные дисфункции, гемодинамические, реологические, гормонально-метаболические нарушения. Показана роль экстракардиальных заболеваний в формировании и манифестации ИБС. Все это необходимо учитывать при разработке лечебно-диагностических комплексов с индивидуальным подходом к реабилитации каждого больного и проведения профилактических мероприятий. The problem of complication of the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease (HCD) is often due to polymorbidity. Particulary important is the combination of HCD with extracardiac diseases, which also have cardiovascular disorders. The problems of association of HCD with osteochondrosis of the spine, vascular pathology of the brain, diseases of the thyroid gland and diseases of the digestive system. Features of the clinical and pathogenetic flow of HCD in combination with these pathological conditions and mechanisms of their mutual encumbrance. Reflector and projection effects between the heart and the spine, neck, shoulder, chest tissue with the combination of HCD and cervico-upperthoracic osteochondrosis are important