749 research outputs found

    Variations on the Planar Landau Problem: Canonical Transformations, A Purely Linear Potential and the Half-Plane

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    The ordinary Landau problem of a charged particle in a plane subjected to a perpendicular homogeneous and static magnetic field is reconsidered from different points of view. The role of phase space canonical transformations and their relation to a choice of gauge in the solution of the problem is addressed. The Landau problem is then extended to different contexts, in particular the singular situation of a purely linear potential term being added as an interaction, for which a complete purely algebraic solution is presented. This solution is then exploited to solve this same singular Landau problem in the half-plane, with as motivation the potential relevance of such a geometry for quantum Hall measurements in the presence of an electric field or a gravitational quantum well

    Scattering in three-dimensional fuzzy space

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    We develop scattering theory in a non-commutative space defined by a su(2)su(2) coordinate algebra. By introducing a positive operator valued measure as a replacement for strong position measurements, we are able to derive explicit expressions for the probability current, differential and total cross-sections. We show that at low incident energies the kinematics of these expressions is identical to that of commutative scattering theory. The consequences of spacial non-commutativity are found to be more pronounced at the dynamical level where, even at low incident energies, the phase shifts of the partial waves can deviate strongly from commutative results. This is demonstrated for scattering from a spherical well. The impact of non-commutativity on the well's spectrum and on the properties of its bound and scattering states are considered in detail. It is found that for sufficiently large well-depths the potential effectively becomes repulsive and that the cross-section tends towards that of hard sphere scattering. This can occur even at low incident energies when the particle's wave-length inside the well becomes comparable to the non-commutative length-scale.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Formulation, Interpretation and Application of non-Commutative Quantum Mechanics

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    In analogy with conventional quantum mechanics, non-commutative quantum mechanics is formulated as a quantum system on the Hilbert space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators acting on non-commutative configuration space. It is argued that the standard quantum mechanical interpretation based on Positive Operator Valued Measures, provides a sufficient framework for the consistent interpretation of this quantum system. The implications of this formalism for rotational and time reversal symmetry are discussed. The formalism is applied to the free particle and harmonic oscillator in two dimensions and the physical signatures of non commutativity are identified.Comment: 11 page

    Spectrum of the three dimensional fuzzy well

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    We develop the formalism of quantum mechanics on three dimensional fuzzy space and solve the Schr\"odinger equation for a free particle, finite and infinite fuzzy wells. We show that all results reduce to the appropriate commutative limits. A high energy cut-off is found for the free particle spectrum, which also results in the modification of the high energy dispersion relation. An ultra-violet/infra-red duality is manifest in the free particle spectrum. The finite well also has an upper bound on the possible energy eigenvalues. The phase shifts due to scattering around the finite fuzzy potential well have been calculated

    The N=1 Supersymmetric Landau Problem and its Supersymmetric Landau Level Projections: the N=1 Supersymmetric Moyal-Voros Superplane

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    The N=1 supersymmetric invariant Landau problem is constructed and solved. By considering Landau level projections remaining non trivial under N=1 supersymmetry transformations, the algebraic structures of the N=1 supersymmetric covariant non(anti)commutative superplane analogue of the ordinary N=0 noncommutative Moyal-Voros plane are identified

    Duality constructions from quantum state manifolds

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    The formalism of quantum state space geometry on manifolds of generalised coherent states is proposed as a natural setting for the construction of geometric dual descriptions of non-relativistic quantum systems. These state manifolds are equipped with natural Riemannian and symplectic structures derived from the Hilbert space inner product. This approach allows for the systematic construction of geometries which reflect the dynamical symmetries of the quantum system under consideration. We analyse here in detail the two dimensional case and demonstrate how existing results in the AdS_2/CFT_1 context can be understood within this framework. We show how the radial/bulk coordinate emerges as an energy scale associated with a regularisation procedure and find that, under quite general conditions, these state manifolds are asymptotically anti-de Sitter solutions of a class of classical dilaton gravity models. For the model of conformal quantum mechanics proposed by de Alfaro et. al. the corresponding state manifold is seen to be exactly AdS_2 with a scalar curvature determined by the representation of the symmetry algebra. It is also shown that the dilaton field itself is given by the quantum mechanical expectation values of the dynamical symmetry generators and as a result exhibits dynamics equivalent to that of a conformal mechanical system.Comment: 25 Pages, References Adde

    Bound state energies and phase shifts of a non-commutative well

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    Non-commutative quantum mechanics can be viewed as a quantum system represented in the space of Hilbert-Schmidt operators acting on non-commutative configuration space. Within this framework an unambiguous definition can be given for the non-commutative well. Using this approach we compute the bound state energies, phase shifts and scattering cross sections of the non- commutative well. As expected the results are very close to the commutative results when the well is large or the non-commutative parameter is small. However, the convergence is not uniform and phase shifts at certain energies exhibit a much stronger then expected dependence on the non-commutative parameter even at small values.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Non-commutative Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions and Rotational Symmetry

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    We generalize the formulation of non-commutative quantum mechanics to three dimensional non-commutative space. Particular attention is paid to the identification of the quantum Hilbert space in which the physical states of the system are to be represented, the construction of the representation of the rotation group on this space, the deformation of the Leibnitz rule accompanying this representation and the implied necessity of deforming the co-product to restore the rotation symmetry automorphism. This also implies the breaking of rotational invariance on the level of the Schroedinger action and equation as well as the Hamiltonian, even for rotational invariant potentials. For rotational invariant potentials the symmetry breaking results purely from the deformation in the sense that the commutator of the Hamiltonian and angular momentum is proportional to the deformation.Comment: 21 page