234 research outputs found

    The impact of micronutrients on athletes’ vision: a retrospective analysis of revalent articles

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    The eyes, like other human organs, are deficient in nutrients during over-training, which can affect visual acuity and, accordingly, the quality of training.This article defines the importance of the organ of vision for sports results. It also provides an overview of the latest scientific research on the impact of biologically significant micronutrients on the functions of the visual analyzer with examples of products that help improve visual functions

    Pulmonary placental transmogrification.

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    The article is devoted to the phenomenon of lung placentation, this problem is poorly studied and requires further research. The article summarizes the material of domestic and foreign scientific publications on the topic over the past five years. Comparison was literature data with own research data. In the article was analyzed the various views of researches on placental changes of the lung tissue, and also considers the real clinical cases of «placental transmogrification» from various lung diseases in different age groups of patients.Статья посвящена феномену плацентоподобной трансформации легкого, данная проблема мало изучена и требует дальнейших исследований. Обобщен материал отечественных и зарубежных научных изданий по исследуемой теме за последние пять лет. Произведено сравнение литературных данных с данными собственного исследования. В статье проанализированы различные взгляды исследователей на плацентоподобные изменения легочной ткани, а также рассмотрены реальные клинические случаи «плацентоподобной трансформации» ассоциированные с различными заболеваниями легких у разных возрастных групп пациентов

    Integrated solution for very high cardiovascular risk patients. Rationale and design of a pilot study

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the most common cardiovascular disease and the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) as an abrupt destabilization of CAD, multiplies the risk of cardiovascular events. To reduce the incidence of recurrent cardiovascular events, timely tackling potentially reversible risk factors such as hypertension and/or hyperglycemia is imperative. However, a solid basis for a secondary prevention lies in the treatment of dyslipidemia and begins in the first hours of hospital admission. Despite considerable evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of lipid-lowering therapy, averagely only one third of patients maintain control of lipids. The main challenges are low adherence, poor continuity of medical care, and the lack of an ambulatory routine follow-up. Telehealth solutions are believed to address these barriers and may be considered as an add-on to in-person patient care. Telemonitoring of vital and laboratory parameters, remote patient counseling can be introduced into routine care delivery. Telemedicine shows promise for fostering better clinical effect, and provides health-related quality of life improvement.It is planned to conduct a pilot observational study aimed to create and to test an integrated solution, i.e. telemonitoring and remote counseling in patients of very high cardiovascular risk with ACS followed by myocardial revascularization. The goal is to determine the clinical effectiveness, i.e achievement of target values of blood pressure, lipid profile and glycemia, and patient-centeredness of this approach

    Integrated solution for patients of a very high cardiovascular risk. Final results

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    Secondary prevention should be actively implemented at all stages of treatment and rehabilitation of patients after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). The integration of remote monitoring of patients with the transfer of vital and laboratory data into clinical practice seems promising.Aim. To evaluate the clinical and patient-centered effectiveness of the original 12-month combined face-to-face and telecare program in patients with recent ACS.Material and methods. For the present analysis the data from 84 (out of 100) patients (median age, 56 (50;61) years, 70 males) was used. These patients had to have hypertension and/or type 2 diabetes and an ACS with percutaneous revascularization within 12 months. Their low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) had to be above 2,4 mmol/L. Telehealth program supplemented routine care. A program contained electronic self-control diaries for blood pressure (BP) and lipid profile, and teleconsulting service (text chat). Mandatory face-to-face visits were carried out at 3 and 12 months after the enrollment. The primary end point was ∆LDL-C. Additional clinical and patient-specific endpoints were evaluated.Results. At the 12-month visit, there was a significant decrease in LDL-C by 1,6 (-2,3;-0,9) mmol/L. Besides the initial LDL-C value, the decrease in LDL-C was associated with the proper adherence to keeping diaries of BP and lipid profile (β=0,7), and the number of text messages sent by the doctor in the 1st month after the enrollment (β=0,04). In more adherent patients, the ∆LDL-C was greater by 0,49 mmol/L (95% CI (-1,2; -0,1)) after adjustment for abovementioned covariates. In 35 patients (42%), target LDL-C was achieved, in 60 patients (71%) — a decrease ≥1 mmol/l. Other lipids also have changed for the better. Moreover, adherent patients were twice as likely to achieve the target LDL-C (OR 2,2; 95% CI (0,6; 3,8)) than non-adherent ones. A decrease in office systolic BP by 5,8 mm Hg was shown (p=0,03). The number of physician-to-patient messages exceeded those from patients to physician (median 143 and 111 per patient for 12 months, respectively). The quality of life has improved, but only in terms of emotions. Satisfaction with the program remained high at all timepoints of the study.Conclusion. Our study showed the effectiveness of the integrated care in ACS patients with the telehealth tool included. Commitment to BP self-monitoring, as well as active consultative support at the first stages of rehabilitation, contributes to additional dynamic control of lipid profile, timely correction of lipid-lowering therapy with the achievement of the target LDL-C level. Most of the patients did not experience any difficulties in using the program and are ready to recommend integrated approach to other peers

    Impact of COVID-19 infection on the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents

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    Children did not escape the COVID-19 pandemic. Although, in general, the course of viral infection in children is mild, the question of the long-term effects of COVID-19 on a child and adolescent, in particular, on pancreatic beta cells, remains unclear.Аim: Тo study the characteristics of children with diabetes mellitus identified after COVID-19 infection.Materials and methods: This article presents the preliminary results obtained from children and adolescents hospitalized at the RSSPMCE clinic with the newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus after COVID infection, as well as a systematic review of 61 clinical cases (case series study).Results: Of the 120 children hospitalized at the RSSPMCE clinic with newly diagnosed diabetes, 15 were diagnosed with diabetes after COVID-19 infection, all in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis. Only 20% of children knew about the previous COVID-19 infection, the course of the disease was mild, in 80% of children the infection was asymptomatic. At the time of diabetes onset, all children had a high level of HbA1c - above 10%, a low level of vitamin D, high levels of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 (IgG), and the need for insulin was above the average.Conclusion: The SARS CoV-2 virus could be the direct cause of the development of diabetes mellitus in children, even with the asymptomatic course of the viral infection. However, the question remains about the exact classification of diabetes after COVID-19 in children. It is necessary to inform the population about the first signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus in order to timely consult a doctor for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus

    Взаимосвязь маркеров эндотелиальной дисфункции при гнойном холангите у больных с хроническим гепатитом и без хронического гепатита на фоне обтурационной желтухи

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    Цель. Изучение взаимосвязи маркеров эндотелиальной дисфункции при гнойном холангите у больных с хроническим гепатитом и без хронического гепатита на фоне обтурационной желтухи, выявление его раннего перехода в цирроз печени и оптимизация тактики лечения в до- и послеоперационном периоде с оценкой показателей исследуемых лабораторных тестов. Материалы и методы. Исследование проведено в отношении 15 больных с гнойным холангитом, из них у 9 больных был хронический гепатит, у 6 больных хронического гепатита не было. Из 9 больных с хроническим гепатитом 4 больным противовирусную терапию не проводили, 5 - проводили. Результаты. Непосредственные результаты проведенного лечебно-диагностического исследования свидетельствуют о сходных проявлениях эндотелиальной дисфункции при гнойном холангите у больных с хроническим гепатитом и без хронического гепатита. Всем больным с гнойным холангитом выполняли декомпрессию желчных протоков, устраняли причины обтурации, проводили дезинтоксикационную терапию. По данным корреляционного анализа показателей функционального состояния эндотелия у больных с хроническим гепатитом, получавших противовирусную терапию, улучшение отметили на 10-е сут, через 1 мес оно было более выраженным, чем у больных, не получавших противовирусную терапию. У 6 больных с гнойным холангитом без хронического гепатита своевременное хирургическое, дезинтоксикационное лечение совместно с озонотерапией привело к улучшению показателей функционального состояния эндотелия на 10-е сут, через 1 мес они приблизились к норме. Выводы. Своевременное выявление эндотелиальной дисфункции при гнойном холангите у больных с хроническим гепатитом и без хронического гепатита способствует раннему прогнозированию его перехода в стадию цирроза печени и правильному выбору тактики лечения в до- и послеоперационном периоде. Подытожив полученные данные, можно сделать вывод о том, что при гнойном холангите у больных с хроническим гепатитом целесообразно проведение противовирусной терапии до и после операции

    An integrated approach for very high cardiovascular risk patients. Intermediate results

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    The main objective of secondary prevention measures is to modify key risk factors such as hypertension (HTN) and dyslipidemia in patients with established cardiovascular diseases. Its proper implementation improves both short- and long-term outcomes. Telehealth technologies contributes to faster achievement of target levels and better control of key risk factors.Aim. To establish a comprehensive personalized follow-up framework for patients recovered from an acute coronary syndrome (ACS) that integrates telehealth software and to test its clinical and patient-centered efficacy.Material and methods. The three-month follow-up data of 50 patients (50% of planned enrollees; median age, 57 years [53; 61]; males, 84%) who suffered ACS with myocardial revascularization and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) at least 2,5 mmol/L at admission. We introduced the simple and save telehealth software for home BP monitoring and lipid profiling. The basic demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients were described, as well as the changes lipid profile, office and home BP over this period was analyzed. The primary endpoint was a change in LDL-C after 3 months. In addition, we also focused on pharmacological therapy and its dynamics, as well as on remote counseling and patient’ experience with the mobile application.Results. Three months after inclusion, we have noted significant decrease of total cholesterol (-1,67 mmol/L, p<0,0001) and triglycerides (-0,48 mmol/L, p<0,0001). LDL-C changes were also significant (-1,49 mmol/L, adjusted for age, sex and lipid-lowering therapy; p<0,0001) and was associated only with the baseline LDL-C levels (R2=-0,521, p<0,0001). Thirty-nine (78%) patients achieved at least 1 mmol/L drop of LDL-C. Nine of them reached target LDL-C <1,4 mmol/L (and/or a decrease of 50% from baseline). Both high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (-0,48 mmol/l, p=0,348), office and home BP remained mostly unchanged. The proportion of patients with target office BP levels was almost the same (χ2=3,06, p=0,08). Patients who were recommended combined lipid-lowering therapy with cholesterol absorption inhibitor (ezetimibe) were more likely to achieve target LDL-C (χ2=10,95; p=0,003) than those with single agent (67% versus 17%, p=0,003). No differences were found in subgroups of patients in LDL-C reduction. In each patient an average of 15 remote consultations have been performed (from 1 to 54 per patient per 3 moths). Investigators have had to send reminders to 22 patients regarding the need for regular home BP monitoring. The majority of patients treated telehealth software as easy-to-use and user-friendly.Conclusion. According to the 3-month follow-up of patients after ACS who used the framework integrated with telemonitoring and remote counseling, a positive trend in reducing atherogenic lipid levels was demonstrated, but not in office BP. Only a fifth of patients reached the target LDL-C, but the vast majority had target BP. Despite the fact that the program is convenient to use, almost half of participants require additional reminders from physician on self-monitoring

    Prevention of Cardioembolic Complications in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation: Efficacy and Safety of Left Atrial Appendage Isolation and Oral Anticoagulants

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    Aim. To study the outcomes frequency and structure in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) depending on the cardioembolic events preventing method: left atrial appendage (LAA) isolation, direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) or warfarin.Material and methods. A prospective observational study included patients with AF and high risk of cardioembolic complications and without contraindications to anticoagulants. Patients who refused long-term oral anticoagulants taking underwent LAA isolation, the rest of the patients received DOACs or warfarin. The observation period was 3 years. Mortality, cardioembolic complications and major bleeding (according to GARFIELD criteria) cumulative incidence was assessed.Results. We included 245 patients: 46 patients were treated with LAA isolation, 100 with warfarin, and 99 with DOACs. Multivariate regression analysis demonstrated a statistically significant advantage of LAA occluder in terms of combined endpoint achieving frequency compared to warfarin (hazard ratio [HR] 3.10; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01-9.54; p=0.049), and to DOACs (HR 3.44, 95% CI 1.15-10.29; p=0.027). A similar result was obtained for all-cause mortality (HR 5.24; 95% CI 1.12-24.55; p=0.036 and HR 5.58; 95% CI 1.22-25.49; p=0.027, respectively). There were no significant differences in bleeding rates between the groups.Conclusion. This observational study demonstrates the superiority of LAA isolation as a first-line therapy over DOACs and warfarin in patients with AF and high risk of cardioembolic complications. Randomized trials are required to confirm these observations

    The Structure and Properties of High-Chromium Steels Grade X8013Cr, Resistant to Carbon Dioxide Corrosion

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    Laboratory smelting of experimental grades of steel of type 13Cr with various contents of nickel, molybdenum and niobium was carried out. The rational chemical composition of the steel and the heat treatment mode were selected, which ensure obtaining mechanical properties corresponding to the strength group X80 13Cr.Проведена лабораторная выплавка экспериментальных марок стали типа 13Cr с различным содержанием никеля, молибдена и ниобия. Выбраны рациональный химический состав стали и режим термической обработки, обеспечивающие получение механических свойств, соответствующих группе прочности X80 13Cr

    Experience of using multielectrode catheter systems to perform radiofrequency renal sympathetic denervation in patients with resistant hypertension: immediate procedural effects

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    Aim. To investigate the baseline characteristics of patients with resistant hypertension (HTN) undergoing radiofrequency renal sympathetic denervation (RD) and to determine immediate procedural effects.Material and methods. During 2018-2019, two series of radiofrequency RD procedures were performed in patients with true resistant HTN using balloon-type (bipolar ablation) or spiral-type (unipolar ablation) multielectorde catheters. The basic demographic, clinical and laboratory characteristics of included patients were assessed. A comparative analysis of two groups was carried out depending on the type of catheter used. Dynamics of office systolic blood pressure (SBP) were assessed as ∆ between the two following timepoints: at screening and at hospital discharge. The safety of radiofrequency RD was assessed. Multiple linear regression was used to determine the factors associated with the ∆ of office SBP after radiofrequency RD.Results. A total of 48 patients taking 4 (4;6) antihypertensive drugs were sequentially included. Radiofrequency RD was performed with a balloon-type catheter in 27 patients (mean age, 56±12 years old; 12 males) and with a spiral-type catheter in 21 patients (50±14 years old; 8 males). Radiofrequency RD was significantly longer in the spiral catheter group than in balloon one (110 versus 60 minutes, p<0,001), as was the mean number of RF applications (24 versus 12, p=0,002). None of the patients had acute kidney injury after RD (creatinine ∆, -0,6 µmol/L; 95% CI [-3,97; 2,78]). A total of 4 patients had complications (3 femoral arterial pseudoaneurisms, one renal arterial dissection), all of which did not affect the average length of hospital stay (from 4 to 5 days). At discharge, there was a pronounced decrease in office SBP (adjusted for baseline characteristics) with the mean of -26 mm Hg (95% CI [-29; -23]). There were following main factors associated with the office SBP ∆: smoking status (positive), baseline office SBP (positive), and blood glucose (negative).Conclusion. Radiofrequency RD using multielectode catheters is characterized by favorable short-term hemodynamic effects. We have found novel potential predictors of these effects. Further research will focus on testing initial hypotheses in the long term