615 research outputs found

    Quantum Hall effect anomaly and collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave phases of quasi-one-dimensional conductors

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    We study the collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) phases experimentally observed in organic conductors of the Bechgaard salts family. In phases that exhibit a sign reversal of the quantum Hall effect (Ribault anomaly), the coexistence of two spin-density waves gives rise to additional collective modes besides the Goldstone modes due to spontaneous translation and rotation symmetry breaking. These modes strongly affect the charge and spin response functions. We discuss some experimental consequences for the Bechgaard salts.Comment: Final version (LaTex, 8 pages, no figure), to be published in Europhys. Let

    The Little Hierarchy in Universal Extra Dimensions

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    In the standard model in universal extra dimensions (UED) the mass of the Higgs field is driven to the cutoff of the higher-dimensional theory. This re-introduces a small hierarchy since the compactification scale 1/R should not be smaller than the weak scale. In this paper we study possible solutions to this problem by considering five-dimensional theories where the Higgs field potential vanishes at tree level due to a global symmetry. We consider two avenues: a Little Higgs model and a Twin Higgs model. An obstacle for the embedding of these four-dimensional models in five dimensions is that their logarithmic sensitivity to the cutoff will result in linear divergences in the higher dimensional theory. We show that, despite the increased cutoff sensitivity of higher dimensional theories, it is possible to control the Higgs mass in these two scenarios. For the Little Higgs model studied, the phenomenology will be significantly different from the case of the standard model in UED. This is due to the fact that the compactification scale approximately coincides with the scale where the masses of the new states appear. For the case of the Twin Higgs model, the compactification scale may be considerably lower than the scale where the new states appear. If it is as low as allowed by current limits, it would be possible to experimentally observe the standard model Kaluza-Klein states as well as a new heavy quark. On the other hand, if the compactification scale is higher, then the phenomenology at colliders would coincide with the one for the standard model in UED.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    The prevalence of domestic violence among pregnant women in Nigeria: a systematic review.

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    To identify, appraise, and synthesize research evidence on the prevalence of domestic violence (DV) among pregnant women in Nigeria. We conducted a systematic review of all published studies between April 2004 and June 2016. Comprehensive searches were conducted on electronic databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, Global Health, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Directory of Open Access Journals, Google Scholar, and electronic libraries of the authors' institution. Identified articles were screened in two stages against the inclusion criteria with titles and abstract screened first followed by full-text screening. Selected articles were assessed using the "guidelines for evaluating prevalence studies," and findings were synthesized narratively. Among 19 studies that met the inclusion criteria, two articles were excluded due to low methodological quality and 17 articles were included in the review. The prevalence of DV during pregnancy in Nigeria ranged between 2.3% and 44.6% with lifetime prevalence rates ranging between 33.1% and 63.2%. Physical, sexual, psychological, and verbal abuses were the most frequent types of DV reported in this review. The most common perpetrators were husbands, as reported in 11 of the 17 studies. Pregnant women between the ages of 20 and 30 years were the most common victims of DV. Our review suggests high prevalence of DV in pregnancy among women in Nigeria and higher lifetime prevalence. However, determining an overall, synthesized accurate prevalence rate of DV within this population based on existing evidence presents a challenge. The findings have important implications for stakeholders such as planners, policy makers, maternity care providers, and researchers in public health and social policy at national, regional, and international levels toward combating the issue. OBJECTIVE METHOD RESULTS CONCLUSIO

    A Study of Activated Processes in Soft Sphere Glass

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    On the basis of long simulations of a binary mixture of soft spheres just below the glass transition, we make an exploratory study of the activated processes that contribute to the dynamics. We concentrate on statistical measures of the size of the activated processes.Comment: 17 pages, 9 postscript figures with epsf, uses harvmac.te

    Factorization of the Two Loop Four-Particle Amplitude in Superstring Theory Revisited

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    We study in detail the factorization of the newly obtained two-loop four-particle amplitude in superstring theory. In particular some missing factors from the scalar correlators are obtained correctly, in comparing with a previous study of the factorization in two-loop superstring theory. Some details for the calculation of the factorization of the kinematic factor are also presented.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure; v2, minor corrections and references update

    Factorization and Unitarity in Superstring Theory

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    The overall coefficient of the two-loop 4-particle amplitude in superstring theory is determined by making use of the factorization and unitarity. To accomplish this we computed in detail all the relevant tree and one-loop amplitudes involved and determined their overall coefficients in a consistent way.Comment: LaTex file, 19 pages, 4 figures; v2, minor corrections and figures corrected; v3, minor corrections with the English, to be published in JHE

    N=1* model and glueball superpotential from Renormalization-Group-improved perturbation theory

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    A method for computing the low-energy non-perturbative properties of SUSY GFT, starting from the microscopic lagrangian model, is presented. The method relies on covariant SUSY Feynman graph techniques, adapted to low energy, and Renormalization-Group-improved perturbation theory. We apply the method to calculate the glueball superpotential in N=1 SU(2) SYM and obtain a potential of the Veneziano-Yankielowicz type.Comment: 19 pages, no figures; added references; note added at the end of the paper; version to appear in JHE

    A Symmetry for the Cosmological Constant

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    We study a symmetry, schematically Energy -> - Energy, which suppresses matter contributions to the cosmological constant. The requisite negative energy fluctuations are identified with a "ghost" copy of the Standard Model. Gravity explicitly, but weakly, violates the symmetry, and naturalness requires General Relativity to break down at short distances with testable consequences. If this breakdown is accompanied by gravitational Lorentz-violation, the decay of flat spacetime by ghost production is acceptably slow. We show that inflation works in our scenario and can lead to the initial conditions required for standard Big Bang cosmology.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, References correcte

    The Higgs intense--coupling regime in constrained SUSY models and its astrophysical implications

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    We analyze the Higgs intense--coupling regime, in which all Higgs particles of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model are light with masses of the same order and the value of \tb the ratio of vacuum expectation values of the two Higgs fields is large, in the framework of Supergravity scenarios with non--universal soft Supersymmetry breaking scalar masses in the Higgs sector. In particular, we calculate the relic density abundance of the lightest neutralino candidate for cold dark matter and the rates in direct and indirect detection at present and future experiments. We first show that while in the mSUGRA model this regime is disfavored by present data, there are regions in the parameter space of models with non--universal Higgs masses where it can occur. We then show that because of the large value of tan⁥ÎČ\tan\beta and the relatively low values of the neutral Higgs boson masses, the cross section for neutralino--nucleon scattering is strongly enhanced in this regime and would allow for the observation of a signal in direct detection experiments such as CDMS--Soudan. The expected sensitivity of gamma--ray detectors like GLAST might be also sufficient to observe the annihilation of neutralinos in such a regime.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    One Loop Renormalizability of Spontaneously Broken Gauge Theory with a Product of Gauge Groups on Noncommutative Spacetime: the U(1) x U(1) Case

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    A generalization of the standard electroweak model to noncommutative spacetime would involve a product gauge group which is spontaneously broken. Gauge interactions in terms of physical gauge bosons are canonical with respect to massless gauge bosons as required by the exact gauge symmetry, but not so with respect to massive ones; and furthermore they are generally asymmetric in the two sets of gauge bosons. On noncommutative spacetime this already occurs for the simplest model of U(1) x U(1). We examine whether the above feature in gauge interactions can be perturbatively maintained in this model. We show by a complete one loop analysis that all ultraviolet divergences are removable with a few renormalization constants in a way consistent with the above structure.Comment: 24 pages, figures using axodraw; version 2: a new ref item [4] added to cite efforts to all orders, typos fixed and minor rewordin
