1,299 research outputs found

    State of the body in disorders of diurnal physiological rhythms and long-term hypokinesia

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    In order to study the effects of hypokinesia and circadian rhythm restructuring on the morphological and functional status of the hypothalamo-hypophysic-adrenal system, young male Wistar rats were placed in small cages for varying periods. The animals were decapitated and preparations were made from sections of the brain and adrenals and numerous destructive changes were noted in the investigated regions of the brain, indicating that the condition of these areas is directly affected by disruption of established rhythms in physiological processes

    Wire GEM detector

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    A wire GEM (WGEM) detector with a gas gap between meshes was constructed. The detector provides the amplification 5x10E5 for the gas mixture of Ar +20% CO2 at atmospheric pressure. As compared with well-known GEM detectors produced by perforation the plastic plate metalized on both sides the WGEM does not suffer from breakdowns between its electrodes and the effect of accumulation of charges on holes walls is absent. As a result the WGEM has high reliability and stability.Comment: Presented at the RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, November 2009, submitted to the Prib. Tech. Expe

    RETGEM with polyvinylchloride (PVC) electrodes

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    This paper presents a new design of the RETGEM (Resistive Electrode Thick GEM) based on electrodes made of a polyvinylchloride material (PVC). Our device can operate with gains of 10E5 as a conventional TGEM at low counting rates and as RPC in the case of high counting rates without of the transit to the violent sparks. The distinct feature of present RETGEM is the absent of the metal coating and lithographic technology for manufacturing of the protective dielectric rms. The electrodes from PVC permit to do the holes by a simple drilling machine. Detectors on a RETGEM basis could be useful in many fields of an application requiring a more cheap manufacturing and safe operation, for example, in a large neutrino experiments, in TPC, RICH systems.Comment: Presented at the RD51 Collaboration Meeting, CERN, November 200

    Quiescent Radio Emission from Southern Late-type M Dwarfs and a Spectacular Radio Flare from the M8 Dwarf DENIS 1048-3956

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    We report the results of a radio monitoring program conducted at the Australia Telescope Compact Array to search for quiescent and flaring emission from seven nearby Southern late-type M and L dwarfs. Two late-type M dwarfs, the M7 V LHS 3003 and the M8 V DENIS 1048-3956, were detected in quiescent emission at 4.80 GHz. The observed emission is consistent with optically thin gyrosynchrotron emission from mildly relativistic (~1-10 keV) electrons with source densities n_e ~ 10 G magnetic fields. DENIS 1048-3956 was also detected in two spectacular, short-lived flares, one at 4.80 GHz (peak f_nu = 6.0+/-0.8 mJy) and one at 8.64 GHz (peak f_nu = 29.6+/-1.0 mJy) approximately 10 minutes later. The high brightness temperature (T_B >~ 10^13 K), short emission period (~4-5 minutes), high circular polarization (~100%), and apparently narrow spectral bandwidth of these events imply a coherent emission process in a region of high electron density (n_e ~ 10^11-10^12 cm^-3) and magnetic field strength (B ~ 1 kG). If the two flare events are related, the apparent frequency drift in the emission suggests that the emitting source either moved into regions of higher electron or magnetic flux density; or was compressed, e.g., by twisting field lines or gas motions. The quiescent fluxes from the radio-emitting M dwarfs violate the Gudel-Benz empirical radio/X-ray relations, confirming a trend previously noted by Berger et al. (abridged)Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio Emission and Particle Acceleration in SN 1993J

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    The radio light curves of SN 1993J are found to be well fit by a synchrotron spectrum, suppressed by external free-free absorption and synchrotron self-absorption. A standard r^-2 circumstellar medium is assumed, and found to be adequate. The magnetic field and number density of relativistic electrons behind the shock are determined. The strength of the magnetic field argues strongly for turbulent amplification behind the shock. The ratio of the magnetic and thermal energy density behind the shock is ~0.14. Synchrotron and Coulomb cooling dominate the losses of the electrons. The injected electron spectrum has a power law index -2.1, consistent with diffusive shock acceleration, and the number density scales with the thermal electron energy density. The total energy density of the relativistic electrons is, if extrapolated to gamma ~ 1, ~ 5x10^-4 of the thermal energy density. The free-free absorption required is consistent with previous calculations of the circumstellar temperature of SN 1993J, T_e ~ (2-10)x10^5 K. The relative importance of free-free absorption, Razin suppression, and the synchrotron self-absorption effect for other supernovae are briefly discussed. Guidelines for the modeling and interpretation of VLBI observations are given.Comment: accepted for Ap.

    Formation of Multicharged Ions at Quasi-Gasdynamic Plasma Confinement in a Mirror trap

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    It was shown in [1] that an increase in plasma density Ne in sources of multicharged ions leads to a substantial increase of ion current and improves slightly the ion distribution over charge states. Validity of this statement was verified in experiments with plasma densities not exceeding several units of 1012 cm-3. It was revealed [2] that, for the electron densities exceeding 1013 cm-3, the regime of plasma confinement in a trap changes significantly, the scaling described in [1] is no longer valid, and the quasi-gasdynamic regime of plasma confinement is realized. The plasma confinement time ti in this regime weakly depends on electron density. Consequently, the parameter governing formation of multicharged ions, Neti , grows as the electron density is increased. This means that an increase in plasma density results not only in an increase in the total ion current but also in the shift of the ion charge state distribution towards higher charge states. The present work concerns experimental investigation of the quasi-gasdynamic regime of confinement of a hot plasma in a direct magnetic trap and formation of multicharged ions in this regime. Experiments were conducted on the setup described in detail in [3]. Millimeter wave radiation with maximum power W=130 kW, frequency f=37.5 GHz, and pulse duration up to 1.5 ms was focused along magnetic field lines into a simple mirror trap with mirror ratio 3.4, length 25 cm, and maximum magnetic field 2.5 T. The temperature and density of the electrons were determined from spectral analysis of X-ray bremsstrahlung of plasma in the 2-20 keV range and from the transmission factor of diag-nostic microwave radiation through the plasma. It is concluded that a quasi-gasdynamic regime of plasma confinement is realized. Ion distribution over charge states in the quasi-gasdynamic regime is calculated and the re-sults obtained are compared with experimental data. A strong effect of anisotropy of the electron distribution function over energies on the efficiency of plasma confinement and formation of multicharged ions is considered. Problems of plasma stability in an axisymmetric mirror trap un-der powerful microwave pumping are addressed

    RPC with low-resistive phosphate glass electrodes as a candidate for the CBM TOF

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    Usage of electrodes made of glass with low bulk resistivity seems to be a promising way to adapt the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) to the high-rate environment of the upcoming CBM experiment. A pilot four-gap RPC sample with electrodes made of phosphate glass, which has bulk resistivity in the order of 10^10 Ohm cm, has been studied with MIP beam for TOF applications. The tests have yielded satisfactory results: the efficiency remains above 95% and the time resolution stays within 120 ps up to the particle rate of 18 kHz/cm2. The increase in rate from 2.25 to 18 kHz/cm2 leads to an increase of estimated "tails" fraction in the time spectrum from 1.5% to 4%.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Elsevier Scienc

    "Better Safe than Sorry" - Individual Risk-free Pension Schemes in the European Union - Macroeconomic Benefits, the Mobile Working Citizen's Perspective and Why Nots

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    Variations between the diverse pension systems in the member states of the European Union hamper labour market mobility, across country borders but also within the countries of the European Union. From a macroeconomic perspective, and in the light of demographic pressure, this paper argues that allowing individual instead of collective pension building would greatly improve labour market flexibility and thus enhance the functioning of the monetary union. I argue that working citizens would benefit, for three reasons, from pension saving in a risk-free savings account. First, citizens would have a clear picture of the accumulation of their own pension savings throughout their working life. Second, they would pay hardly any extra costs and, third, once retired they would not be subject to the whims of government or other pension fund managers. This paper investigates the feasibility of individual pension building under various parameter settings by calculating the pension saved during a working life and the pension dis-saved after retirement. The findings show that there are no reasons why the European Union and individual member states should not allow individual risk-free pension savings accounts. This would have macroeconomic benefits and provide a solid pension provision that can enhance mobility, instead of engaging workers in different mandatory collective pension schemes that exist around in the European Union