110 research outputs found

    Analisis Perencanaan Persediaan Kacang Kedelai pada Unit USAha Primer Koperasi Produsen Tempe Tahu Indonesia di Palembang

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    The purpose of this research is to determine the soybean of raw material inventory planning that economical in Primkopti Palembang. After did the experiment, the writer found out a problem, such as Primkopti did not know of total the economist purchase that should they do. The problem is used from the first interviews. The writer use interviews to get the primary data and documentation to get the secondary data. Therefore, the writer purposed to give advice for company that there was a method which could use to determine the total of economist purchase, was economic order quantity (EOQ) method, that would count by the formula that wrote by Yamit (2011). And also to know the total inventory cost that counted by the formula wrote by Buffa and Rakesh (1996). The writer get the results of this research is that Primkopti doesn’t have surplus about soybean of raw materials inventory in 2009, 2010, and 2012. But in 2011, Primkopti has surplus the raw materials

    Analysis of Iodine Content in Seaweed and Estimation of Iodine Intake

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    Seaweed has become food the most popular in many Asian countries because apart from has a distinctive taste, seaweeds having the mineral content needed by the body. Seaweed iodine containing minerals being obtained from sea water, who was one of micro nonmetallic minerals which is very much needed by the body. Lack of iodine can cause cretinism, hyacinth, and the production of hormone low ( hypothyroidism due to enlargement the thyroid gland. Excess intake iodine also can cause an impairment of health. Recommendations intake iodine per day of by 0.15 mg/day. The purpose of this research to know the iodine on seaweed (seaweed ) in the village Punaga sub district Mangarabombang district Takalar. The kind of research laboratory this is a observation to technique quantitative analysis. Technique the sample collection in purposive sampling as many as 5 samples. Next sample each in destructor dry then examined in of the spectrophotometer Uv-visible at wavelengths 463,9 nm. Based on research results obtained levels of iodine on seaweed (seaweed ) are 1.72 µg/g, 1.92 µg/g, 1.73 µg/g, 1.94 µg/g, and 1.89 µg/g it shows that seaweed has any iodine high

    Pengaruh Harga terhadap Keputusan Siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang dalam Membeli Ponsel Blackberry Curve (Studi Kasus)

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    The Purpose of this research is to determine the effect of price against the decisions of consumers in purchasing BlackBerry Curve at Senior High School students at Muhammadiyah 1 Palembang. The writer would like to know how prices affect students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. Data used is the purchase decision, which is the dependent variable (Y) and the influence of price is the independent variable (X). Quantitative method was used in this research, in taking the samples, the writer used the stratified random sampling technique. 95 samples were asked to complete the questionnaire. The obtained data were processed by using sloven\u27s formula as quoted by Husein (2001) then those data were analyzed by using the theoretical framework developed by private (2011). The writer found that there was price effect against students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. The result showed that the coefficient regression value was 0,611 it meant that there was a positive correlation between price affect against students\u27 decisions to buy the BlackBerry Curve. Based on the value above, the writer can conclude that any value addition carried a price variable, then an increase in students purchasing decision to buy a BlackBerry Curve

    Comparison Between Propolis and Celecoxib as Anti-inflammatory Agent in Rat with Knee Synovitis

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    Introduction. Synovitis is an inflammation occurs in a joint marked by an increase in macrophage numbers in synovium resulting in cartilago and bone destruction by production of fibroblasts. Administration of non-steroid anti inflammation drug (NSAID) in management of arthritis and synovitis has its own complications, including gastrointestinal and bleeding disorder. Propolis, a natural bee product, is recognized as one of traditional pain killers at knee joint pain containing flavonoid and caffeic acid phenolic esters (CAPE). Several studies show its anti-inflammation effect, but its effect compared to other NSAID is still unknown. Therefore the aim of the study is to compare Propolis and celecoxib anti-inflammation effect in rat with knee joint synovitis. Materials and Methods. In this experimental study, Wistar strain rats were used. They were divided into three groups. Each group were given peptidoglycan only, peptidoglycan followed by Propolis, and peptidoglycan followed by celecoxib. Scoring based on number of macrophages and synovitis degree were evaluated by immunohistochemistry CD 68 and HE staining. It was evaluated in day 1, 3, and 14. Those scores were collected and analyzed using ANOVA. Results. Increasing number of macrophages and synovitis degree for all groups occur on day 3 and continuously decreasing until day 14. There is a significant difference in number of macrophages between grup 1 and the other two groups on day 3 (p<0.05). It shows that there is an anti-inflammation effect of both propolis and celecoxib. On day 3 and 14, the number of macrophages in grup 2 were five times lower than grup 3. (p<0.05) Conclusions. Propolis anti-inflammation effect shows 4-5 folds stronger than celecoxib in knee joint synovitis

    Pengaruh Pemberian Penghargaan oleh Guru Ekonomi terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas X Man 2 Pontianak

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    This thesis aims to find out how the influence appreciation gift on the motivation study of student in class X MAN 2 Pontianak year 2013/2014. The methode used is descriptive, methode in the from of association studies. With a population of 238 student and a total sample of 70 student by using simple random sampling technique. The data collection techique used are direct commucitation technique, indrect communication technique and document technique with the data collecting tools such as interview guideline, questionnaire and document. Based on the data analysis, there is the influence of appreciation gift on the motivation study of student in the class X MAN 2 Pontianak. The rate of the influence is 36,7%. The appreciation gift of student class X MAN 2 Pontianak in good category with a persentage of 70%. Whereas the rate of the motivation of student in class X MAN 2 Pontianak in good category with a percentage of 76%

    Efficacy Quotient of ESWL Piezolith Richard Wolf 3000 Machine in Patientswith Ureteral Stones in Dr. Cipto MangunkusumoNational Hospital 2008 - 2011

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    Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is the most common method of ureteral stone management. Since 2008, RSCM has ben using ESWL piezolith 3000 richard wolf and efficacy quotient (EQ) value have not yet studied. The study aims was to determine the efficacy quotient (EQ) of ESWL using piezolith richard wolf 3000 machine for ureteral stone by analyzing free-stone rate with location of stones, number of stones, stone burden, stone opacity, obstruction and kidney function. This cross sectional study was carried out in January 2008-December 2011, with multivariate analytical study. Ninety five percent (n=113) of 119 patients were declared stone free after the first ESWL. EQ value was 0.89. Stone size was the correlated with stone free rate (p<0.05). It is concluded that ESWL procedure using richard wolf piezolith 3000 machine patients had better EQ and better stone-free rate than previous reports using similar machines
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