3,047 research outputs found

    De Sitter quantum scalar field and horizon holography

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    We show explicitly that free quantum field theory in de Sitter background restricted on the cosmological horizon produces another quantum field theory unitarily equivalent with the original one. Symmetry properties descending from the dual theory are also remarked. In the restricted theory the thermal properties, known for de Sitter quantum field theory, can be proved straightforwardly.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, minor corrections, added reference

    QFT holography near the horizon of Schwarzschild-like spacetimes

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    It is argued that free QFT can be defined on the event horizon of a Schwarzschild-like spacetime and that this theory is unitarily and algebraically equivalent to QFT in the bulk (near the horizon). Under that unitary equivalence the bulk hidden SL(2,R) symmetry found in a previous work becomes manifest on the event horizon, it being induced by a group of horizon diffeomorphisms. The class of generators of that group can be enlarged to include a full Virasoro algebra of fields which are defined on the event horizon. These generators have a quantum representation in QFT on the event horizon and thus in the bulk.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, latex 2e, Relevant references adde

    Local incompatibility of the microlocal spectrum condition with the KMS property along spacelike directions in quantum field theory on curved spacetime

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    States of a generic quantum field theory on a curved spacetime are considered which satisfy the KMS condition with respect to an evolution associated with a complete (Killing) vector field. It is shown that at any point where the vector field is spacelike, such states cannot satisfy a certain microlocal condition which is weaker than the microlocal spectrum condition in the case of asymptotically free fields

    Black hole entropy from classical Liouville theory

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    In this article we compute the black hole entropy by finding a classical central charge of the Virasoro algebra of a Liouville theory using the Cardy formula. This is done by performing a dimensional reduction of the Einstein Hilbert action with the ansatz of spherical symmetry and writing the metric in conformally flat form. We obtain two coupled field equations. Using the near horizon approximation the field equation for the conformal factor decouples. The one concerning the conformal factor is a Liouville equation, it posses the symmetry induced by a Virasoro algebra. We argue that it describes the microstates of the black hole, namely the generators of this symmetry do not change the thermodynamical properties of the black hole.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, to appear on JHE

    Rigorous steps towards holography in asymptotically flat spacetimes

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    Scalar QFT on the boundary +\Im^+ at null infinity of a general asymptotically flat 4D spacetime is constructed using the algebraic approach based on Weyl algebra associated to a BMS-invariant symplectic form. The constructed theory is invariant under a suitable unitary representation of the BMS group with manifest meaning when the fields are interpreted as suitable extensions to +\Im^+ of massless minimally coupled fields propagating in the bulk. The analysis of the found unitary BMS representation proves that such a field on +\Im^+ coincides with the natural wave function constructed out of the unitary BMS irreducible representation induced from the little group Δ\Delta, the semidirect product between SO(2) and the two dimensional translational group. The result proposes a natural criterion to solve the long standing problem of the topology of BMS group. Indeed the found natural correspondence of quantum field theories holds only if the BMS group is equipped with the nuclear topology rejecting instead the Hilbert one. Eventually some theorems towards a holographic description on +\Im^+ of QFT in the bulk are established at level of CC^* algebras of fields for strongly asymptotically predictable spacetimes. It is proved that preservation of a certain symplectic form implies the existence of an injective *-homomorphism from the Weyl algebra of fields of the bulk into that associated with the boundary +\Im^+. Those results are, in particular, applied to 4D Minkowski spacetime where a nice interplay between Poincar\'e invariance in the bulk and BMS invariance on the boundary at +\Im^+ is established at level of QFT. It arises that the *-homomorphism admits unitary implementation and Minkowski vacuum is mapped into the BMS invariant vacuum on +\Im^+.Comment: 62 pages, amslatex, xy package; revised section 2 and the conclusions; corrected some typos; added some references; accepted for pubblication on Rev. Math. Phy

    Poisson Algebra of Diffeomorphism Generators in a Spacetime Containing a Bifurcation

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    In this article we will analyze the possibility of a nontrivial central extension of the Poisson algebra of the diffeomorphism generators, which respect certain boundary conditions on the black hole bifurcation. The origin of a possible central extension in the algebra is due to the existence of boundary terms in the in the canonical generators. The existence of such boundary terms depend on the exact boundary conditions one takes. We will check two possible boundary conditions i.e. fixed bolt metric and fixed surface gravity. In the case of fixed metric the the action acquires a boundary term associated to the bifurcation but this is canceled in the Legendre transformation and so absent in the canonical generator and so in this case the possibility of a nontrivial central extension is ruled out. In the case of fixed surface gravity the boundary term in the action is absent but present in the Hamiltonian. Also in this case we will see that there is no nontrivial central extension, also if there exist a boundary term in the generator.Comment: LaTex 20 pages, some misprints corrected, 2 references added. Accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Central charges and boundary fields for two dimensional dilatonic black holes

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    In this paper we first show that within the Hamiltonian description of general relativity, the central charge of a near horizon asymptotic symmetry group is zero, and therefore that the entropy of the system cannot be estimated using Cardy's formula. This is done by mapping a static black hole to a two dimensional space. We explain how such a charge can only appear to a static observer who chooses to stay permanently outside the black hole. Then an alternative argument is given for the presence of a universal central charge. Finally we suggest an effective quantum theory on the horizon that is compatible with the thermodynamics behaviour of the black hole.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, LaTex 2e, references adde

    Horizons, Constraints, and Black Hole Entropy

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    Black hole entropy appears to be ``universal''--many independent calculations, involving models with very different microscopic degrees of freedom, all yield the same density of states. I discuss the proposal that this universality comes from the behavior of the underlying symmetries of the classical theory. To impose the condition that a black hole be present, we must partially break the classical symmetries of general relativity, and the resulting Goldstone boson-like degrees of freedom may account for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. In particular, I demonstrate that the imposition of a ``stretched horizon'' constraint modifies the algebra of symmetries at the horizon, allowing the use of standard conformal field theory techniques to determine the asymptotic density of states. The results reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy without any need for detailed assumptions about the microscopic theory.Comment: 16 pages, talk given at the "Peyresq Physics 10 Meeting on Micro and Macro structures of spacetime

    Tunnelling Methods and Hawking's radiation: achievements and prospects

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    The aim of this work is to review the tunnelling method as an alternative description of the quantum radiation from black holes and cosmological horizons. The method is first formulated and discussed for the case of stationary black holes, then a foundation is provided in terms of analytic continuation throughout complex space-time. The two principal implementations of the tunnelling approach, which are the null geodesic method and the Hamilton-Jacobi method, are shown to be equivalent in the stationary case. The Hamilton-Jacobi method is then extended to cover spherically symmetric dynamical black holes, cosmological horizons and naked singularities. Prospects and achievements are discussed in the conclusions.Comment: Topical Review commissioned and accepted for publication by "Classical and Quantum Gravity". 101 pages; 6 figure