4,001 research outputs found

    Imaging the environmental ultraviolet

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    A technique has been developed to visually represent measured environmental ultraviolet radiation using a digital photograph and measurements of the UV and visible light intensity. The method involves the use of a personal pocket UV meter, an optional lux meter and a simple image processing technique to present visual images that are weighted to the ambient ultraviolet, providing images that highlight regions of high ultraviolet intensity that can be compared with a visible photograph. The technique described, provides a method students can follow to better develop an understanding of the potentially harmful ultraviolet irradiance with respect to visible daylight, indicating that the ambient ultraviolet and visible environment are not directly related, with ultraviolet intensity being dependent on many different factors and not the visual brightness of the location alone

    A variational approach to Ising spin glasses in finite dimensions

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    We introduce a hierarchical class of approximations of the random Ising spin glass in dd dimensions. The attention is focused on finite clusters of spins where the action of the rest of the system is properly taken into account. At the lower level (cluster of a single spin) our approximation coincides with the SK model while at the highest level it coincides with the true dd-dimensional system. The method is variational and it uses the replica approach to spin glasses and the Parisi ansatz for the order parameter. As a result we have rigorous bounds for the quenched free energy which become more and more precise when larger and larger clusters are considered.Comment: 16 pages, Plain TeX, uses Harvmac.tex, 4 ps figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    A Numerical Study of Ultrametricity in Finite Dimensional Spin Glasses

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    We use a constrained Monte Carlo technique to analyze ultrametric features of a 4 dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass with quenched couplings J=\pm 1. We find that in the large volume limit an ultrametric structure emerges quite clearly in the overlap of typical equilibrium configurations.Comment: 8 one column pages, latex, 4 figures with epsfig.st

    On the Use of Optimized Monte Carlo Methods for Studying Spin Glasses

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    We start from recently published numerical data by Hatano and Gubernatis cond-mat/0008115 to discuss properties of convergence to equilibrium of optimized Monte Carlo methods (bivariate multi canonical and parallel tempering). We show that these data are not thermalized, and they lead to an erroneous physical picture. We shed some light on why the bivariate multi canonical Monte Carlo method can fail.Comment: 6 pages, 5 eps figures include

    On the approach to equilibrium of an Hamiltonian chain of anharmonic oscillators

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    In this note we study the approach to equilibrium of a chain of anharmonic oscillators. We find indications that a sufficiently large system always relaxes to the usual equilibrium distribution. There is no sign of an ergodicity threshold. The time however to arrive to equilibrium diverges when g0g \to 0, gg being the anharmonicity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Small Window Overlaps Are Effective Probes of Replica Symmetry Breaking in 3D Spin Glasses

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    We compute numerically small window overlaps in the three dimensional Edwards Anderson spin glass. We show that they behave in the way implied by the Replica Symmetry Breaking Ansatz, that they do not qualitatively differ from the full volume overlap and do not tend to a trivial function when increasing the lattice volume. On the contrary we show they are affected by small finite volume effects, and are interesting tools for the study of the features of the spin glass phase.Comment: 9 pages plus 5 figure

    Scale Invariance in disordered systems: the example of the Random Field Ising Model

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    We show by numerical simulations that the correlation function of the random field Ising model (RFIM) in the critical region in three dimensions has very strong fluctuations and that in a finite volume the correlation length is not self-averaging. This is due to the formation of a bound state in the underlying field theory. We argue that this non perturbative phenomenon is not particular to the RFIM in 3-d. It is generic for disordered systems in two dimensions and may also happen in other three dimensional disordered systems

    Scale Invariance and Self-averaging in disordered systems

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    In a previous paper we found that in the random field Ising model at zero temperature in three dimensions the correlation length is not self-averaging near the critical point and that the violation of self-averaging is maximal. This is due to the formation of bound states in the underlying field theory. We present a similar study for the case of disordered Potts and Ising ferromagnets in two dimensions near the critical temperature. In the random Potts model the correlation length is not self-averaging near the critical temperature but the violation of self-averaging is weaker than in the random field case. In the random Ising model we find still weaker violations of self-averaging and we cannot rule out the possibility of the restoration of self-averaging in the infinite volume limit.Comment: 7 pages, 4 ps figure

    A numerical study of the overlap probability distribution and its sample-to-sample fluctuations in a mean-field model

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    In this paper we study the fluctuations of the probability distributions of the overlap in mean field spin glasses in the presence of a magnetic field on the De Almeida-Thouless line. We find that there is a large tail in the left part of the distribution that is dominated by the contributions of rare samples. Different techniques are used to examine the data and to stress on different aspects of the contribution of rare samples.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Equilibrium and off-equilibrium simulations of the 4d Gaussian spin glass

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    In this paper we study the on and off-equilibrium properties of the four dimensional Gaussian spin glass. In the static case we determine with more precision that in previous simulations both the critical temperature as well as the critical exponents. In the off-equilibrium case we settle the general form of the autocorrelation function, and show that is possible to obtain dynamically, for the first time, a value for the order parameter.Comment: 16 pages and 13 figures, uses epsfig.sty and rotate.sty. Some minor grammatical changes. Also available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.htm