9 research outputs found

    Remediasi Elektrokinetik Menggunakan Elektroda 2-d Hexagonal Pada Tanah Limbah Pertambangan Emas Yang Mengandung Tembaga (Cu) Dan Merkuri (Hg) Di Kokap Kulonprogo YOGYAKARTA

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    Amalgamation is used to extract gold in a gold mining at Kokap, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta by local miners. The equipment of this process is a drum in certain shape or gelundung. To get pure gold, the gold ores that also contain Cu and other metals are heated and the result of this process is called bullion. In the process of purification it will produce a tailing which still contains heavy metals such as Cu, Hg, Cd, etc. To remove Cu and Hg pollutants in the tailing, we used electro-kinetics method by 2D hexagonal configuration with direct current of 40 volt and 0.2 ampere with 15 hours of operation. Every 3 hours the tailing is sampled for analyses of Cu by AAS method. The results show that there is significant decrease in Cu concentration by 61 % and Hg by 36 %. Keywords: Electro-kinetic process, Remediation, Gold mining, Cu and Hg pollutant

    Realisasi Pementingan Informasi pada Kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris

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    To achieve the goal of using language, the speaker of a language is structuring the linguistic construction as effective as possible. Moreover, he is able to modify the linguistic construction based on the prominence of the information. By so doing, language will meet its function, serving as the tool of delivering message to the interlocutor. However, there are many ways to mark the important information, such as supra-segmental, morphological, and syntactic ways. Syntactic marking of information packaging is called syntactic choice. Thus, this paper aims at describing the ways to package important information in English as one of widely spoken languages worldwide. This study belongs to descriptive qualitative study. The data were taken from realiable sources, written or spoken by native speakers. From the analysis, it is evident that English has several ways of structuring prominent information and resulting in some noncanonical constructions, namely topicalization, dislocation, cleft, existential, and so forth

    Application of the Make A Match Model Assisted with Esapi Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes

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    This research aims to describe the application of the model a make a match assisted by ESAPI media to improve student learning outcomes in grade IV SDN Wonoketingal 02. Classroom action research was conducted in class IV SDN Wonoketingal 02 with a research subject of 20 students. This study uses design classroom action research from Kemmis and MC. Taggart and last for 2 cycles. The independent variable of this study is the make a match model and ESAPI media, while the dependent variable in this study is student learning outcomes. Data collection methods used are qualitative and quantitative data. The result showed an increase in mastery learning outcomes aspects of knowledge in the first cycle of 73.3% and an increase in the second cycle of 77.2% in good qualifications. The completeness of both cycles is 3.9% with a good category. This proves that the application of the make a match model assisted by ESAPI media can improve student learning outcomes in grade IV SDN Wonoketingal 02

    Pelatihan Jiwa Kepemimpinan Kepada Komunitas Pencinta Alam Kelurahan Pondok Pucung

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    Kegiatan Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bekal kepemimpinan dan manajemen organisasi kepada seluruh anggota organisasi dalam bentuk penyuluhan mental kepemimpinan, pembinaan kepemimpinan, kekompakan, tanggung jawab dalam menjalankan kegiatan organisasi melatih dan mengembangkan jiwa kepemimpinan kepada seluruh anggota Komunitas Pecinta Alam ARIMBIN yang berada di Kelurahan Pondok Pucung, kelak siapa saja yang nantinya menjadi pemimpin organisasi tersebut sudah mempunyai bekal karakter pemimpin yang layak agar mampu memegang peran penting didalam organisasi dengan baik. Seorang pemimpin harus mempunyai karakter yang tegas, disegani, wibawa, bisa mengajak anggota lain untuk bekerja dalam tim, bisa memotivasi anggota, bisa mengambil keputusan dengan pertimbangan yang matang dan lain sebagainya. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukan bahwa sebelum pelaksanaan PKM ini seluruh anggota masih kurang menguasai materi tentang kepemimpinan, namun setelah pelaksanaan kegiatan dilakukan peserta kegiatan PKM ini sudah dapat memahami aspek-aspek kepemimpinan yang sebenarnya sangat luas, ini semua dapat terlihat dari hasil sesi tanya jawab yang diberikan kepada peserta saat kegiatan PKM ini berlangsung. Metode yang digunakan adalah memberikan pelatihan melalui pembekalan materi kepemimpinan kepada seluruh anggota Komunitas Pecinta Alam ARIMBIN kemudian berdiskusi bersama terkait permasalahan yang ada didalam organisasi tersebut sehingga dapat memberikan solusi yang tepat