473 research outputs found

    Hard to "tune in": neural mechanisms of live face-to-face interaction with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder

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    Persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are known to have difficulty in eye contact (EC). This may make it difficult for their partners during face to face communication with them. To elucidate the neural substrates of live inter-subject interaction of ASD patients and normal subjects, we conducted hyper-scanning functional MRI with 21 subjects with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) paired with typically-developed (normal) subjects, and with 19 pairs of normal subjects as a control. Baseline EC was maintained while subjects performed real-time joint-attention task. The task-related effects were modeled out, and inter-individual correlation analysis was performed on the residual time-course data. ASD-Normal pairs were less accurate at detecting gaze direction than Normal-Normal pairs. Performance was impaired both in ASD subjects and in their normal partners. The left occipital pole (OP) activation by gaze processing was reduced in ASD subjects, suggesting that deterioration of eye-cue detection in ASD is related to impairment of early visual processing of gaze. On the other hand, their normal partners showed greater activity in the bilateral occipital cortex and the right prefrontal area, indicating a compensatory workload. Inter-brain coherence in the right IFG that was observed in the Normal-Normal pairs (Saito et al., 2010) during EC diminished in ASD-Normal pairs. Intra-brain functional connectivity between the right IFG and right superior temporal sulcus (STS) in normal subjects paired with ASD subjects was reduced compared with in Normal-Normal pairs. This functional connectivity was positively correlated with performance of the normal partners on the eye-cue detection. Considering the integrative role of the right STS in gaze processing, inter-subject synchronization during EC may be a prerequisite for eye cue detection by the normal partner

    Supergravity, Supermembrane and M(atrix) model on PP-Waves

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    In the first part of this paper, we study the back-reaction of large-N light cone momentum on the maximally supersymmetric anti-pp-wave background. This gives the type IIA geometry of large-N D0-branes on curved space with fluxes. By taking an appropriate decoupling limit, we conjecture a new duality between string theory on that background and dual field theory on D0-branes which we derive by calculating linear coupling terms. Agreement of decoupling quantities, SO(3) \times SO(6) isometry and Higgs branch on both theories are shown. Also we find whenever dual field theory is weakly coupled, the curvature of the geometry is large. In the second part of this paper, we derive the supermembrane action on a general pp-wave background only through the properties of null Killing vector and through this, derive the Matrix model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX. v2: corrected interpretation of supergravity solutio

    Probing black holes in non-perturbative gauge theory

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    We use a 0-brane to probe a ten-dimensional near-extremal black hole with N units of 0-brane charge. We work directly in the dual strongly-coupled quantum mechanics, using mean-field methods to describe the black hole background non-perturbatively. We obtain the distribution of W boson masses, and find a clear separation between light and heavy degrees of freedom. To localize the probe we introduce a resolving time and integrate out the heavy modes. After a non-trivial change of coordinates, the effective potential for the probe agrees with supergravity expectations. We compute the entropy of the probe, and find that the stretched horizon of the black hole arises dynamically in the quantum mechanics, as thermal restoration of unbroken U(N+1) gauge symmetry. Our analysis of the quantum mechanics predicts a correct relation between the horizon radius and entropy of a black hole.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, 8 eps figures. v2: references added. v3: more reference

    Processing load imposed by line breaks in English temporal Wh-questions

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    Prosody plays an important role in online sentence processing both explicitly and implicitly. It has been shown that prosodically packaging together parts of a sentence that are interpreted together facilitates processing of the sentence. This applies not only to explicit prosody but also implicit prosody. The present work hypothesizes that a line break in a written text induces an implicit prosodic break, which, in turn, should result in a processing bias for interpreting English wh-questions. Two experiments-one self-paced reading study and one questionnaire study-are reported. Both supported the "line break" hypothesis mentioned above. The results of the self-paced reading experiment showed that unambiguous wh-questions were read faster when the location of line breaks (or frame breaks) matched the scope of a wh-phrase (main or embedded clause) than when they did not. The questionnaire tested sentences with an ambiguous wh-phrase, one that could attach either to the main or the embedded clause. These sentences were interpreted as attaching to the main clause more often than to the embedded clause when a line break appeared after the main verb, but not when it appeared after the embedded verb

    A Matrix Model for Baryons and Nuclear Forces

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    We propose a new matrix model describing multi-baryon systems. We derive the action from open string theory on the wrapped baryon vertex D-branes embedded in the D4-D8 model of large N holographic QCD. The positions of k baryons are unified into k x k matrices, with spin/isospin of the baryons encoded in a set of k-vectors. Holographic baryons are known to be very small in the large 't Hooft coupling limit, and our model offers a better systematic approach to dynamics of such baryons at short distances. We compute energetics and spectra (k=1), and also short-distance nuclear force (k=2). In particular, we obtain a new size of the holographic baryon and find a precise form of the repulsive core of nucleons. This matrix model complements the instanton soliton picture of holographic baryons, whose small size turned out to be well below the natural length scale of the approximation involved there. Our results show that, nevertheless, the basic properties of holographic baryons obtained there are robust under stringy corrections within a few percents.Comment: 30 pages. v3: more comments added, published versio

    Time-symmetric initial data of large brane-localized black hole in RS-II model

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    In the aim of shedding a new light on the classical black hole evaporation conjecture stating that a static brane-localized black hole (BH) larger than the bulk curvature scale does not exist in Randall-Sundrum II (RS-II) model, we investigate time-symmetric initial data with a brane-localized apparent horizon (AH) and analyzed its properties. We find that a three-parameter family of such initial data can be constructed by simply placing a brane on a constant time surface of Schwarzschild anti-de Sitter space. By this method, we unambiguously confirm that initial data with an arbitrarily large AH area do exist. We compare the ADM mass and the horizon area of our initial data with that of the black string (BS) solution, and find that any initial data constructed by this method do not have a smaller mass than the BS solution when the horizon area is larger than the size determined by the bulk curvature scale. We further investigate what kind of configuration realizes the minimum mass for the same AH area. The configuration that realizes the smallest mass turns out to be the one close to the BS truncated by a cap. We also demonstrate that the same method applies to construct initial data in (3+1)-dimensional RS-II brane world. In this case an exact solution of a brane-localized BH exists but BS solution does not. Nevertheless, the behavior of the initial data is quite similar in both cases. We find that the known exact solution always has a smaller mass than our initial data with the same horizon area. This result enforces the standard belief that the exact BH solution is the most stable black object in the four-dimensional RS-II model. These results are all consistent with the classical BH evaporation conjecture, but unfortunately it turns out that they do not provide a strong support of it.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Typo correcte

    Serum protein profile in systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis differentiates response versus nonresponse to therapy

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    Systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA) is a disease of unknown etiology with an unpredictable response to treatment. We examined two groups of patients to determine whether there are serum protein profiles reflective of active disease and predictive of response to therapy. The first group (n = 8) responded to conventional therapy. The second group (n = 15) responded to an experimental antibody to the IL-6 receptor (MRA). Paired sera from each patient were analyzed before and after treatment, using surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SELDI-TOF MS). Despite the small number of patients, highly significant and consistent differences were observed before and after response to therapy in all patients. Of 282 spectral peaks identified, 23 had mean signal intensities significantly different (P < 0.001) before treatment and after response to treatment. The majority of these differences were observed regardless of whether patients responded to conventional therapy or to MRA. These peaks represent potential biomarkers of active disease. One such peak was identified as serum amyloid A, a known acute-phase reactant in SJIA, validating the SELDI-TOF MS platform as a useful technology in this context. Finally, profiles from serum samples obtained at the time of active disease were compared between the two patient groups. Nine peaks had mean signal intensities significantly different (P < 0.001) between active disease in patients who responded to conventional therapy and in patients who failed to respond, suggesting a possible profile predictive of response. Collectively, these data demonstrate the presence of serum proteomic profiles in SJIA that are reflective of active disease and suggest the feasibility of using the SELDI-TOF MS platform used as a tool for proteomic profiling and discovery of novel biomarkers in autoimmune diseases

    Galileon Hairs of Dyson Spheres, Vainshtein's Coiffure and Hirsute Bubbles

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    We study the fields of spherically symmetric thin shell sources, a.k.a. Dyson spheres, in a {\it fully nonlinear covariant} theory of gravity with the simplest galileon field. We integrate exactly all the field equations once, reducing them to first order nonlinear equations. For the simplest galileon, static solutions come on {\it six} distinct branches. On one, a Dyson sphere surrounds itself with a galileon hair, which far away looks like a hair of any Brans-Dicke field. The hair changes below the Vainshtein scale, where the extra galileon terms dominate the minimal gradients of the field. Their hair looks more like a fuzz, because the galileon terms are suppressed by the derivative of the volume determinant. It shuts off the `hair bunching' over the `angular' 2-sphere. Hence the fuzz remains dilute even close to the source. This is really why the Vainshtein's suppression of the modifications of gravity works close to the source. On the other five branches, the static solutions are all {\it singular} far from the source, and shuttered off from asymptotic infinity. One of them, however, is really the self-accelerating branch, and the singularity is removed by turning on time dependence. We give examples of regulated solutions, where the Dyson sphere explodes outward, and its self-accelerating side is nonsingular. These constructions may open channels for nonperturbative transitions between branches, which need to be addressed further to determine phenomenological viability of multi-branch gravities.Comment: 29+1 pages, LaTeX, 2 .pdf figure

    Matrix Models for the Black Hole Information Paradox

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    We study various matrix models with a charge-charge interaction as toy models of the gauge dual of the AdS black hole. These models show a continuous spectrum and power-law decay of correlators at late time and infinite N, implying information loss in this limit. At finite N, the spectrum is discrete and correlators have recurrences, so there is no information loss. We study these models by a variety of techniques, such as Feynman graph expansion, loop equations, and sum over Young tableaux, and we obtain explicitly the leading 1/N^2 corrections for the spectrum and correlators. These techniques are suggestive of possible dual bulk descriptions. At fixed order in 1/N^2 the spectrum remains continuous and no recurrence occurs, so information loss persists. However, the interchange of the long-time and large-N limits is subtle and requires further study.Comment: 35 pages, 11 eps figures; v.2 minor typos fixe