7 research outputs found

    Pathological changes and local defense reaction occurring in spontaneous hepatic coccidiosis in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    [EN] Hepatic coccidiosis occurred in 56 rabbits belonging to different ages, sexes and breeds during the years from 2002 to 2005. Clinically, the severely affected rabbits showed decreased growth rate, anorexia, debilitation, listlessness, diarrhea, icterus and rough hair coat. Postmortem examinations revealed increased dirty dull straw colored peritoneal fluid. Hepatomegaly, with presence of discrete yellowish-white nodules of 1mm to 1 cm size on the surface and throughout the parenchyma, was seen. Smears from peritoneal fluid showed rafts of mesothelial cells. Impression smears from the liver nodules revealed presence of numerous developmental stages of Eimeria stiedae corresponding with the stage of the liver lesion. These were intermixed with sheats of hepatobiliary cells and inflammatory cells and the changes were reflective of the histological changes like biliary hyperplasia, cholangitis and vacuolar changes occurring in the liver. There was increase in the thickness of basement membrane with the advanced stage of the lesion. The basement membrane was up to 1-2 µm in thickness forming loop like structures over which resided hyperplastic biliary cells containing different stages of the parasite. Some thickened basement membranes were devoid of overlying cells which had desquamated and were present in the ductal lumens suggesting that the basement might have the local defensive role in warding of the coccidial infection. The basement membrane was positive for neutral mucopolysaccharides while as the inflammatory zones and biliary epithelia along with the gametogonic stages of the coccidium reacted positively to the increased acid mucopolysaccharides qualitatively. The results showed that the occurrence of hepatic coccidiosis in female rabbits coincided with the breeding and kindling periods. Direct wet mount smears from bile aid in diagnosis of the disease. Impression smears from the liver nodules might represent the histological changes in the liver. The basement membrane thickening might have a defensive role in warding off the coccidial infection.Darzi, M.; Mir, M.; Kamil, S.; Nashiruddullah, N.; Munshi, Z. (2007). Pathological changes and local defense reaction occurring in spontaneous hepatic coccidiosis in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). World Rabbit Science. 15(1):23-28. doi:10.4995/wrs.2007.608232815

    Procjena orfvirusa (orfv) in vitro i in vivo elektronskom mikroskopijom

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    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed for describing skin and scab lesions in goats affected by orf virus and to demonstrate the parapoxvirus from clinical suspensions by negative staining and ORFV confirmation by immunogold electron microscopy. All samples were confirmed as parapoxvirus by semi-nested PCR amplification of partial gene encoding for the B2L envelope protein. Skin lesions were characterized by ballooning degeneration and loss of desmosomes of the spinosum cells, cytolysis and vesicle formation. Nuclear changes included chromatin margination and increase in electron density. Cytoplasmic changes were typical of cell swelling, vacuolation and the presence of uniform, moderately electron dense viroplasm, situated in the perinuclear region. Various intracellular forms including immature virions (IV), mature virions (IMV) and wrapped virions (WV) were observed in the cytoplasm. All these forms of ORFV were observed morphologically akin to vaccinia virus (VACV). Negative staining of clinical samples and viral suspensions showed typical parapoxvirus morphology with a characteristic criss-cross tubular surface pattern. Both ‘capsule’ form (‘C’ form) and ‘mulberry’ form (‘M’ form) of the virus were demonstrated. ORFV speciation was confirmed by immunogold tagging using a monoclonal antibody in ultra-thin skin section.U radu je za opisivanje lezija na koži i krastama kod koza inficiranih orfvirusom primijenjena transmisijska elektronska mikroskopija (TEM). Dokaz parapoksvirusa iz suspenzije i potvrda ORFV-a obavljeni su tehnikom negativnog bojenja te imunogold elektronskom mikroskopijom. Svi su uzorci potvrđeni kao parapoksvirusi pomoću poluugniježđene lančane reakcije polimerazom kojom je umnožen dio gena B2L odgovornog za protein ovojnice. Lezije na koži karakterizirane su balonskom degeneracijom i gubitkom dezmosoma spinoznih stanica, citolizom te stvaranjem vezikula. Promjene u jezgri uključivale su rub kromatina i povećanje elektronske gustoće. Citoplazmatske promjene bile su tipične za bubrenje stanica, vakuolaciju i prisutnost uniformnog, umjereno elektronički gustog viroplazma smještenog u međumembranskom području. U citoplazmi su zabilježeni različiti unutarstanični oblici, uključujući nezrele virione (IV), zrele virione (IMV) i omotane virione (WV). Svi su oblici ORFV-a pokazali morfološku srodnost s virusom vakcinije (VACV). Negativno bojenje uzoraka i suspenzija pokazali su tipičnu građu parapoksvirusa s karakterističnim križno-cjevastim uzorkom na površini. Također, prikazana su oba oblika virusa, kapsula (oblik C) i dud (oblik M). Specijacija ORFV-a potvrđena je imunogold obilježavanjem pri čemu su korištena monoklonska protutijela u ultratankom rezu kože

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    Not AvailableMolecular identification of Peste-des-petits-ruminant virus from goats of assam state North-East India.Not Availabl

    A synoptic overview of golden jackal parasites reveals high diversity of species

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