1,358,518 research outputs found

    Sterile neutrino decay as a common origin for LSND/MiniBooNe and T2K excess events

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    We point out that the excess of electron-like neutrino events recently observed by the T2K collaboration may have a common origin with the similar excess events previously reported by the LSND and MiniBooNE experiments and interpreted as a signal from the radiative decays of a sterile neutrino \nu_h with the mass around 50 MeV produced in muon neutrino neutral current (NC) interactions. In this work we assumed that the \nu_h can also be produced in tau neutrino NC reactions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Revised version accepted by PRD (Rapid Comm.) after referee's suggestions. Fig.1 added for illustratio

    Virial theorems for vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We derive a class of virial theorems which provide stringent tests of both analytical and numerical calculations of vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate. In the special case of harmonic confinement we arrive at the somewhat surprising conclusion that the linear moments of the particle density, as well as the linear momentum, must vanish even in the presence of off-center vortices which lack axial or reflection symmetry. Illustrations are provided by some analytical results in the limit of a dilute gas, and by a numerical calculation of a class of single and double vortices at intermediate couplings. The effect of anharmonic confinement is also discussed

    Astrometric and photometric initial mass functions from the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey - II. The Alpha Persei open cluster

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2012 The Authors. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We present the results of a deep (J = 19.1mag) infrared (ZYJHK) survey over the full α Per open cluster extracted from the Data Release 9 of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope Infrared Deep Sky Survey Galactic Clusters Survey (UKIDSS). We have selected ∼700 cluster member candidates in ∼56 square degrees in α Per by combining photometry in five near-infrared passbands and proper motions derived from the multiple epochs provided by the UKIDSS Galactic Clusters Survey (GCS) Data Release 9 (DR9). We also provide revised membership for all previously published α Per low-mass stars and brown dwarfs recovered in GCS based on the new photometry and astrometry provided by DR9. We find no evidence of K-band variability in members of α Per with dispersion less than 0.06-0.09mag. We employed two independent but complementary methods to derive the cluster luminosity and mass functions: a probabilistic analysis and a more standard approach consisting of stricter astrometric and photometric cuts. We find that the resulting luminosity and mass functions obtained from both methods are consistent. We find that the shape of the α Per mass function is similar to that of the Pleiades although the characteristic mass may be higher after including higher mass data from earlier studies (the dispersion is comparable). We conclude that the mass functions of α Per, the Pleiades and Praesepe are best reproduced by a log-normal representation similar to the system field mass function although with some variation in the characteristic mass and dispersion values.Peer reviewe

    Single vortex states in a confined Bose-Einstein condensate

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    It has been demonstrated experimentally that non-axially symmetric vortices precess around the centre of a Bose-Einstein condensate. Two types of single vortex states have been observed, usually referred to as the S-vortex and the U-vortex. We study theoretically the single vortex excitations in spherical and elongated condensates as a function of the interaction strength. We solve numerically the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and calculate the angular momentum as a function of precession frequency. The existence of two types of vortices means that we have two different precession frequencies for each angular momentum value. As the interaction strength increases the vortex lines bend and the precession frequencies shift to lower values. We establish that for given angular momentum the S-vortex has higher energy than the U-vortex in a rotating elongated condensate. We show that the S-vortex is related to the solitonic vortex which is a nonlinear excitation in the nonrotating system. For small interaction strengths the S-vortex is related to the dark soliton. In the dilute limit a lowest Landau level calculation provides an analytic description of these vortex modes in terms of the harmonic oscillator states

    "Rare" Fluctuation Effects in the Anderson Model of Localization

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    We discuss the role of rare fluctuation effects in quantum condensed matter systems. In particular, we present recent numerical results of the effect of resonant states in Anderson's original model of electron localization. We find that such resonances give rise to anomalous behavior of eigenstates not just far in the Lifshitz tail, but rather for a substantial fraction of eigenstates, especially for intermediate disorder. The anomalous behavior includes non-analyticity in various properties as a characteristic. The effect of dimensionality on the singularity, which is present in all dimensions, is described, and the behavior for bounded and unbounded disorder is contrasted

    Role of a_1(1260) resonance in multipion decays of light vector mesons

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    The contribution of the a_1(1260) meson to the amplitudes of the decays rho(770) to 4 pi, omega(782) to 5 pi, and phi(1020) to 5 pi is analyzed in the chiral model of pseudoscalar, vector, and axial vector mesons based on the generalized hidden local symmetry added with the anomalous terms. The analysis shows that inclusion of a_1 meson in the intermediate states results in enhancement of the branching ratios of the above decays by the factor ranging from 1.3 to 1.9 depending on the mass of a_1 meson ranging from 1.23 GeV to m_{a_1}=m_rho sqrt{2}=1.09 GeV, the greater factor standing in case of lower mass of the a_1.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure
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