33 research outputs found

    't Hooft Operators in Gauge Theory from Toda CFT

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    We construct loop operators in two dimensional Toda CFT and calculate with them the exact expectation value of certain supersymmetric 't Hooft and dyonic loop operators in four dimensional \Ncal=2 gauge theories with SU(N) gauge group. Explicit formulae for 't Hooft and dyonic operators in \Ncal=2^* and \Ncal=2 conformal SQCD with SU(N) gauge group are presented. We also briefly speculate on the Toda CFT realization of arbitrary loop operators in these gauge theories in terms of topological web operators in Toda CFT.Comment: 49 pages, LaTeX. Typos fixed, references adde

    Mindetale over Oberst I. P. Koch ved Afsløringen af hans Buste den 15. Januar 1939.

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    Kortlægningen af Grønland og Island.

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    Opmaalingen af Danmarks Veje.

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    The Survey Work of the Danish Geodetic Institute in Greenland and Iceland

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    Formulas for the astronomical correction to the precise levelling

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