14 research outputs found

    Innate immunity in ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection: contribution of IL8 and CSF2 gene variants to risk of trachomatous scarring in Gambians

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    BACKGROUND: Trachoma, a chronic keratoconjunctivitis caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, is the world's commonest infectious cause of blindness. Blindness is due to progressive scarring of the conjunctiva (trachomatous scarring) leading to in-turning of eyelashes (trichiasis) and corneal opacification. We evaluated the contribution of genetic variation across the chemokine and cytokine clusters in chromosomes 4q and 5q31 respectively to risk of scarring trachoma and trichiasis in a large case-control association study in a Gambian population. METHODS: Linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping was used to investigate risk effects across the 4q and 5q31 cytokine clusters in relation to the risk of scarring sequelae of ocular Ct infection. Disease association and epistatic effects were assessed in a population based study of 651 case-control pairs by conditional logistic regression (CLR) analyses. RESULTS: LD mapping suggested that genetic effects on risk within these regions mapped to the pro-inflammatory innate immune genes interleukin 8 (IL8) and granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulatory factor (CSF2) loci. The IL8-251 rare allele (IL8-251 TT) was associated with protection from scarring trachoma (OR = 0.29 p = 0.027). The intronic CSF2_27348 A allele in chromosome 5q31 was associated with dose dependent protection from trichiasis, with each copy of the allele reducing risk by 37% (p = 0.005). There was evidence of epistasis, with effects at IL8 and CSF2 loci interacting with those previously reported at the MMP9 locus, a gene acting downstream to IL8 and CSF2 in the inflammatory cascade. CONCLUSION: innate immune response SNP-haplotypes are linked to ocular Ct sequelae. This work illustrates the first example of epistatic effects of two genes on trachoma

    The Development of an Age-Structured Model for Trachoma Transmission Dynamics, Pathogenesis and Control

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    Trachoma is the worldwide leading infectious cause of blindness and is due to repeated conjunctival infection with Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria. The effects of control interventions on population levels of infection and active disease can be promptly measured, but the effects on severe ocular disease outcomes require long-term monitoring. We present a mathematical model of trachoma transmission and disease to predict the impact of interventions on blinding trachoma. The model is based on the concept of multiple re-infections leading to progressive scarring of the eye and the potentially blinding disease sequelae. It includes aspects of trachoma natural history such as an increasing rate of recovery from infection, and a decreasing chlamydial load with subsequent infections. The model reproduces key features of trachoma epidemiology such as the age-profile of infection prevalence; a shift in the prevalence peak toward younger ages in higher-transmission environments; and a rising profile of the prevalence of the severe sequelae (scarring, trichiasis), as well as estimates of the number of infections experienced before these sequelae appear. The model can be used to examine the outcomes of various control strategies on infection and disease and can help to plan treatment interventions for different endemic settings

    Identification of Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Inflammatory Genes as Risk Factors Associated with Trachomatous Trichiasis

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    infection, the primary cause of trachoma. Despite control programs that include mass antibiotic treatment, reinfection and recurrence of trachoma are common after treatment cessation. Furthermore, a subset of infected individuals develop inflammation and are at greater risk for developing the severe sequela of trachoma known as trachomatous trichiasis (TT). While there are a number of environmental and behavioral risk factors for trachoma, genetic factors that influence inflammation and TT risk remain ill defined.β€Š=β€Š0.001] with the combination of TNFA (-308A), LTA (252A), VCAM1 (-1594C), SCYA 11 (23T) minor allele, and the combination of TNFA (-308A), IL9 (113M), IL1B (5β€²UTR-T), and VCAM1 (-1594C). However, TT risk increased 13.5 times [odds ratioβ€Š=β€Š13.5 (95% confidence interval 3.3–22), pβ€Š=β€Š0.001] with the combination of TNFA (-308G), VDR (intron G), IL4R (50V), and ICAM1 (56M) minor allele.Evaluating genetic risk factors for trachoma will advance our understanding of disease pathogenesis, and should be considered in the context of designing global control programs

    Haptoglobin and Sickle Cell Polymorphisms and Risk of Active Trachoma in Gambian Children

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    BACKGROUND: Susceptibility and resistance to trachoma, the leading infectious cause of blindness, have been associated with a range of host genetic factors. In vitro studies of the causative organism, Chlamydia trachomatis, demonstrate that iron availability regulates its growth, suggesting that host genes involved in regulating iron status and/or availability may modulate the risk of trachoma. The objective was to investigate whether haptoglobin (Hp) haplotypes constructed from the functional polymorphism (Hp1/Hp2) plus the functional promoter SNPs -61A-C (rs5471) and -101C-G (rs5470), or sickle cell trait (HbAS, rs334) were associated with risk of active trachoma when stratified by age and sex, in rural Gambian children. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In two cross sectional surveys of children aged 6-78 months (n = 836), the prevalence of the clinical signs of active trachoma was 21.4%. Within boys, haplotype E (-101G, -61A, Hp1), containing the variant allele of the -101C-G promoter SNP, was associated with a two-fold increased risk of active trachoma (OR = 2.0 [1.17-3.44]). Within girls, an opposite association was non-significant (OR = 0.58 [0.32-1.04]; P = 0.07) and the interaction by sex was statistically significant (P = 0.001). There was no association between trachoma and HbAS. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that genetic variation in Hp may affect susceptibility to active trachoma differentially by sex in The Gambia

    Polymorphisms in the IkappaB-alpha promoter region and risk of diseases involving inflammation and fibrosis.

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    The transcription factor NFkappaB regulates inflammatory and other cellular responses. In non-stimulated cells, NFkappaB is linked to its inhibitor IkappaB, which plays a major role in controlling NFkappaB activity. Here, the gene promoter region of the major inducible IkappaB component (IkappaB-alpha) was studied to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and to test if these are associated with risk of two diseases involving inflammation and fibrosis (trachoma and silicosis). Three SNPs were identified at positions -881, -826 and -297 relative to the transcription start site. The position -297 is close to two NFkappaB binding sites, kappaB2 and kappaB3, but the alleles were not associated with either disease. Alleles at positions -881 and -826 were in complete linkage disequilibrium with each other, and the rare haplotype was significantly less frequent among patients with trachoma compared to controls, although there was no difference in frequencies between silicosis patients and controls

    Risk of trachomatous scarring and trichiasis in Gambians varies with SNP haplotypes at the interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 loci.

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    Experimental evidence implicates interferon gamma (IFNgamma) in protection from and resolution of chlamydial infection. Conversely, interleukin 10 (IL10) is associated with susceptibility and persistence of infection and pathology. We studied genetic variation within the IL10 and IFNgamma loci in relation to the risk of developing severe complications of human ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection. A total of 651 Gambian subjects with scarring trachoma, of whom 307 also had potentially blinding trichiasis and pair-matched controls with normal eyelids, were screened for associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), SNP haplotypes and the risk of disease. MassEXTEND (Sequenom) and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry were used for detection and analysis of SNPs and the programs PHASE and SNPHAP used to infer haplotypes from population genetic data. Multivariate conditional logistic regression analysis identified IL10 and IFNgamma SNP haplotypes associated with increased risk of both trachomatous scarring and trichiasis. SNPs in putative IFNgamma and IL10 regulatory regions lay within the disease-associated haplotypes. The IFNgamma +874A allele, previously linked to lower IFNgamma production, lies in the IFNgamma risk haplotype and was more common among cases than controls, but not significantly so. The promoter IL10-1082G allele, previously associated with high IL10 expression, is in both susceptibility and resistance haplotypes

    Genetic variation at the TNF locus and the risk of severe sequelae of ocular Chlamydia trachomatis infection in Gambians.

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is thought to be a key mediator of the inflammatory and fibrotic response to Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) infection. A large matched-pair case-control study investigated putative functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) across the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region, including TNF and its immediate neighbors nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells (IkappaBL), inhibitor like 1 and lymphotoxin alpha (LTA) in relation to the risk of scarring sequelae of ocular Ct infection. Haplotype and linkage disequilibrium analysis demonstrated two haplotypes, differing at position TNF-308, conferring an increased risk of trichiasis. The TNF-308A allele, and its bearing haplotype, correlated with increased TNF production in lymphocyte cultures stimulated with chlamydial elementary body antigen. Thus TNF-308A may determine directly, or be a marker of a high TNF producer phenotype associated with increased risk of sequelae of chlamydial infection. Multivariate analysis provided evidence for the presence of additional risk-associated variants near the TNF locus

    The environment and the eye.

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    The use of the 'environment' has become extended to include population changes, the 'domestic' environment, and cultural factors, in addition to physical influences such as global warming and ultraviolet radiation (UVR). The likely effects of each of these classes of agents on the eye and rates of blindness are illustrated by reference mainly to cataract and trachoma--two of the commonest causes of the world blindness.Trachoma infection and its blinding consequences could be eventually eliminated by environmental measures and changes in behaviour. While the threat of increased incidence of blindness from cataract due to ozone depletion and greater solar UVR has receded, global warming may become a factor in the early onset and rapid progression of cataract. Although we continue to need research into the physical and biological causes of cataract, elimination of world blindness will only be achieved when we understand the conceptual and cultural environments which are inhibiting the acceptance of cataract surgery