45 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Selected Nursing Interventions on Positive Living among Women Infected with HIV in Chennai District, Tamil Nadu

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    INTRODUCTION: In this postmodern world, matching pace with the world’s growth and securing a place for oneself, our complicated life is burdened with the fear of new, sometimes anonymous diseases which are growing drastically, and it is a major concern for research. One such disease is AIDS. Women represent approximately half (51%) of all adults living with HIV worldwide. HIV is the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age. Gender inequalities, differential access to service, and sexual violence increase women’s vulnerability to HIV, and women, especially younger women, are biologically more susceptible to HIV.As a woman living with HIV, they will have many of the same health issues as HIV-positive men—but they are likely to face greater challenges related to caring for their family, finding access to medical care and treatment, and dealing with social stigma. In addition, they may face health issues related to gynecological care and family planning. Hopelessness has been defined as a set of cognitive, schemata involving negative expectations concerning, oneself and one’s future. Thus it is essential that nurse is able to identify hopelessness as early as possible in PLHAs so that the necessary care and treatment can be provided where progressive muscle relaxation, massage therapy, and a glass of Almond Milk plays a vital role in reducing stress promotes positive living among PLHAs. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of selected Nursing Interventions on positive living among women-Infected with HIV. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A quasi-experimental design was adopted and a multi-staged sampling technique was chosen for this study. After pretest using Becks Hopelessness Scale for Experimental Group 10 minutes of progressive muscle relaxation, followed by 5 minutes of back massage, Finally, 100 ml of almond milk were given to drink, twice a week for 12 weeks. For the control group, they were instructed to follow their regular medical treatment given at ART Centers. After 12 weeks starting the 13th week, to both Groups, Posttest level of positive living was done using same Beck Hopelessness scale. After completion of 6 months from pretest Height, Weight to calculate BMI, CD4 count also assessed (noted) from their ART record. RESULTS AND DISCSSION: The major findings of the research were in experimental group in pretest 150(75%) women were in a moderate level of hopelessness and 27(13.5%) of women had mild hopeless, 23 (11.5%) women had a severe level of hopelessness none of them had minimal hopelessness in regard to positive living. In control group 166 (83%) of women had a moderate level of hopelessness, 24 (12%) of women had a mild hopeless and 9 (4.5%) had a severe hopelessness but only one HIV-infected woman had a minimal level of hopelessness regard to positive living. The comparison of pretest and posttest level of positive living between experimental Group and control Group, the Calculated unpaired ‘t’ test Value was =-21.73, p-value of 0.000 significant at p<0.01 level shown there was a significant difference between experimental group and control group. Thus the result revealed that there was a significant effect of Nursing Interventions on positive living in experimental group. CONCLUSION: This draws the conclusion for the study that Nursing intervention strategies such as progressive muscle relaxation, Back Massage and Nutrient supplement of Almond milk reduces the hopelessness among women infected with HIV and promotes them to approach life optimistically, stay healthier in life long and live productive life even though they were infected with Deadly Virus. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. promote the need for family-centered care because family plays a vital role in an individual’s life. 2. Community Health Nurse should promote self-esteem among women infected with HIV 3. Promote Sexual Assertiveness among them to prevent an increase in Viral Load. 4. Encourage Adherence to ART among HIV infected women. Empower them to approach life optimistically

    Compatibility of biocontrol agents and N fixing organisms with post emergence pre-mix herbicide-bispyribac sodium + metamifop 14 % SE

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    he experiments were conducted in vitro in the Agricultural Microbiology laboratory at College of Agricul-ture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India to evaluate the compatibility of biocontrol agents Pseudomonas fluorescens and Tricoderma viride and N fixing organisms Azospirillum lipoferum and Azotobacter chroococcum to bispyribac sodium + metamifop 14 % SE, a new broad spectrum post emergence pre-mix herbicide mixture used for weed control in rice. The experiments were conducted in completely randomized block design with seven different concentrations of herbicide viz., 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 and 220 ?L L-1 corresponding to field doses of 50, 60, 70, 80 90, 100 and 110 g ha-1 and a control (0 ?L L-1). All the tested concentrations of the herbicide mixture were highly compatible with P. fluorescens, A. lipoferum and A. chroococcum. The radial colony diameter of T. viride was significantly influenced by different concentrations of the herbicide. The field dose of bisspyribac sodium + met-amifop up to 90 g ha-1 (180 ?L L-1) is harmless to T. viride, since it recorded a growth inhibition of only 22.96 per cent but higher doses (100 and 110 g ha-1) which recorded a growth inhibition of 31.48 and 37.04 per cent respectively were slightly harmful to the antagonistic fungus. The compatibility results revealed the possibility of using bispyribac sodium + metamifop for weed control at recommended doses (70, 80 or 90 g ha-1) under bio intensive disease management programme involving P. fluorescens / T. viride and nutrient management programme involving A. liopferum / A chroococcum

    A new high yielding Spanish bunch groundnut variety CO 7 (ICGV 00351) for the drought prone areas of Tamil Nadu

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    A high yielding Spanish bunch groundnut culture ICGV 00351 (a cross derivative of ICGV 87290 X ICGV 87846) developed at ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru, Andhra Pradesh was evaluated along with six other promising varieties in drought prone areas of Tamil Nadu under Farmers’ Participatory Varietal Selection Trials. Culture ICGV 00351 recorded an overall mean dry pod yield of 2189 kg/ha under rainfed situation. This culture with duration of 105 to 110 days registered a pod yield increase of 17 and 26 per cent over the popular varieties of this region viz., VRI (Gn) 6 and TMV (Gn) 13 respectively. It has 71% shelling and 51 % oil and 22% protein content. This culture has also showed tolerance reaction to major foliar diseases viz., late leaf spot and rust. As this variety has improved pod yield along with consumer and trader preference, this culture ICGV 00351 has been released as CO 7 for cultivation in the entire state of Tamil Nadu

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    Not AvailableThe wood from the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) comes as a by-product from the commercial plantations. The highly perishable nature of the wood makes it unsuitable for use such as boat building without chemical preservative treatment. This communication deals with the chemical preservative treatment of rubber wood with copper- chrome- arsenic (CCA), a water borne preservative and creosote an oil borne preservative through immersion in an open tank for the purpose of fishing canoe construction. The fabrication of the canoes was as per the method of construction of plank built canoes. Two canoes were made, one for use in brackish water and the other for use in the sea. The cost of construction was found to be lower than that of the conventional canoe. The performance monitoring shows that the canoes are free from physical damage and deterioration caused due to weathering and biological agencies.Not Availabl

    Nasoalveolar molding treatment in presurgical infant orthopedics in cleft lip and cleft palate patients

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    The nasoalveolar molding (NAM) technique is a new approach to presurgical infant orthopedics that reduces the severity of the initial cleft alveolar and nasal deformity. This technique facilitates the primary surgical repair of the nose and lip to heal under minimal tension, thereby reducing scar formation and improving the esthetic result. NAM technique is the nonsurgical, passive method of bringing the gum and lip together by redirecting the forces of natural growth. NAM has proved to be an effective adjunctive therapy for reducing hard and soft tissue cleft deformity before surgery. This paper reviews the basic principles of NAM therapy, various types of appliances used in this therapy, protocol followed, and a critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of this technique. Universally authors have agreed the positive outcome of NAM for better esthetics after cleft lip and palate (CLP) repair, but the long-term effects of this therapy are yet to be substantiated. Despite a relative paucity of high-level evidence, NAM appears to be a promising technique that deserves further research

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    Not AvailableThe demersal resources in the Bay of Bengal, Lat 18 degree to 21 degree N and Long. 83 degree to 88 degree E, were assessed by surveying 22 stations taking 21 demersal hauls using Hybrid Trawl (HT), High Speed Demersal Trawl (HSDT) (Fish version) and high Opening Trawl (HOT). The total fish catch was 9,767 kg. Catch per unit effort was 194.7 kg/ h for HSDT, 1,085.3 for HOT and 83.4 for HT. Average vertical height obtained with Integrated Trawl Instrumentation (ITI). 48% of the catch was Rastrelliger kanagurta, 11% Ariomma indica, 8% Secutor sp., 6% Arius sp. and the rest miscellaneous demersal species. All the different fish species present in the catch are reported.Not Availabl