133 research outputs found

    The comparison of acute myocardial infarction serum anticardiolipin antibody with healthy subjects, in Gorgan (northern Iran)

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    Arthrosclerosis considered one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in industrial and developing countries. The rate of myocardial infarction in some countries is about 2 million annually with 1/4 of them is leading to death. This study was a case-control research, which was carried out as cross-sectional project in two groups, healthy and case subjects. The mean age and standard deviation of patients and control groups were nearly equal (55±10). The ELISA technique was applied to measure the serum antibody level. The sample populations in each group were exactly the same (120 person in each group). The gender distribution in case and control group was 44 female, 76 male and 45 female and 75 male, respectively. The Mean±SD of IgM in case group and control groups were 3.10± 2.54 and 1.54±1.00, respectively. TheMeantSD forlgG incase and control groups were 5.90±3.84 and 3.08±1.95, respectively. The differences, between the mean of IgM and IgG in two groups of cases and control statistically were significant (p = 0.0001). In case group the Meani±SD for IgM for men and woman were 2.98±1.97 and 3.17±2.83, respectively, which this differences statistically, were not significant. In case group the Meant±SD forlg G were 5.14±3.45 and 6.35. The above findings indicated that the average of both IgG and IgM are higher among men compared to women. Due to high prevalence of acute coronary syndrome in Iran, the determination of anticardiolipin antibody (IgG) are applied for suspected acute coronary syndrome patients and further prevention measure should be taken for patient with higher serum anticardiolipin antibody. © 2013 Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Maternal serum copper concentration in premature rupture of membrane: A case-control study

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    Copper is an integrated parts of metal-protein required far varieties of oxide-reductive metabolic pathways in human. Copper deficiency is considered as risk factors in some pregnancies. Premature rupture of membrane is a pregnancy complication with major adverse effects and is believed maternal Copper deficiency can also be considered as interventional factors. This study was done to evaluate if there is a correlation between maternal serum Copper concentration and premature rupture of membrane in pregnancy. In this case-control study 60 pregnant women with Premature Rupture of Membrane (PROM) were selected as case group including term and pre term the control group consist of 60 pregnant women with normal delivery of term and pre term states. Both group were matched for maternal and pregnancy age. In case and control group the pregnancy at term and pre-term were grouped independently as well. In general the maternal mean serum Copper concentration were 192.4±78.2 and 201.08±82.06 in case and control groups, respectively but this differences statistically was not significant. Data in this study revealed that the absolute value of maternal serum Copper concentration of term or pre term in case groups was slightly lower than related controls. Drop in maternal Copper concentration in some disturbed pregnancies such as premature rupture of membrane is previously demonstrated and based on our data the absolute Copper serum concentration of women with premature rupture of membrane was also slightly lower compared to healthy pregnancy but it was not statistically significant. © Asian Network for Scientific Information

    Povezanost između radiografskih nalaza, magnetske rezonancije i histopatoloških nalaza kod pokusne rupture prednje križne sveze u kunića.

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    Experimental osteoarthritis (OA) was induced in the knee joints of rabbits and the trend of changes were compared by radiography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and histopathology. Twenty rabbits were randomly divided into two equal groups based on short (30 days) and long-term (180 days) follow ups. In half of the animals in each group (n = 5) OA was induced by sectioning the cranial cruciate ligament and in the other half, only arthrotomy was performed as a sham operation. Radiography and MRI were carried out on days 0 and 30 in the group of short term studies, and on days 0, 90 and 180 in the other group. Histopathological examinations were performed on day 30 in the short-term group after the animals had been sacrificed and in the other group on day 180. The slope of changes over the course of the study between all 3 methods and the grade of changes, were both highest in histopathology, and then in MRI and radiology respectively. The slope of changes was 0.01 for histopathology, 0.009 for MRI and 0.004 for radiology. The ratios of slopes, when compare to each other, were as follows: His./MRI = 1.1, His./Rad. = 2.5, MRI/Rad. = 2.2. Comparison of MRI with radiology revealed that radiology would not show signs of OA when the MRI grade is less than a grade of 0.27. Comparing both imaging techniques with histopathology showed that whenever the histopathological grade was below 0.22, radiology would not show signs of OA involvement, while MRI was capable of showing signs of OA involvement whenever it was more than 0.018 on histopathological grade.Nakon što je u kunića pokusno izazvan osteoartritis koljenog zgloba, trend promjena promatran je pomoću radiografije, magnetske rezonancije (MRI) i patohistoloških nalaza. Dvadeset kunića bilo je metodom slučajnog odabira podijeljeno u dvije jednake skupine od kojih je jedna promatrana tijekom kratkotrajnog (30 dana), a druga tijekom dugotrajnog (180 dana) razdoblja. U polovice životinja iz svake skupine (n = 5) osteoartroza je bila uzrokovana sekcijom prednje križne sveze, a kod druge polovice primijenjena je samo artrotomija kao lažna operacija. Radiografija i magnetska rezonancija obavljene su 0-ti i 30. dan tijekom kratkotrajnog promatranja te 0-ti, 90. i 180. dan kod dugotrajnog promatranja. Histopatološke pretrage obavljene su 30. dan kod kratkotrajnog praćenja nakon što su životinje bile usmrćene, a kod dugotrajnog 180. dan. Slabljenje promjena tijekom promatranja svima trima metodama kao i stupanj promjena pokazali su se najvećima kod histopatoloških nalaza, zatim kod magnetske rezonancije te nakon toga kod radioloških snimki. Slabljenje promjena bilo je 0,01 za histopatološke nalaze, 0,009 za magnetsku rezonanciju i 0,004 za radiološke snimke. Kad se uzmu u obzir međusobni odnosi slabljenja su bila sljedeća: His./MRI = 1,1, His./Rad. = 2,5, MRI/Rad. = 2,2. Usporedba magnetske rezonancije i radiologije potvrdila je da radiologija neće pokazati znakove osteoartritisa kada je stupanj magnetske rezonance niži od 0,27. Usporedbom obje tehnike snimanja s histopatološkim nalazima utvrđeno je da radiologija neće pokazati znakove osteoartritisa kad je stupanj histopatoloških nalaza ispod 0,22. Primjenom magnentske rezonancije moguće je utvrditi znakove osteoartritisa svaki put kada je njezin stupanj veći od 0,018 u odnosu na stupanj histopatoloških nalaza

    The components of workplace violence against nurses from the perspective of women working in a hospital in Tehran: a qualitative study

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    Background: Based on the World Health Organization (WHO), workplace violence can affect events where employees are abused, attacked or threatened in their workplace, and it also has some consequences such as safety, welfare, and health. Like other types of violence, workplace violence and aggression are an increasing phenomenon. Moreover, workplace violence not only disrupts interpersonal and organizational relationships, but it also impairs the persons self-esteem and affects their physical and mental health and well-being. Thus, this study aimed to explain the components of workplace violence against nurses from the perspective of women working in a hospital in Tehran, which was conducted through the qualitative method and content analysis. Methods: In this study Purposive sampling included 21 female nurses who were working in different wards of the hospital. Also, female nurses were selected with maximum diversity in terms of work experience, age, and the wards they were working in. in this study the semi-structured interview was the main method of data collection. The interview transcriptions were extracted and then divided into meaningful units. For strengthening and confirming the results and accuracy of the research, the author used the data acceptability, credibility, accuracy, validity, believability, verifiability, reliability, and transferability. Results: During the data analysis process of this study, the first 15 classes with the same characteristics were put together and then divided into 6 classes. Afterwards, based on the common features at a more abstract level, they were converted into 2 themes. Based on the findings, violence against women in the workplace occurs at two levels, that namely interpersonal violence and organizational coercion. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary for managers to commit to lay the groundwork for reducing violence in the hospital, as well as barriers to report these cases especially the hospital managers and officials should create awareness on workplace among the staff, patient and visitors and must ensure stringent actions to prevent it. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Association of dietary patterns with continuous metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents; A nationwide propensity score-matched analysis: The CASPIAN-V study

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    Objective: This study aims to determine the association of dietary patterns with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and its components in children and adolescents. Methods: This nationwide study was conducted in 2015 among 4200 students aged 7-18 years, who lived in 30 provinces in Iran. The analysis was conducted based on the propensity score using a matched case-control study design. Three dietary patterns were obtained conducting a principal component analysis with a varimax rotation on 16 dietary groups. Continuous MetS score was computed by standardizing the residuals (z-scores) of MetS components by regressing them according to age and sex. The gold standard diagnosis of MetS was considered based on the International Diabetes Federation criteria. Moreover, for the purpose of data analysis, matched logistics analysis was used. Results: The study participants consisted of 3843 children and adolescents (response rate 91.5) with mean (SD) age of 12.45 (3.04) years. Totally 49.4 of students were girls and 71.4 lived in urban areas. Three dietary patterns were obtained: Healthy, Western, and Sweet. Prevalence of MetS was 5 (boy 5.5 and girl 4.5). Results of multivariate analysis show that students with Sweet dietary patterns were at higher risk for abdominal obesity (OR 1.29; 95 CI 1.01-1.66), elevated blood pressure (OR 1.35; 95 CI 1.01-1.81) and MetS (OR 1.33; 95 CI 1.02-1.74). The two other dietary patterns were not associated with MetS and its components. Conclusion: Sweet dietary pattern increase the risk of MetS and some its components in Iranian children and adolescents. This finding provides valuable information for effective preventive strategies of MetS based on diet rather than medication to maintain healthy lifestyle habits. © 2018 The Author(s)

    Explaining the reasons for not maintaining the health guidelines to prevent COVID-19 in high-risk jobs: a qualitative study in Iran

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    Background: Although the workers in many occupations are at the greatest risk of catching and spreading COVID-19 due to assembling and contacting people, the owners of these occupations do not follow COVID-19 health instructions. The purpose of this study is to explain the reasons for not maintaining health guidelines to prevent COVID-19 in high-risk jobs in Iran. Methods: The present study was conducted with a qualitative approach among people with high-risk jobs in Tehran during March and April of 2020. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 31 people with high-risk occupations selected by purposeful sampling and snowballing. The data were analyzed using the conventional qualitative content analysis method and MAXQDA-18 software. Guba and Lincoln�s criteria were also used to evaluate the quality of the research results. Results: 4 main categories and 13 sub-categories were obtained, including individual factors (personality traits, lack of self-efficacy, little knowledge of the disease and how to observe health norms related to it, misconceptions about health), structural factors (difficulty of access to health supplies, lack of supportive environment, weak laws and supervision, the poor performance of officials and national media), economic factors (economic costs of living, lack of government economic support), Socio-cultural factors (learning, cultural beliefs, social customs, and rituals). Conclusion: COVID-19 prevention requires intervention at different levels. At the individual level: increasing people�s awareness and understanding about how to prevent COVID-19 and strengthening self-efficacy in observing health norms, at the social level: highlighting positive patterns of observing health issues and training people about the consequences of social interactions during the outbreak of the virus, and at the macro level: strengthening regulatory rules and increasing people�s access to hygienic products and support for the vulnerable must be taken into account. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Economic inequality in prevalence of underweight and short stature in children and adolescents: The weight disorders survey of the caspian-IV study

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the determinants of socio-economic inequality in the prevalence of short stature and underweight in Iranian children and adolescents. Subjects and methods: This cross-sectional nationwide study was conducted on 36,486 participants, aged 6-18 years. This school-based surveillance (CASPIAN-IV) program and its complementary part on weight disorders evaluation was conducted in urban and rural areas of 30 provinces in Iran. In addition to physical examination, a validated questionnaire was completed from students and their parents. Socio-economic status (SES) was determined using principal component analysis, and was classified in quintile scale. Inequality in the prevalence of underweight and short stature was assessed using concentration (C) index and slop index of inequality (SII) by the Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method. Results: The prevalence (95 CI) of underweight and short stature at national level was 10.89 (10.55, 11.23) and 4.15 (3.94, 4.38), respectively; it had a downtrend from the lowest to highest SES quintile. Furthermore, the value of C for underweight and short stature was negative, i.e. inequality was in favor of high SES groups. Moreover, the prevalence gap of underweight and short stature in the first and fifth quintiles of SES was 6.58 and 5.80, respectively. The highest proportion of this gap was explained by living area. In the multiple logistic model, odds of underweight and short stature were significantly lower in individuals with higher SES. Compared to boys, odds of underweight were decreased in girls, whereas odds of short stature were increased in them. Odds of underweight and short stature were increased in participants from rural areas than in urban areas. With increasing age, the odds of underweight and short stature decreased significantly. Conclusions: The results of this study showed that inequality in the prevalence of short stature and underweight was in favor of high SES groups. Moreover, living area was one of the most important determinants that explained this inequality. Therefore, this issue needs to be considered in health promotion policies. © 2020, Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia. All rights reserved

    Association of sleep duration and snack consumption in children and adolescents: The CASPIAN-V study

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    Objectives: The relationship between sleep deprivation and the risk of overweight and obesity is somewhat known in children and adolescents. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between sleep duration and eating snacks in a national sample of children and adolescents aged 6�18 years old. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on the data of the fifth survey of the national school-based surveillance system entitled the �Childhood and Adolescence Surveillance and PreventIon of Adult Non-communicable Disease� (CASPIAN-V) study. Short sleeping duration was defined 10 hr per day for children under 10 years and 9 hr per day for children � 10 years. To assess food habits, the consumption frequency of some food groups including sweets, salty snacks, carbonated beverages, diet soft drinks, soft beer, fresh fruits, dried fruits, fresh juices, vegetables, packed juices, dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cheese), fast foods, tea, sugar along with tea, and coffee was asked using Likert scale (never, rarely, weekly, and daily). Results: In multivariate model, short sleep versus long sleep in students was associated with increased chance of eating salty snacks (OR = 1.49 95% CI: 1.38�1.61; p =.001), soft drinks (OR = 1.12 95% CI: 1.04�1.20; p =.002), fast foods (OR = 1.66 95% CI: 1.54�1.79; p <.001), tea (OR = 1.49 95% CI: 1.39�1.61; p <.001), and tea with sugar (OR = 1.13 95% CI: 1.05�1.22; p <.001). In addition, short sleep in students was associated with a decreased odds of daily intake of soft drinks without sugars (OR = 0.64 95% CI: 0.58�0.70; p <.001), soft beer (OR = 0.92 95% CI: 0.85�0.99; p <.001), fresh fruit (OR = 0.83 95% CI: 0.76�0.90; p <.001), dried fruit (OR = 0.43 95% CI: 0.39�0.46; p <.001), fresh fruit juice (OR = 0.66 95% CI: 0.62�0.72; p <.001), packed juice (OR = 0.91 95% CI: 0.84�0.98; p <.009), milk (OR = 0.51 95% CI: 0.47�0.55; p <.001), yogurt (OR = 0.86 95% CI: 0.79�0.93; p �.001), and coffee (OR = 0.82 95% CI: 0.76�0.89; p �.001). Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate a significant relationship between sleep duration and unhealthy food habits. Therefore, increasing awareness of families in this area may reduce obesity and its complications. © 2020 The Authors. Food Science & Nutrition published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Socioeconomic inequality in childhood obesity and its determinants: a Blinder�Oaxaca decomposition Desigualdade socioeconômica na obesidade infantil e seus determinantes: decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder

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    Objective: Childhood obesity has become a priority health concern worldwide. Socioeconomic status is one of its main determinants. This study aimed to assess the socioeconomic inequality of obesity in children and adolescents at national and provincial levels in Iran. Methods: This multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in 2011�2012, as part of a national school-based surveillance program performed in 40,000 students, aged 6�18-years, from urban and rural areas of 30 provinces of Iran. Using principle component analysis, the socioeconomic status of participants was categorized to quintiles. Socioeconomic status inequality in excess weight was estimated by calculating the prevalence of excess weight (i.e., overweight, generalized obesity, and abdominal obesity) across the socioeconomic status quintiles, the concentration index, and slope index of inequality. The determinants of this inequality were determined by the Oaxaca Blinder decomposition. Results: Overall, 36,529 students completed the study (response rate: 91.32); 50.79 of whom were boys and 74.23 were urban inhabitants. The mean (standard deviation) age was 12.14 (3.36) years. The prevalence of overweight, generalized obesity, and abdominal obesity was 11.51, 8.35, and 17.87, respectively. The SII for overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was �0.1, �0.1 and �0.15, respectively. Concentration index for overweight, generalized obesity, and abdominal obesity was positive, which indicate inequality in favor of low socioeconomic status groups. Area of residence, family history of obesity, and age were the most contributing factors to the inequality of obesity prevalence observed between the highest and lowest socioeconomic status groups. Conclusion: This study provides considerable information on the high prevalence of excess weight in families with higher socioeconomic status at national and provincial levels. These findings can be used for international comparisons and for healthcare policies, improving their programming by considering differences at provincial levels. © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatri

    Socioeconomic inequality in childhood obesity and its determinants: a Blinder�Oaxaca decomposition Desigualdade socioeconômica na obesidade infantil e seus determinantes: decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder

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    Objective: Childhood obesity has become a priority health concern worldwide. Socioeconomic status is one of its main determinants. This study aimed to assess the socioeconomic inequality of obesity in children and adolescents at national and provincial levels in Iran. Methods: This multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in 2011�2012, as part of a national school-based surveillance program performed in 40,000 students, aged 6�18-years, from urban and rural areas of 30 provinces of Iran. Using principle component analysis, the socioeconomic status of participants was categorized to quintiles. Socioeconomic status inequality in excess weight was estimated by calculating the prevalence of excess weight (i.e., overweight, generalized obesity, and abdominal obesity) across the socioeconomic status quintiles, the concentration index, and slope index of inequality. The determinants of this inequality were determined by the Oaxaca Blinder decomposition. Results: Overall, 36,529 students completed the study (response rate: 91.32); 50.79 of whom were boys and 74.23 were urban inhabitants. The mean (standard deviation) age was 12.14 (3.36) years. The prevalence of overweight, generalized obesity, and abdominal obesity was 11.51, 8.35, and 17.87, respectively. The SII for overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was �0.1, �0.1 and �0.15, respectively. Concentration index for overweight, generalized obesity, and abdominal obesity was positive, which indicate inequality in favor of low socioeconomic status groups. Area of residence, family history of obesity, and age were the most contributing factors to the inequality of obesity prevalence observed between the highest and lowest socioeconomic status groups. Conclusion: This study provides considerable information on the high prevalence of excess weight in families with higher socioeconomic status at national and provincial levels. These findings can be used for international comparisons and for healthcare policies, improving their programming by considering differences at provincial levels. © 2017 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatri