14 research outputs found
The Minority Spin Surface Bands of CoS2(001)
Angle-resolved photoemission was used to study the surface electronic band structure of high quality single crystals of ferromagnetic CoS2 (below 120 K). Strongly dispersing Co t2g bands are identified along the 100 k direction, the ¯–¯X line of the surface Brillouin zone, in agreement with model calculations. The calculated surface band structure includes corrections for the previously determined surface structure of CoS2(001) and is in general agreement with the experimental photoemission spectra in the region of the Fermi level. There is evidence of the existence of several minority spin surface states, falling into a gap of the projected minority spin bulk CoS2(001) band structure
The surface relaxation and band structure of Mo(112)
The experimental and theoretical surface band structures of Mo(112) are compared. This surface band structure mapping is presented with corrections included for the lattice relaxation of the Mo(112) surface. Quantitative low energy electron diffraction (LEED) has been used to determine the details of the Mo(112) surface structure. The first layer contraction is 14.9% by LEED intensity versus voltage analysis and is in general agreement with the 17.6% contraction found from total surface energy optimization. The electronic band structure is mapped out along Γ-X and Γ–Y of the surface Brillouin zone (SBZ). There is strong evidence of electron–phonon coupling particularly in the region of the Fermi level band crossing at 0.54 Å−1
Surface charging at the (1 0 0) surface of Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7
Wehave compared the photovoltaic charging of the (100) surface termination for Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7. While the surface charging at the (100) surface of Li2B4O7 is significantly greater than observed at (110) surface, the Cu doping plays a role in reducing the surface photovoltage effects. With Cu doping of Li2B4O7, the surface photovoltaic charging is much diminished at the (100) surface. The density of states observed with combined photoemission and inverse photoemission remains similar to that observed for the undoped material, except in the vicinity of the conduction band edge
навчальний посібник
Законодавче забезпечення правоохоронної діяльності : навч. посіб. / за заг. ред. В. В. Сокуренка. – Харків : Стильна типографія, 2017. – 1164 с. – (до 100-річчя підготовки охоронців правопорядку у Харкові).У навчальному посібнику представлено методичні рекомендації, пропозиції і зауваження
до проектів нормативно-правових актів та наукові роз’яснення окремих положень чинного
законодавства, розроблені кафедрами факультету № 1 Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ.
Наукові праці, що включено до навчального посібника, безпосередньо стосуються питань
удосконалення форм та методів діяльності слідчих і інших підрозділів органів Національної
поліції України.
Для працівників органів Національної поліції України, науковців, викладачів, ад’юнктів,
аспірантів, докторантів, курсантів, студентів та слухачів навчальних закладів юридичного
профілю, а також усіх, хто цікавиться питаннями удосконалення діяльності органів
Національної поліції України і інших органів правопорядку.The training manual presents methodological recommendations, suggestions and comments on draft normative legal acts and scientific explanations of certain provisions of the current legislation developed by the departments of the faculty No. 1 of the Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs.
Scientific works, included in the textbook, directly relate to issues of improving the forms and methods of activity of investigative and other units of the National Police of Ukraine.
For employees of the National Police of Ukraine, scientists, teachers, adjuncts, graduate students, doctoral students, cadets, students and students of legal educational institutions, as well as anyone interested in improving the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and other law enforcement agencies.В учебном пособии представлены методические рекомендации, предложения и замечания к проектам нормативно-правовых актов и научные разъяснения отдельных положений действующего законодательства, разработанные кафедрами факультета № 1 Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел.
Научные труды, включен в учебного пособия, непосредственно касаются вопросов совершенствования форм и методов деятельности следственных и других подразделений органов Национальной полиции Украины.
Для работников органов Национальной полиции Украины, научных работников, преподавателей, адъюнктов, аспирантов, докторантов, курсантов, студентов и слушателей учебных заведений юридического профиля, а также всех, кто интересуется вопросами совершенствования деятельности органов Национальной полиции Украины и других органов правопорядка
The gold and oxygen (3 × 1) structures on W(1 1 2)
The adsorption of two very different adsorbates, gold and oxygen, induce the formation of a (3 × 1) surface structure on both W(1 1 2) and Mo(1 1 2). In spite of similar adsorbate unit cells, the surface electronic structure, derived from photoemission, exhibits pronounced differences for the two adsorbates. Indeed, both experiment and simulations indicate substantial changes in electronic structures of (1 × 1) and (3 × 1) gold overlayers supported by highly anisotropic (1 1 2) plane. We speculate that (3 × 1) is a favored periodicity in the atomic rearrangement of the (1 1 2) surfaces of molybdenum and tungsten due in part as a result of the initial state band structure of these surfaces
The minority spin surface bands of CoS\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e(001)
Angle-resolved photoemission was used to study the surface electronic band structure of high quality single crystals of ferromagnetic CoS2 (below 120 K). Strongly dispersing Co t2g bands are identified along the (100) k ǁ direction, the Γ-X line of the surface Brillouin zone, in agreement with model calculations. The calculated surface band structure includes corrections for the previously determined surface structure of CoS2(001) and is in general agreement with the experimental photoemission spectra in the region of the Fermi level. There is evidence of the existence of several minority spin surface states, falling into a gap of the projected minority spin bulk CoS2(001) band structure
The surface relaxation and band structure of Mo(112)
The experimental and theoretical surface band structures of Mo(112) are compared. This surface band structure mapping is presented with corrections included for the lattice relaxation of the Mo(112) surface. Quantitative low energy electron diffraction (LEED) has been used to determine the details of the Mo(112) surface structure. The first layer contraction is 14.9% by LEED intensity versus voltage analysis and is in general agreement with the 17.6% contraction found from total surface energy optimization. The electronic band structure is mapped out along Γ-X and Γ–Y of the surface Brillouin zone (SBZ). There is strong evidence of electron–phonon coupling particularly in the region of the Fermi level band crossing at 0.54 Å−1
Surface charging at the (1 0 0) surface of Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7
Wehave compared the photovoltaic charging of the (100) surface termination for Cu doped and undoped Li2B4O7. While the surface charging at the (100) surface of Li2B4O7 is significantly greater than observed at (110) surface, the Cu doping plays a role in reducing the surface photovoltage effects. With Cu doping of Li2B4O7, the surface photovoltaic charging is much diminished at the (100) surface. The density of states observed with combined photoemission and inverse photoemission remains similar to that observed for the undoped material, except in the vicinity of the conduction band edge
Comparison of n-type Gd\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3eO\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3e and Gd-doped HfO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e
Gd2O3 and Gd-doped HfO2 films were deposited on p-type silicon substrates in a reducing atmosphere. Gd 4f photoexcitation peaks at roughly 7 and 5 eV below the valence band maximum have been identified using the resonant photoemission of Gd2O2 and Gd-doped HfO2 films, respectively. In the case of Gd2O3, strong hybridization with the O 2p band is demonstrated, and there is evidence that the Gd 4f weighted band exhibits dispersion in the bulk band structure. The rectifying (diode-like) properties of Gd-doped HfO2–silicon and Gd2O3–silicon heterojunctions are demonstrated