240 research outputs found

    Morphological and functional modifications during the process of ageing : characteristics and benefits of physical activity

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    Ageing is a slow but dynamic process, which involves many internal and external influences. It is a complex multifactorial phenomenon characterized by progressive physiological, genetic, endocrinological and molecular changes, responsible for the increased risk of morbidity and death. Because of an increase in life expectancy, the incidence of degenerative diseases, such as muscular and skeletal diseases will also increase. The age-associated loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength (i.e. sarcopenia) seems to be an unavoidable part of the physical human decline. In fact, the relationship of ageing with impaired physical performance, frailty, loss of functional independence and increased risks of falls are well established in the literature. In addition, decreased muscle strength is also highly predictive of incident disability in the elderly. In particu- lar, weakness and functional deficit have been considered hallmark predictors of age related morbidity and decreased autonomy. Research on ageing has traditionally been concerned with health, but recently the concept of functional capacity has also been at- tracting growing attention. Regular physical activity, including, muscle-strengthening activity such as resistance exercises, balance and flexibility exercises, aerobic activity, is essential to develop a strategy to delay ageing

    Cognitive Training in Soccer: Where Is the Key Point?

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    Cognitive skills and executive function, in the last years become a golden reference to increase attention social skills and sport success. In particular, soccer is an open skills sport that requires a constant demand of cognitive skills and executive function because the unstable environment defines the decision making. Thus, modern soccer trainer changes the approach avoiding massive conditional exercises and introducing small side games. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what the cognitive training is and what could be an adequate stimulation to improve the executive function in soccer player

    Mesoscale contribution to the long-range offshore transport of organic carbon from the Canary Upwelling System to the open North Atlantic

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    Several studies in upwelling regions have suggested that mesoscale structures, such as eddies and filaments, contribute substantially to the long-range transport of the organic carbon from the nearshore region of production to the offshore region of remineralization. Yet a comprehensive analysis of this mesoscale flux and of its impact across the Canary Upwelling System (CanUS) has not been provided. Here, we fill this gap using simulations with the Regional Oceanic Modeling System (ROMS) coupled to a Nutrient, Phytoplankton, Zooplankton and Detritus (NPZD) ecosystem model. We run climatological simulations on an Atlantic telescopic grid with an eddy-resolving resolution in the CanUS. Using both a Reynolds flux decomposition and structure-identification algorithms, we quantify and characterize the organic carbon fluxes driven by filaments and eddies within the upper 100&thinsp;m and put them in relationship to the total offshore transport. Our analysis reveals that both coastal filaments and eddies enhance the offshore flux of organic carbon, but that their contribution is very different. Upwelling filaments, with their high speeds and high concentrations, transport the organic carbon offshore in a very intense, but coastally confined manner, contributing nearly 80&thinsp;% to the total flux of organic carbon at 100&thinsp;km offshore. The filament contribution tapers off quickly to near zero values at 1000&thinsp;km off the coast, leading to a strong offshore flux divergence that is the main lateral source of organic carbon in the coastal waters up to 1000&thinsp;km offshore. Some of this divergence is also due to the filaments inducing a substantial vertical subduction of the organic carbon below 100&thinsp;m. Owing to the temporal persistence and spatial recurrence of filaments, the filament transport largely constitutes a time-mean flux, while the time-varying component, i.e., the turbulent flux, is comparatively small. At distances beyond 500&thinsp;km from the coast, eddies dominate the mesoscale offshore transport. Although their contribution represents only 20&thinsp;% of the total offshore flux and its divergence, eddies, especially cyclones, transport organic carbon offshore to distances as great as 2000&thinsp;km from the coast. The eddy transport largely represents a turbulent flux, but striations in this transport highlight the existence of typical formation spots and recurrent offshore propagation pathways. While they propagate slowly, eddies are an important organic carbon reservoir for the open waters, as they contain, on average, a third of the organic carbon in this region, two thirds of which is found in cyclones. Our analysis confirms the importance of mesoscale processes for the offshore organic carbon transport and the fueling of the heterotrophic activity in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic, and highlights the need to consider the mesoscale flux in order to fully resolve the three-dimensionality of the marine organic carbon cycle.</p

    Stair ascent and descent in assessing donor site morbidity following osteocutaneous free fibula transfer : a preliminary study

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    Purpose: We wanted to investigate the gait kinematic parameters during stairs ascent and descent after a fibula free flap (FFF) removal for facial reconstruction. Methods: Eight patients who underwent facial reconstruction with FFF ascended and descended three standard steps. Their movements were recorded by a motion analyzer; gait kinematic parameters were obtained and compared to those calculated in eight control subjects. Results: Stride time, percentage of swing and support phases did not differ among healthy or operated limb, and control subjects (Kruskal Wallis, p>0.05). No significant differences were found for hip and knee movements, pelvis rotation and tilt, and body center of mass displacements. During stair descent, the patients had a significantly larger pelvis inclination than the control subjects (p<0.05). Conclusion: No functional limitations during stair performance were found. The only significant difference could indicate a minor control of the pelvis, and should be used to define specific rehabilitative interventions

    Kinematic evaluation of physical impairments of an elite Paralympic karateka

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    Karate is a Japanese martial art that counts millions of practitioners worldwide and that is spreading also in Paralympic competitions, requiring accurate categories definition for disabled athletes. The aim of the study is to present kinematic data of an elite Paralympic karateka, in comparison with able-bodied athletes. The authors also aim to promote a better classification within the discipline, based on objective biomechanical evaluations of physical impairments. A male black belt Paralympic karateka (age: 36 y; body weight: 75.5 kg; height: 173 cm) with lower limbs impairments was evaluated. The athlete had been performing high level karate for 20 years before the disability took place. After the post-operative rehabilitation, he attended 3/4 sessions of para- karate training per week. He performed a standardized sequence of movements, involving a sequence of offensive and defensive techniques, (kata) from traditional Shotokan karate. Joints and body Center of Mass (CoM) kinematics were collected with an optoelectronic motion capture system and compared with those obtained in two groups of able-bodied (elite and amateurs) athletes from a previous study1. Knee angular range of motion (RoM) and peak angular velocity were obtained. Coordinates of CoM were estimated, using the Segmental Centroid Method2, along with CoM average velocity and acceleration. To assess differences between Paralympic karateka and able-bodied groups, the one-sample t-test was performed. The sequence performed by the karateka lasted more than in both able-bodied groups. CoM average velocity and acceleration decreased in comparison with elite karateka. Knees range of movement and peak angular velocity were similar to amateur but lower than elite athletes. Results show that the physical impairments negatively affected the function of lower limbs in the Paralympic athlete. Fundamental skills in karate elite performance (dynamic balance control and joint RoM and angular velocity) were reduced

    Does autonomic neuropathy play a role in erythropoietin regulation in non-proteinuric Type 2 diabetic patients?

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    Aims Erythropoietin (EPO)-deficient anaemia has been described in Type 1 diabetic patients with both severe autonomic neuropathy (AN) and proteinuria. This study was aimed at distinguishing between the effects of AN and nephropathy on haemoglobin and EPO levels in Type 2 diabetic patients at an early stage of diabetic nephropathy. Methods In 64 Type 2 diabetic patients (age 52 +/- 10 years, duration 10 +/- 9 years) without overt nephropathy and other causes of anaemia or EPO deficit, we assessed cardiovascular tests of AN, 24-h blood pressure (BP) monitoring, urinary albumin excretion rate (UAE), a full blood count, and serum EPO. Results Although the Type 2 diabetic patients with AN did not show differences in haemoglobin and EPO when compared with patients without AN, the presence of haemoglobin < 13 g/dl was associated with the presence of AN (chi(2)= 3.9, P < 0.05) and of postural hypotension (chi(2)= 7.8, P < 0.05). In a multiple regression analysis including as independent variables gender, body mass index, duration of diabetes, smoking, creatinine, 24-h UAE, 24-h diastolic BP, ferritin, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and autonomic score, we found that the only variables independently related to haematocrit were autonomic score, ferritin and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Finally, the physiological inverse relationship between EPO and haemoglobin present in a control group of 42 non-diabetic non-anaemic subjects was completely lost in Type 2 diabetic patients. The slopes of the regression lines between EPO and haemoglobin of the control subjects and the Type 2 diabetic patients were significantly different (t = 14.4, P < 0.0001). Conclusion This study documents an early abnormality of EPO regulation in Type 2 diabetes before clinical nephropathy and points to a contributory role of AN in EPO dysregulation

    Difficolt&#224; di apprendimento: il ruolo dell&#8217;attivit&#224; motoria finalizzata

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    La forma di numeri e lettere, la loro successione da sinistra a destra che struttura parole e frasi, la memorizzazione del tracciato dei diversi caratteri, la coordinazione della muscolatu- ra oculare utilizzata negli atti dello scrivere e del leggere sono tutti elementi di qualit\ue0 mo- toria e sequenziale che l\u2019individuo deve automatizzare per affrontare il compito di appren- dere. La scarsa efficienza di alcune delle funzioni chiave della motricit\ue0, come la lateraliz- zazione e la coordinazione oculo manuale, incide pesantemente nell\u2019organizzazione delle procedure della letto-scrittura e del calcolo. Il nostro studio si pone lo scopo di esemplifi- care come l\u2019abilitazione coordinativa possa attenuare significativamente i DSA attraverso in- terventi di motricit\ue0 finalizzata. Il movimento umano inteso come \u201catto in funzione di uno scopo\u201d e proposto con una didattica protetta e di gruppo si \ue8 dimostrata essere in grado di ripristinare una viabilit\ue0 neuro motoria pi\uf9 funzionale a raggiungere il successo nelle pratiche scolastiche.A set of motor and sequential skills must be automatized in order to carry out the task of learning. Indeed, the learning process requires the visual search of number/letter shapes, the analysis of left-to-right sequences, memorization of letters shape tracing and eye muscle coordination in reading and writing. The low efficiency of some of the key functions within motor scheme, such as lateralization and eye-hand coordination, negatively affects the organization of reading-writing and calculation processes. The aim of our study was the assessment of improvements within reading/writing/ calculation outcomes, in LSD children after a specific motor sequence training. In particular, skill coordination performance leaded all children to an important improvements during specific trials about the scholastic practice. Specific and ad-personam sequence of exercise could be an elective teaching methodology to over-stimolate the neuro-motor viabilit

    Biceps brachii muscle fatigue during isometric contraction: is antagonist muscle fatigue a key factor?

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    Abstract: Purpose: Several studies analyzed muscle activity after pre-fatigue due to co-contraction, but the effects of antagonist contraction on agonist muscle performance are still incompletely known. The purpose is to determine if a previous workout of an antagonist muscle can affect muscular fatigue appearance during the subsequent agonist muscle performance. Methods: Surface EMG was used to estimate biceps brachii muscle fatigue during isometric contraction executed after previous contractions of the antagonist muscle. Eight expert male body-builders performed five series of isometric contractions (30 s) alternatively according to the agonist and antagonist protocols. Results: Within each repetition, for both biceps brachii muscles and experimental protocols, data showed a progressive fatigue, but no continuous quantitative decreasing trend of the median frequency of the spectrum along the five repetitions. Contraction time explained 1-91% (r2 values) of the reduction of mean activation frequency along the 30 s(agonistic protocol); 0.7-92% for antagonistic protocol. The decrement in median frequency was only partially time\u2013related. A repeated measures Anova found significant differences between subjects (p<0.0001), protocols (antagonistic greater than agonistic, p=0.03), while between sides (p=0.93) and repetitions (p=0.50), and for all interactions no significant differences were found. Conclusion: The present results did not confirm that the antagonistic pre-fatiguing can delay the fatigue appearance during agonistic performance (isometric tasks). Accordingly, the antagonistic protocol does not seem to be functional in improving the upper arm performance from a fatigue point of view, at least in trained subjects

    Anthropometric characteristic and running parameters: speed performance of children

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    This contribution deals with speed abilities of the pupils in short-distance runs in athletics. In scientific literature there are lots of studies that analyze speed performance in adults. These studies showed the correlation between speed and anthropometric measurements and between performance and indicators of speed (acceleration, frequency and length of steps). The aim of our study was the description of speed performance about children to verify similar relation as found in adults. We investigated speed abilities using the 50 m sprint test with standing start. The sample of subject consisted of 90 male and female pupils (45 male and 45 female) aged between 6 and 8 years old: beginner in athletic practice. We analyze performance with chronometers and photocells and we collected for each subject the anthropometric measurements (weight, height, torso and lower limb length), total time, intercepts every 10 meters and frequency of the step every 10 meters. The Anova 1 Way and Tukey-Kramer post hoc test was used to verify if the results were statistically significant among intercepts. In general, boys run faster than girl, total time decrease as the age increase and the interpretation and management of the effort in sprint change in the different age. Furthermore, the correlation between speed and anthropometric measurements were not always verified and the 20 meter cut-off was the general point where the run decreased. In conclusion, the performance in children could be improved using technical exercises about the support phases and educational approach to extend the effort

    Patient preferences for emergency department-initiated tobacco interventions: a multicenter cross-sectional study of current smokers

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    BACKGROUND: The emergency department (ED) visit provides a great opportunity to initiate interventions for smoking cessation. However, little is known about ED patient preferences for receiving smoking cessation interventions or correlates of interest in tobacco counseling. METHODS: ED patients at 10 US medical centers were surveyed about preferences for hypothetical smoking cessation interventions and specific counseling styles. Multivariable linear regression determined correlates of receptivity to bedside counseling. RESULTS: Three hundred seventy-five patients were enrolled; 46% smoked at least one pack of cigarettes per day, and 11% had a smoking-related diagnosis. Most participants (75%) reported interest in at least one intervention. Medications were the most popular (e.g., nicotine replacement therapy, 54%), followed by linkages to hotlines or other outpatient counseling (33-42%), then counseling during the ED visit (33%). Counseling styles rated most favorably involved individualized feedback (54%), avoidance skill-building (53%), and emphasis on autonomy (53%). In univariable analysis, age (r = 0.09), gender (average Likert score = 2.75 for men, 2.42 for women), education (average Likert score = 2.92 for non-high school graduates, 2.44 for high school graduates), and presence of smoking-related symptoms (r = 0.10) were significant at the p \u3c 0.10 level and thus were retained for the final model. In multivariable linear regression, male gender, lower education, and smoking-related symptoms were independent correlates of increased receptivity to ED-based smoking counseling. CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter study, smokers reported receptivity to ED-initiated interventions. However, there was variability in individual preferences for intervention type and counseling styles. To be effective in reducing smoking among its patients, the ED should offer a range of tobacco intervention options
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