72,718 research outputs found

    Facial behaviour of analytic functions on the bidisk

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    We prove that if ϕ\phi is an analytic function bounded by 1 on the bidisk and τ\tau is a point in a face of the bidisk at which ϕ\phi satisfies Caratheodory's condition then both ϕ\phi and the angular gradient ∇ϕ\nabla\phi exist and are constant on the face. Moreover, the class of all ϕ\phi with prescribed ϕ(τ)\phi(\tau) and ∇ϕ(τ)\nabla\phi(\tau) can be parametrized in terms of a function in the two-variable Pick class. As an application we solve an interpolation problem with nodes that lie on faces of the bidisk.Comment: 18 pages. We have replaced an erroneous proof of Theorem 5.4(1) by a valid proo

    How Much Care Do the Aged Receive from Their Children? A Bimodal Picture of Contact and Assistance

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    This paper presents some preliminary findings about contact between the aged and their children based on a new survey of the aged and their children, entitled The Hebrew Rehabilitation Center for the Aged-NBER (HRC-NBER) Child Survey. Data on extended families is quite limited. The HRC-NBER Child Survey represents one of the few attempts to collect economic and demographic data on the elderly and their children. While these data will be used in future,research to test structural models of the living arrangements, the purposes of the current paper are to describe the survey and to examine contact between the elderly and their children. While our findings are preliminary and will be updated and expanded as we receive more data, it appears that a significant minority of the elderly, many of whom need assistance with the activities of daily living, have either no children or have only limited contact with their children. Contact between children and the vulnerable elderly appears to be less than that between children and the nonvulnerable elderly, and the amount of contact between children and the institutionalized elderly seems the least of all. In addition, although many of the parents in our data are very poor, financial support from children to parents, other than in the form of shared housing, is uncommon. The impression given by these data is that many of the elderly are very well cared for by their children, while a significant minority either have no children or have no children who provide significant time or care. Some of the findings for this sample are striking: (1) over a fifth of the elderly have no children. (2) over one half of the elderly either do not have a daughter or do not have a daughter who lives within an hour of them. (3) over half of single elderly males and females and over two fifths of vulnerable single elderly males and females live completely alone. (4) of the elderly who have children, fewer than a quarter live with their children. (5) a small fraction of elderly with children hear from them at most on a yearly basis. (6) almost 10 percent of the children of the elderly have at most yearly contact. (7) financial assistance from children to the elderly, even in cases where the elderly are quite poor, is extremely rare. (8) in a typical month over a quarter of elderly who have children do not physically spend time with their children.

    Conceptual definition of a high voltage power supply test facility

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    NASA Lewis Research Center is presently developing a 60 GHz traveling wave tube for satellite cross-link communications. The operating voltage for this new tube is - 20 kV. There is concern about the high voltage insulation system and NASA is planning a space station high voltage experiment that will demonstrate both the 60 GHz communications and high voltage electronics technology. The experiment interfaces, requirements, conceptual design, technology issues and safety issues are determined. A block diagram of the high voltage power supply test facility was generated. It includes the high voltage power supply, the 60 GHz traveling wave tube, the communications package, the antenna package, a high voltage diagnostics package and a command and data processor system. The interfaces with the space station and the attached payload accommodations equipment were determined. A brief description of the different subsystems and a discussion of the technology development needs are presented


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    The Florida citrus industry operates in a competitive global market. However, unlike program crops, producers in this industry do not benefit from direct income support under the new Farm Bill. There is concern about the impact of elimination of the orange juice tariff on the financial health of the Florida orange industry. The purpose of this paper is to examine the level of government expenditure that would be needed to provide income support to orange producers if the orange juice tariff were eliminated. For the span of the Bill direct payments to corn are estimated to total 25.1billion.Bycomparisonthedirectexpendituresincurredforanincomesupportprogramfororangeswouldbesubstantiallyless.Intheearlyyearswiththetariffinplacetheexpendituresareestimatedtobeabout25.1 billion. By comparison the direct expenditures incurred for an income support program for oranges would be substantially less. In the early years with the tariff in place the expenditures are estimated to be about 300 million and would fall below 200millionby2007.Ifthetariffwereremovedgovernmentsupportwouldinitiallybe200 million by 2007. If the tariff were removed government support would initially be 925 million but would decline to about 700millionin2007.Overthesix−yearperiod,2002−2007,thedirectpaymenttoorangeproducerswouldbe700 million in 2007. Over the six-year period, 2002-2007, the direct payment to orange producers would be 1,538.5 million with retention of the tariff and $4,721.8 million if the tariff were eliminated.income support program, oranges, tariff, FSRIA, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,

    Risk Management Practices for Specialty Crop Producers in Florida

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    Crop Production/Industries, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Lithostratigraphy, sedimentation and evolution of the Volta Basin in Ghana

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    We present a revised lithostratigraphy for the Voltaian Supergroup of Ghana, based on a review of existing literature, interpretations of remotely sensed data and reconnaissance field survey of the Volta Basin. These strata thicken eastwards, to a maximum of between 5 and 6 km adjacent to the Pan-African Dahomeyide orogen. They began to accumulate some time after about 1000 Ma, along the margin of an epicontinental sea. Initial sedimentation, comprising the age-equivalent Kwahu and Bombouaka Groups, shows a cyclical mode of deposition controlled by eustatic changes in sea-level that produced a range of nearshore marine, littoral and terrestrial environments. A major erosional interval was followed by deposition of the 3–4 km thick Oti-Pendjari Group. Basal tillites and associated sandy diamictons are correlated with the Marinoan (end-Cryogenian) glaciation, indicating a maximum depositional age of about 635 Ma. The overlying cap carbonates and tuffs were deposited within a shallow epeiric sea bordered by a volcanically active rift system. The main part of the group records the transition from a rifted passive margin to a fully developed foreland basin receiving marine flysch in the form of argillaceous strata interbedded with highly immature wacke-type sandstones and conglomerates. Maximum accommodation space was developed within a foredeep adjacent to the Dahomeyide belt. Towards the end of the orogenic phase, the foredeep succession became partially inverted and then was buried under coarse terrestrial, red-bed molasse of the Obosum Group
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