15 research outputs found

    Outage Probability Analysis of Mixed RF-FSO System Influenced by Fisher-Snedecor Fading and Gamma-Gamma Atmospheric Turbulence

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    In this paper, we investigate a dual-hop relaying system, composed of radio frequency (RF) and free-space optical (FSO) link. Decode-and-forward (DF) relay is employed to integrate the first RF link and the second line-of-sight FSO links. The RF channel is assumed to be subject to recently proposed Fisher-Snedecor fading model, which was shown to be convenient for modeling in realistic wireless communication scenarios. The FSO channel is affected by Gamma-Gamma distributed atmospheric turbulence. Expression for the outage probability is derived and utilized to present numerical results. Based on presented results, the effects of various RF and FSO channels parameters on the overall system performance are examined and discussed.Comment: Presented at 2018 26th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR

    Intrabiliary rupture of liver hydatid cyst: a case report and review of the literature

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    Herein, we report a 66 year old woman who was diagnosed to have intrabiliary rupture of liver hydatid cyst with demonstrative computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography findings, with a review of the literature

    Less Work, Less Respect: Authors' Perceived Importance of Research Contributions and Their Declared Contributions to Research Articles

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    BACKGROUND: Attitudes towards authorship are connected with authors' research experience and with knowledge of authorship criteria of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). The objective of this study was to assess association between authors' perceived importance of contributions for authorship qualification and their participation in manuscripts submitted to a journal. METHODS: Authors (n = 1181) of 265 manuscripts submitted to the Croatian Medical Journal were asked to identify and rate their contribution in the preparation of the submitted manuscript (0-none to 4-full for 11 listed contributions) and the importance of these contributions as authorship qualifications (0-none to 4-full). They were randomly allocated into 3 groups: the first (n = 90 manuscripts, n = 404 authors) first received the contribution disclosure form and then contribution importance-rating questionnaire; the second (n = 88 manuscripts, n = 382 authors) first received the rating questionnaire and then the contribution disclosure form, and the third group (n = 87 manuscripts, n = 395 authors) received both questionnaires at the same time. We compared authors' perception of importance of contribution categories. RESULTS: 1014 (85.9%) authors of 235 manuscripts responded. Authors who declared contribution to a specific category rated it as more important for authorship than those authors who did not contribute to the same category (P>0.005 for all contribution categories, Mann-Withney test). Authors qualifying for ICMJE authorship rated all contribution categories higher than non-qualifying authors. For all contributions, associations between perceived importance of contribution and actual author's contribution were statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Authorship seems to be not a normative issue subjective to categorization into criteria, but also a very personal view of the importance and value of one's contributions


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    Objective: to establish clinical and epidemiological patterns of chickenpox in adults in the Primorsky Territory to improve treatment and prevention work. Materials and methods: The study used statistics on the incidence of chicken pox in the Primorsky Territory from 2009 to 2017 and demographic data on the population for the specified period. A clinical characteristic of 102 cases of varicella in patients hospitalized in the infectious disease ward of Primorsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 (Vladivostok) in 2015-2017 is given. Results: From 2009 to 2017, the incidence of chickenpox in the Primorsky Territory was consistently high, with an average of 636.2 per 100,000 population. Analysis of the structure of patients showed that the maximum proportion of cases of chicken pox occur in organized children 3-6 years old (55.9%), schoolchildren (19.1%) and children 1–2 years old (11.6%). The proportion of 15–17 year olds was 3.0%. Adults, from 18 years old – 4.9%. The proportion of unorganized children 3–6 years old (2.9%) and children in the first year of life (2.6%) is not high. High risk of infection was detected in Vladivostok (57.8 per 100.000), Yakovlevsky (52.1% ooo), Olginsky (45.9% ooo), Lazovsky (42.8% ooo) and Shkotovsky (40, 2% ooo) areas. In the annual dynamics, a pronounced spring-summer seasonal rise was formed. The clinical course of varicella in the group of adults was characterized by an average duration of the initial period of the disease of 1.4 ± 0.7 days. For clinical diagnosis, an important time was the appearance of the rash, which varied within four days. The phenomenon of “spillage” was noted in 97% of patients. The rash was polymorphic, with the formation of crusts. The period of height was characterized by the presence of catarrhal manifestations. The granularity of the posterior pharyngeal wall was observed in all patients without exception. In 84.3% of patients there was a bright hyperemia of the pharynx. In 14.7% of cases, enantema was detected on the soft palate, palatine arches, and posterior pharyngeal wall. Dry cough was detected in 28 of 103 patients, which probably increased their epidemiological significance. Findings: The clinical picture of varicella was typical and was represented by a combination of intoxication, exanthema, and catarrhal syndrome. The epidemic process of varicella in adults in Primorsky Krai was characterized by relative autonomy of manifestations in adults, children up to one year old, and unorganized children. When implementing chickenpox epidemiological surveillance, priority should be given to interventions in epidemic foci.Цель: установление клинических и эпидемиологических закономерностей ветряной оспы у взрослых в Приморском крае для совершенствования лечебной и профилактической работы. Материалы и методы: в исследовании использованы статистические данные по заболеваемости ветряной оспой в Приморском крае с 2009 по 2017 г. и демографические данные по численности населения за указанный период. Дана клиническая характеристика 102 случаев ветряной оспы у пациентов, госпитализированных в инфекционное отделение Приморской краевой клинической больницы №2 (г. Владивосток) в 2015–2017 гг. Результаты: с 2009 по 2017 г. заболеваемость ветряной оспой в Приморском крае была стабильно высокой, со средним уровнем 636,2 на 100 000 населения. Анализ структуры больных показал, что максимальная доля случаев ветряной оспы приходится на организованных детей 3–6 лет (55,9%), школьников (19,1%) и детей 1–2 лет (11,6%). Доля лиц 15–17 лет составила 3,0%; взрослых (с 18 лет) – 4,9%. Невысока доля неорганизованных детей 3–6 лет (2,9%) и детей первого года жизни (2,6%). К территориям риска по заболеваемости ветряной оспой взрослых были отнесены Владивосток (57,8 на 100,000), Яковлевский (52,1%ooo), Ольгинский (45,9%ooo), Лазовский (42,8%ooo) и Шкотовский (40,2%ooo) районы. В годовой динамике формировался ярко выраженный весенне-летний сезонный подъем. Клиническое течение ветряной оспы в группе взрослых лиц характеризовалось средней продолжительностью начального периода болезни 1,4±0,7 дня. Для клинической диагностики важным являлось время появления сыпи, варьировавшее в пределах 4 суток. Феномен «подсыпания» был отмечен у 97% больных. Сыпь была полиморфной, с образованием корочек. Период разгара характеризовался наличием катаральных проявлений. Зернистость задней стенки глотки наблюдалась у всех без исключения пациентов. У 84,3% больных отмечалась яркая гиперемия зева. В 14,7% случаев выявлена энантема на мягком небе, небных дужках, задней стенке глотки. Сухой кашель выявлен у 28 из 102 больных, что, вероятно, увеличивало их эпидемиологическую значимость.Выводы: клиническая картина ветряной оспы была типичной и представлена сочетанием интоксикационного, экзантемного и катарального синдрома. Эпидемический процесс ветряной оспы у взрослых в Приморском крае характеризовался относительной автономностью проявлений у взрослых, детей до 1 года и неорганизованных детей. При осуществлении эпидемического надзора за ветряной оспой следует отдавать приоритет мероприятиям в эпидемических очагах

    Symbolic Analysis of Faulty Logic Circuits under Correlated Data-Dependent Gate Failures

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    In this paper we present a method for symbolic analysis of unreliable logic circuits in the presence of correlated and data-dependent gate failures, described by Markov chains. Furthermore, using this method we investigate the influence of data-dependent failures on the performance of majority logic and multiple input XOR gates

    Echinococcus cysticus in der Leber

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    Performance Analysis of Faulty Gallager-B Decoding of QC-LDPC Codes with Applications

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    In this paper we evaluate the performance of Gallager-B algorithm, used for decoding low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, under unreliable message computation. Our analysis is restricted to LDPC codes constructed from circular matrices (QC-LDPC codes). Using Monte Carlo simulation we investigate the effects of different code parameters on coding system performance, under a binary symmetric communication channel and independent transient faults model. One possible application of the presented analysis in designing memory architecture with unreliable components is considered

    Clinical and epidemiological patterns of chickenpox in adults in the Primorsky territory

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    Objective: to establish clinical and epidemiological patterns of chickenpox in adults in the Primorsky Territory to improve treatment and prevention work. Materials and methods: The study used statistics on the incidence of chicken pox in the Primorsky Territory from 2009 to 2017 and demographic data on the population for the specified period. A clinical characteristic of 102 cases of varicella in patients hospitalized in the infectious disease ward of Primorsky Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 (Vladivostok) in 2015-2017 is given. Results: From 2009 to 2017, the incidence of chickenpox in the Primorsky Territory was consistently high, with an average of 636.2 per 100,000 population. Analysis of the structure of patients showed that the maximum proportion of cases of chicken pox occur in organized children 3-6 years old (55.9%), schoolchildren (19.1%) and children 1–2 years old (11.6%). The proportion of 15–17 year olds was 3.0%. Adults, from 18 years old – 4.9%. The proportion of unorganized children 3–6 years old (2.9%) and children in the first year of life (2.6%) is not high. High risk of infection was detected in Vladivostok (57.8 per 100.000), Yakovlevsky (52.1% ooo), Olginsky (45.9% ooo), Lazovsky (42.8% ooo) and Shkotovsky (40, 2% ooo) areas. In the annual dynamics, a pronounced spring-summer seasonal rise was formed. The clinical course of varicella in the group of adults was characterized by an average duration of the initial period of the disease of 1.4 ± 0.7 days. For clinical diagnosis, an important time was the appearance of the rash, which varied within four days. The phenomenon of “spillage” was noted in 97% of patients. The rash was polymorphic, with the formation of crusts. The period of height was characterized by the presence of catarrhal manifestations. The granularity of the posterior pharyngeal wall was observed in all patients without exception. In 84.3% of patients there was a bright hyperemia of the pharynx. In 14.7% of cases, enantema was detected on the soft palate, palatine arches, and posterior pharyngeal wall. Dry cough was detected in 28 of 103 patients, which probably increased their epidemiological significance. Findings: The clinical picture of varicella was typical and was represented by a combination of intoxication, exanthema, and catarrhal syndrome. The epidemic process of varicella in adults in Primorsky Krai was characterized by relative autonomy of manifestations in adults, children up to one year old, and unorganized children. When implementing chickenpox epidemiological surveillance, priority should be given to interventions in epidemic foci