20 research outputs found

    Efek Pencampuran Bahan Pestisida Nabati terhadap Keefektifannya dalam Menekan Colletotrichum SP. In Vitro Serta Penyakit Antraknosa pada Stroberi

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    Antrachnose disease caused by Colletotrichum sp. is one of the important diseases of strawberry in the field or after postharvest. The environmentally-friendly control measures is the use of botanical pesticides. Botanical pesticides that are commonly used by the farmers are mixture of several kinds of plant extract. This paper discuses the effects of combining water extract of garlic, galangal rhizome, and betel leaves on their efficacy in inhibiting conidial germination of Colletotrichum sp., the growth of miselium in vitro and the development of antracnose disease in strawberry. Preliminary study was conducted to determine the concentration of the extract that was used for further experiment. The experiment was arranged in the completely randomized design with 10 treatments involving water extract of garlic, galangal rhizome, betel leaves and their mixtures, fungicide and control/check. Each treatment was repeated three times.The results showed that combination of water extract of garlic, galangal rhizome and betel leaves did not enhance their efficacy. The inhibition effect of garlic water extract (5% concentration) was relatively better than its mixtures with galangal and betel leaves (total concentration 15%). The effects of galangal rhizome or betel leaves water extract and their mixtures were not significantly different. Water extract of garlic (15 %) inhibited Colletotrichum sp. which was showed by inhibition zone of 9.3 mm width; and suppressed the antrachnose disease in strawberry stolon by 83,7 %

    Pengaruh Mutagen Etil Metan Sulfonat terhadap Kapasitas Regenerasi Tunas Hibrida Phalaenopsis In Vitro

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    Perakitan kultivar yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan Erwinia carotovora dapat dilakukan dengan teknik induksi mutasi. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui pengaruh mutagen etil metan sulfonat (EMS) terhadap Perubahan genetik di antaranya kapasitas regenerasi tanaman anggrek Phalaenopsis pada kultur in vitro dan mengetahui lethal concentration (LC) mutagen EMS pada anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan sembilan perlakuan konsentrasi EMS dan diulang tiga kali. Mutagen kimia yang digunakan yaitu EMS dengan konsentrasi 0 ; 0,025 ; 0,050 ; 0,075 ; 0,1; 0,125 ; 0,15 ; 0,175; dan 0,2%. Eksplan berupa meristem aksilar anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis ditanam pada medium dasar MS+ 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA dan diinkubasi pada ruang kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etil metan sulfonat memberi pengaruh pada pertumbuhan meristem hibrida Phalaenopsis dalam membentuk tunas. EMS dengan konsentrasi 0,025 dan 0,05% memberi pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap jumlah tunas dan tinggi tunas. LC50 untuk karakter persentase pembentukan tunas ialah 0,112%. Terdapat dua konsentrasi EMS, yaitu 0,025 dan 0,05% yang memberi pengaruh terbaik pada pembentukan tunas hibrida Phalaenopsis. Diperoleh beberapa regeneran mutan potensial dari berbagai perlakukan < 0,15% EMS yang perlu diuji dengan isolat Erwinia carotovora. To improve cultivars resistance to soft rot disease caused by Erwinia carotovora can be done by using mutation induction. The research objective was to determine the effect of EMS mutagent Phalaenopsis hybrid to change the genetic i.e. capacity of plant regeneration in vitro culture and the lethal concentration (LC) of EMS mutagent in Phalaenopsis hybrid. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with nine concentrations of EMS treatment and repeated three times. The mutagent of EMS concentrations used were 0, 0.025; 0.050; 0.075; 0.1; 0.125; 0.15; 0.175; and 0.2%. The meristem axilar as explant was be grown on basic medium MS suplemented with 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA and incubated in culture room. The results showed that the influence on growth of EMS meristem Phalaenopsis hybrids. The EMS mutagent with concentration of 0.025 and 0.05% gave better effect to the high number of shoots and buds. LC50 of the percentage of bud formation character was 0.112%. Two EMS concentrations were 0.025 and 0.05% provided the best influence on the formation of shoot Phalaenopsis hybrid. There were many regenerants potential mutant from several EMS treatments < 0.15 % that should be tested by isolate of E. carotovora

    Description Of Exlampsia / Eklampsia Pre Causes In Pregnant Mothers In Puskesmas Kalisat Jember District

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    One of the cause of morbidity, maternal and fetal mortality is preeclampsia [PE] which, according to the WHO range between 0.51% - 38.4%. In the eastern Java at 34.71% of pregnant women die from preeclampsia / eclampsia. In Kalisat health centers are 248 cases of high risk pregnant women and 35 cases with preeclampsia / eclampsia (7.44%), the purpose of this study is to describe the factor in preeclampsia / eclampsia in health center of Kalisat Jember regency. This type of research is descriptive. The populations in this study were 35 pregnant women with the sampling technique used is the total sampling. Data were analyzed using frequency tables using statistical product and service solution (SPSS). The results of this study indicated that the factors cause preeclampsia / eclampsia in health center of Kalisat Jember regency based mostly maternal age <20 or> 35 years 22 (62.9%), had children 1-2 is 22 (62.9%), had a history of hypertension 20 (57.1%), had over weight body is 23 (65.7), not because of a history of diabetes mellitus is 4 (11.4%), and not because of pregnancy gemeli is 1 (2.9%). The conclusion of this study is the trend factor in preeclampsia / eclampsia in health center of Kalisat Jember regency is overweight so it is necessary for balancing input and output of energy / calorie

    Pengaruh Mutagen Etil Metan Sulfonat terhadap Kapasitas Regenerasi Tunas Hibrida Phalaenopsis In Vitro

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    Perakitan kultivar yang tahan terhadap penyakit busuk lunak yang disebabkan Erwinia carotovora dapat dilakukan dengan teknik induksi mutasi. Tujuan penelitian ialah mengetahui pengaruh mutagen etil metan sulfonat (EMS) terhadap perubahan genetik di antaranya kapasitas regenerasi tanaman anggrek Phalaenopsis pada kultur in vitro dan mengetahui lethal concentration (LC) mutagen EMS pada anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak lengkap dengan sembilan perlakuan konsentrasi EMS dan diulang tiga kali. Mutagen kimia yang digunakan yaitu EMS dengan konsentrasi 0 ; 0,025 ; 0,050 ; 0,075 ; 0,1; 0,125 ; 0,15 ; 0,175;  dan 0,2%. Eksplan berupa meristem aksilar anggrek hibrida Phalaenopsis ditanam pada medium dasar MS+ 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA dan diinkubasi pada ruang kultur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etil metan sulfonat memberi pengaruh pada pertumbuhan meristem hibrida Phalaenopsis dalam membentuk tunas. EMS dengan konsentrasi 0,025 dan 0,05% memberi pengaruh yang lebih baik terhadap jumlah tunas dan tinggi tunas. LC50 untuk karakter persentase pembentukan tunas ialah 0,112%. Terdapat dua konsentrasi EMS, yaitu 0,025 dan 0,05% yang memberi pengaruh terbaik pada pembentukan tunas hibrida Phalaenopsis. Diperoleh beberapa regeneran mutan potensial dari berbagai perlakukan < 0,15% EMS yang perlu diuji dengan isolat Erwinia carotovora. To improve cultivars resistance to soft rot disease caused by Erwinia carotovora can be done by using mutation induction. The research objective was to determine the effect of EMS mutagent Phalaenopsis hybrid to change the genetic i.e. capacity of plant regeneration in vitro culture and the lethal concentration (LC) of EMS mutagent in Phalaenopsis hybrid. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design with nine concentrations of EMS treatment and repeated three times. The mutagent of EMS concentrations used were 0, 0.025; 0.050; 0.075; 0.1; 0.125; 0.15; 0.175; and 0.2%. The meristem axilar as explant was be grown on basic medium MS suplemented with 2 ml/l BA + 1 ml/l NAA and incubated in culture room. The results showed that the influence on growth of EMS meristem Phalaenopsis hybrids. The EMS mutagent with concentration of 0.025 and 0.05% gave better effect to the high number of shoots and buds. LC50 of the percentage of bud formation character was 0.112%. Two EMS concentrations were 0.025 and 0.05% provided the best influence on the formation of shoot Phalaenopsis hybrid. There were many regenerants potential mutant from several EMS treatments < 0.15 % that should be  tested by isolate of E. carotovora