83 research outputs found

    The use of tungsten as a chronically implanted material.

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    This review paper shows that tungsten should not generally be used as a chronically implanted material. The metal has a long implant history, from neuroscience, vascular medicine, radiography, orthopaedics, prosthodontics, and various other fields, primarily as a result of its high density, radiopacity, tensile strength, and yield point. However, a crucial material criterion for chronically implanted metals is their long-term resistance to corrosion in body fluids, either by inherently noble metallic surfaces, or by protective passivation layers of metal oxide. The latter is often assumed for elemental tungsten, with references to its 'inertness' and 'stability' common in the literature. This review argues that in the body, metallic tungsten fails this criterion, and will eventually dissolve into the soluble hexavalent form W6+, typically represented by the orthotungstate [Formula: see text] (monomeric tungstate) anion. This paper outlines the metal's unfavourable corrosion thermodynamics in the human physiological environment, the chemical pathways to either metallic or metal oxide dissolution, the rate-limiting steps, and the corrosion-accelerating effects of reactive oxidising species that the immune system produces post-implantation. Multiple examples of implant corrosion have been reported, with failure by dissolution to varying extents up to total loss, with associated emission of tungstate ions and elevated blood serum levels measured. The possible toxicity of these corrosion products has also been explored. As the field of medical implants grows and designers explore novel solutions to medical implant problems, the authors recommend the use of alternative materials

    Silicone encapsulation of thin-film SiOâ‚“, SiOâ‚“Ny and SiC for modern electronic medical implants: a comparative long-term ageing study

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    Objective. Ensuring the longevity of implantable devices is critical for their clinical usefulness. This is commonly achieved by hermetically sealing the sensitive electronics in a water impermeable housing, however, this method limits miniaturisation. Alternatively, silicone encapsulation has demonstrated long-term protection of implanted thick-film electronic devices. However, much of the current conformal packaging research is focused on more rigid coatings, such as parylene, liquid crystal polymers and novel inorganic layers. Here, we consider the potential of silicone to protect implants using thin-film technology with features 33 times smaller than thick-film counterparts. Approach. Aluminium interdigitated comb structures under plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposited passivation (SiOx, SiOxNy, SiOxNy + SiC) were encapsulated in medical grade silicones, with a total of six passivation/silicone combinations. Samples were aged in phosphate-buffered saline at 67‰ for up to 694 days under a continuous ±5 V biphasic waveform. Periodic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements monitored for leakage currents and degradation of the metal traces. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, focused-ion-beam and scanning-electron- microscopy were employed to determine any encapsulation material changes. Main results. No silicone delamination, passivation dissolution, or metal corrosion was observed during ageing. Impedances greater than 100 G were maintained between the aluminium tracks for silicone encapsulation over SiOxNy and SiC passivations. For these samples the only observed failure mode was open-circuit wire bonds. In contrast, progressive hydration of the SiOx caused its resistance to decrease by an order of magnitude. Significance. These results demonstrate silicone encapsulation offers excellent protection to thin-film conducting tracks when combined with appropriate inorganic thin films. This conclusion corresponds to previous reliability studies of silicone encapsulation in aqueous environments, but with a larger sample size. Therefore, we believe silicone encapsulation to be a realistic means of providing long-term protection for the circuits of implanted electronic medical devices

    The Abundance of Ornamental Corals After Mass Die Off in 1997 on the Padang Shelf Reef System, West Sumatera, Indonesia

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    The Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries aims to establish export quota ornamental corals based on scientifically-founded data from the natural environment. The purpose of this study was to determine the abundance of ornamental coral after mass die off in 1997. Ornamental corals were classified into three groups based on the guideline of ornamental coral propagation for trading purposes. Classification categories are rapid (3-6 months), middle (8-12 months), and slow growth rate (>24 months), which relates to their harvesting time when transplanted for the trade purpose. The survey method used line intercept transects to get coral condition data and belt transect with 2 m width to get ornamental coral data. Both line and belt transect have 30 m length and with three replicates. The study showed number of colony and abundance of ornamental coral for fast growth rate group such as Acropora sp (1348 col & 7.49 col/m2), Galaxea sp, Hydnophora exesa, H. microconus, Pocillopora damicornis, Stylopora sp and Montipora sp with the highest abundant found on Acropora sp and Montipora sp (1348 col & 7.49 col/m2). Whereas the coral which from middle growth rate were Leptoseris sp, Pavona sp, Platygyra sp, Favia sp, Favites sp with the highest abundant found on Favia sp (101 col & 0.56 col/m2). Coral species typically used for ornamental coral trade within the slow growth rate category such massive coral were not found on this survey. Due to the massive coral die-off in 1997 and the paucity of ornamental corals, the utilization of ornamental coral should be supported by coral transplantation and the broodstock of slow growth of coral taken from other area

    Apparatus to investigate the insulation impedance and accelerated life-testing of neural interfaces

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    OBJECTIVE: Neural interfaces and other implantable micro-devices that use polymer-encapsulated integrated circuits will only be allowed in medical devices when their lifetimes can be estimated from experimental data. An apparatus has been developed and tested that allows hundreds of insulation samples (interdigitated combs) to be aged under accelerated conditions of high temperature and voltage stress. Occasionally, aging is interrupted while the sample's impedance is measured; the impedance spectrogram shows degradation as it progresses before failure.
 Approach. The design was based on practical considerations which are reviewed. A Solartron Modulab provides the frequency response analyser and the femtoammeter. The apparatus can accommodate batches of samples at several temperatures and with different aging voltage waveforms. It is important to understand features of the spectra that are not due to comb-comb leakage; these have been observed and investigated using SPICE.
 Main results. The design is described in detail and tests show that it is capable of making measurements over long periods, at least up to 67°C. Despite the size of the apparatus, background capacitance is about 1 pF and comb-comb capacitances of about 30 pF can be measured down to 10 mHz. an impedance of about 100GΩ. An important discovery was the advantage of grounding the bathing solution, mainly because it raises the measurement ceiling. Observation and SPICE simulation show that leakage from the substrate to the bathing solution can give phase lags >90°, in contrast to comb-comb leakage which reduces phase lag to <90°.
 Significance. We think that the value of this paper is that it will facilitate research into the endurance of small implanted devices because, given a description of proven apparatus, researchers can start building their own apparatus relatively quickly and with confidence.&#13

    The neural engine: a reprogrammable low power platform for closed-loop optogenetics

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    Brain-machine Interfaces (BMI) hold great potential for treating neurological disorders such as epilepsy. Technological progress is allowing for a shift from open-loop, pacemaker-class, intervention towards fully closed-loop neural control systems. Low power programmable processing systems are therefore required which can operate within the thermal window of 2° C for medical implants and maintain long battery life. In this work, we developed a low power neural engine with an optimized set of algorithms which can operate under a power cycling domain. By integrating with custom designed brain implant chip, we have demonstrated the operational applicability to the closed-loop modulating neural activities in in-vitro brain tissues: the local field potentials can be modulated at required central frequency ranges. Also, both a freely-moving non-human primate (24-hour) and a rodent (1-hour) in-vivo experiments were performed to show system long-term recording performance. The overall system consumes only 2.93mA during operation with a biological recording frequency 50Hz sampling rate (the lifespan is approximately 56 hours). A library of algorithms has been implemented in terms of detection, suppression and optical intervention to allow for exploratory applications in different neurological disorders. Thermal experiments demonstrated that operation creates minimal heating as well as battery performance exceeding 24 hours on a freely moving rodent. Therefore, this technology shows great capabilities for both neuroscience in-vitro/in-vivo applications and medical implantable processing units

    Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Flashes Under The Influence Of Pollution In Malaysia And Some Countries

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    The effect of air pollution produced from world war, industrial activities and transportation clearly can change the earth ecology system such as the atmospheric conditions. Base on few studies reported from by researcher in USA, Brazil, Spain and South Korea researcher have proven that the pollution effect can enhance the activity of lightning. Those information above motivate Advanced Multidisciplinary System Technology researcher in UTeM to report the cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in Malaysia the influence of pollution. Particulate Matter (PM10) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) concentration were used as gross indicator of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and examined in relation to the urban increase in CG lightning activity. PM10 concentration recorded in Subang, Ipoh and Bayan Lepas were 51, 50 and 49μgm/m³ respectively. Meanwhile, SO2 concentration recorded were 8, 7.9, 7.7μgm/m³. The three urban areas have average number of CG lightning flashes of 200, 197 and 184. An analysis related number of CG flashes against pollutants show positive correlation in Malaysia with reading of 0.94. This indicates PM10 and SO2 concentration have high influential factor in enhancement of CG lightning activity in Malaysia

    Permeance Based Algorithm For Computation Of Flux Linkage Characteristics Of Non-Linear 6/4 Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM)

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    The concept of permeance is used in the analysis of flux linkage of 6/4 SRM. The aim of this paper is to develop an efficient algorithm exploiting the nonlinear feature of the 6/4 SRM using the aforementioned concept of permeance. The first step is to generate the relevant equations related to permeances of the 6/4 SRM under study. The 6/4 SRM’s magnetization curve is then derived from the summation of mmf drops at various blocks representing the motor. The air gap permeances are derived at various angles and 3-D leakage effects are taken into account. These permeances are used for the mmf drop computation. The algorithm is capable of efficiently computing mmf drop at every block to consequently yield a complete accurate nonlinear flux linkage feature of the 6/4 switched reluctance motor. In this way, the capability of the SRM to produce the expected four times the specific output torque due to operation in high saturation region compared to an equivalent induction motor as special the attribute of the SRM is demonstrated

    A review of the occurrence and causes for wildfires and their impacts on the geoenvironment

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    Wildfires have short- and long-term impacts on the geoenvironment, including the changes to biogeochemical and mechanical properties of soils, landfill stability, surface- and groundwater, air pollution, and vegetation. Climate change has increased the extent and severity of wildfires across the world. Simultaneously, anthropogenic activities—through the expansion of urban areas into wildlands, abandonment of rural practices, and accidental or intentional fire-inception activities—are also responsible for a majority of fires. This paper provides an overall review and critical appraisal of existing knowledge about processes induced by wildfires and their impact on the geoenvironment. Burning of vegetation leads to loss of root reinforcement and changes in soil hydromechanical properties. Also, depending on the fire temperature, soil can be rendered hydrophobic or hydrophilic and compromise soil nutrition levels, hinder revegetation, and, in turn, increase post-fire erosion and the debris flow susceptibility of hillslopes. In addition to direct hazards, wildfires pollute air and soil with smoke and fire suppression agents releasing toxic, persistent, and relatively mobile contaminants into the geoenvironment. Nevertheless, the mitigation of wildfires’ geoenvironmental impacts does not fit within the scope of this paper. In the end, and in no exhaustive way, some of the areas requiring future research are highlighted

    Granger Causality Mapping during Joint Actions Reveals Evidence for Forward Models That Could Overcome Sensory-Motor Delays

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    Studies investigating joint actions have suggested a central role for the putative mirror neuron system (pMNS) because of the close link between perception and action provided by these brain regions [1], [2], [3]. In contrast, our previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment demonstrated that the BOLD response of the pMNS does not suggest that it directly integrates observed and executed actions during joint actions [4]. To test whether the pMNS might contribute indirectly to the integration process by sending information to brain areas responsible for this integration (integration network), here we used Granger causality mapping (GCM) [5]. We explored the directional information flow between the anterior sites of the pMNS and previously identified integrative brain regions. We found that the left BA44 sent more information than it received to both the integration network (left thalamus, right middle occipital gyrus and cerebellum) and more posterior nodes of the pMNS (BA2). Thus, during joint actions, two anatomically separate networks therefore seem effectively connected and the information flow is predominantly from anterior to posterior areas of the brain. These findings suggest that the pMNS is involved indirectly in joint actions by transforming observed and executed actions into a common code and is part of a generative model that could predict the future somatosensory and visual consequences of observed and executed actions in order to overcome otherwise inevitable neural delays
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