42 research outputs found

    Laporan Magang Kerja Di Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Rumput Laut Eucheuma Cottonii Pada Kedalaman Penanaman Yang Berbeda

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii yang tertinggi apabila ditanam pada kedalaman yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan selama kurang lebih 50 hari. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang terdiri dari tiga perlakuan yang masing-masing diulang tiga kali. Perlakuannya adalah: K1 ( kedalaman 30 cm ), K2 ( Kedalaman 45 cm ), K3 ( Kedalaman 60 cm ). Parameter yang diukur adalah pertumbuhan dan produksi. Metode budidaya yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode long line. Data yang diperoleh selama penelitian dianalisis ragam, apabila hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan pengaruh nyata maka dilanjutkan dengan uji BNT. Penanaman rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii pada kedalaman yang berbeda memberikan pengaruhyang sangat nyata secara statistik terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi. Pertumbuhan dan produksi rumput laut Eucheuma cottonii tertinggi adalah yang ditanam pada kedalaman 30 cm. Kisaran kualitas air yang diperoleh selama penelitian masih layak untuk budidaya rumput laut Eucheuma cottoni

    A Study on the Implementation of English School Based Curriculum in SMA Negeri 5 Denpasar

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    This research was conducted in an attempt to analyze and describe the implementation of English School Based Curriculum (ESBC) in SMAN 5 Denpasar in the academic year 2012/2013.The setting of the research was in three classes and there were three teachers as the subjects of the study. The primary reasons for taking this school as the research setting was mainly because this school provides learners with National as well as International Standard. The teaching and learning processes were conducted entirely in English and the ESBC has been implemented since 2006.The sources of the data were Syllabus, lesson plans and the teaching and learning activities in naturalistic environment of the classroom. This research was conducted to figure out the teachers\u27 understanding of ESBC, the planning of ESBC, the implementation of ESBC and the teachers\u27 problems in implementing ESBC. This study revealed that the teachers under study needs to improve their understanding of ESBC, their ability in designing English syllabus and lesson plan as well as their ability in implementing ESBC in more contextualized learning activities

    Developing Learning Methods of Indonesian as a Foreign Language

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    The present study was conducted which aims at developing teaching methods of Indonesian as a foreign language. This study was carried out for two years in the form of Research and Development design to develop accuracy of teaching methods to be employed to teach the Indonesian language. The study was conducted as an important and crucial issue encountered by prospective teachers of Indonesian as a foreign language to face global challenges in which teachers of Indonesian are urgently required to teach effectively. In addition, this study was conducted to prepare the Indonesian teachers to be professional teachers and ready to face the competitive world of work. In the first year, the research was focused on creating a draft of effective learning methods to teach Indonesian as a foreign language. Consequently, this study was started by analyzing the teaching methods that have been used by various language learning institutions. The second year, the study is mainly focused on trying out and validated the learning methods to ensure their effectiveness to teach Indonesian as a foreign language

    Developing Communicative English Language Tests for Tourism Vocational High School Students

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    The present study aimed at developing communicative language tests for vocational high school students. A Research and Development design was employed in this study with the primary target was to develop communicative English language tests. The main procedures in the development of the test include: (1) identifying objectives, (2) developing the test specification, (3) developing the communicative tests, (4) analyzing the results of the preliminary tryout of the communicative tests drafts, (5) revising the communicative test drafts, (6) trying out the communicative test drafts, (7) analyzing the results of the tryout of the communicative tests, (8) revising the communicative test drafts. Questionnaires and observation blanks sheet was used to gather comments, opinions, and criticisms on the draft of communicative tests from a number of selected experts. The analysis of the communicative tests tryout was done to ensure the validity, reliability, and practicality of the tests

    Karakterisitik Fisiko-Kimia Dan Sensori Bakso Ikan Gabus (Channa Striata) Dengan Penambahan Genjer (Limnocharis Flava)

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    The purposes of this research were investigated the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of snakehead fish ball with yellow velvetleaf addition. The research was conducted on January until March 2016. The research method was used randomized block design (RBD). The treatments were 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of yellow velvetleaf addition. The parameters of this research was chemical analysis such as water content, ash content, protein content, lipid content, carbohydrate content, and fiber; physical analysis were elasticity; colour and sensoric analysis (texture, taste, colour and aroma). The results showed that treatment gave significant effect on ash content, water content, ash content, protein content, and fiber content; lightness and sensoric analysis (taste and colour), but there were no effect to lipid content, carbohydrate content and elasticity, chrome and hue. The concentration of water, ash, protein, and fiber were 63.32%-69.27%, 1.21%-6.44%, 14.69%-20.61%, 0.93%-5.65% respectively. The lightness of this fish ball were54.23%-6676%. Color sensory analysis of fish ball were 3.28-3.86 and taste were 3.17-3.36. The best treatments were A2 (10% yellow velvetleaf addition)

    Pengaruh Pemberian Vitamin E, Isolat Andrografolid Serta Kombinasi Isolat Andrografolid Dan Vitamin E Dalam Pencegahan Terbentuknya Plak Lemak Pada Aorta Tikus

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    Terbentuknya plak lemak pada dinding pembuluh darah akibat peningkatan kadar lipid dalam darah dapat memicu terjadinya oksidasi pada salah satu lipoprotein yakni LDL. Sehingga diperlukan upaya pencegahan terjadinya oksidasi LDL agar plak lemak pada dinding pembuluh darahtersebut tidak terbentuk.Andrografolid yang merupakan salah satu golongan senyawa diterpen lakton diketahui mempunyai aktivitas dalam penurunan LDL dalam darah. Disisi lain, vitamin E diketahui mempunyai aktivitas antioksidan yang dominan dalam partikel LDL. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian vitamin E, isolat andrografolid serta kombinasi isolat andrografolid dan kombinasi vitamin E dalam pencegahan pembentukan plak lemak pada dinding aorta tikus. Tahapan penelitian ini meliputi penyiapan hewan uji, pemberian induksi pakan lemak serta pengujian pengaruh pemberian kombinasi isolat andrografolid dan vitamin E pada hewan uji selama 2 bulan. Hewan uji dibagi atas 5 kelompok yakni kelompok normal (pakan standar), kelompok negatif (CMC Na 0,1%), kelompok perlakuan 1 (Isolat andrografolid 18 mg/kgBB p.o.), kelompok perlakuan 2 (Vitamin E 10 IU/kgBB p.o.), dan kelompok perlakuan 3 (isolat andrografolid 9 mg/kgBB dan vitamin E 5 IU/kgBB p.o.). Pengambilan aorta hewan uji setelah 2 bulan perlakuan dan dilakukan analisis skoring terhadap histopatologi aorta tersebut. Hasil skoring diolah secara statistik non parametrik dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Pemberian kombinasi isolat andrografolid dan vitamin E menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna signifikan (p<0,05) dibandingkan dengan kelompok negatif dan kelompok normal sehingga dapat dikatakan pemberian kombinasi isolat andrografolid dan vitamin E mampu mencegah terbentuknya plak lemak namun belum dapat mengembalikan kondisi anatomi aorta seperti kondisi normal

    Aktivitas Antioksidan ICTP (Infusa Campuran Teh dengan Pepaya) dan EECTP (Ekstrak Etanol Campuran Teh dan Pepaya)

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    Berdasarkan pengalaman empiris telah digunakan perpaduan antara seduhan teh yang direndam dalam media pepaya muda untuk menghilangkan rasa nyeri USAi bekerja. Kandungan kimia dalam perpaduan tersebut diduga kaya akan antioksidan yang berperan dalam penangkapan radikal bebas penyebab nyeri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidan yang dinyatakan dengan nilai IC50 dari dua sampel, yakni kombinasi infusa campuran teh dengan pepaya (ICTP) dan ekstrak etanolik teh dan papaya (EECTP). Uji Aktivitas antioksidan kedua sampel dilakukan dengan metode DPPH. Kuersetin digunakan sebagai kontrol positif sedangkan control negatif tanpa penambahan Kuersetin ataupun sampel. Kemudian dibaca absorbansinya secara spektrofotometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ICTP maupun EECTP menghasilkan masing-masing nilai IC50 17,75 µg/ml dan 7,78 µg/ml, sedangkan Kuersetin sebagai pembanding menghasilkan nilai IC50 1,57 µg/ml. Ketiganya memiliki aktivitas antioksidan yang poten

    Hidrolisis Zat Makanan Pakan oleh Enzim Cairan Rumen Sapi Asal Rumah Potong Hewan

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    The objectives of this experiment were to identify enzymes in rumen liquor of local and imported cattle obtained from abattoir and evaluate the application of enzymes from rumen liquor of cattle against several local feedstuffs for broiler. Enzymes were extracted by combination method of filtration, centrifugation, and precipitation with ammonium sulphate. Doses of enzyme were used at level of 0% (without rumen liquor enzyme), 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0%, 2.5% and 3.0% (v/w). Optimum precipitation of the enzymes from local and imported cattle were reached at the concentration of 60 and 70 % of ammonium sulphate, respectively. Results showed that the enzymes were able to hydrolyze local feedstuffs and optimum level of enzymes for hydrolysis of rice bran, full fat soybean meal and copra meal was 2.5%, for cassava leaf meal and palm kernel meal was 2.0%, and optimum level of enzymes for broiler diet based on corn-soya was 1.0%. It is concluded that rumen liquor of cattle from abattoir contained cellulase, xylanase, mannanase, amylase, phytase and protease and the enzymes were able to hydrolyze local feedstuffs to improved quality of broiler diet composed of local feedstuffs