1,428 research outputs found

    Lifshitz-point critical behaviour to O(ϵ2){\boldsymbol{O(\epsilon^2)}}

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    We comment on a recent letter by L. C. de Albuquerque and M. M. Leite (J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 (2001) L327-L332), in which results to second order in ϵ=4d+m2\epsilon=4-d+\frac{m}{2} were presented for the critical exponents νL2\nu_{{\mathrm{L}}2}, ηL2\eta_{{\mathrm{L}}2} and γL2\gamma_{{\mathrm{L}}2} of d-dimensional systems at m-axial Lifshitz points. We point out that their results are at variance with ours. The discrepancy is due to their incorrect computation of momentum-space integrals. Their speculation that the field-theoretic renormalization group approach, if performed in position space, might give results different from when it is performed in momentum space is refuted.Comment: Latex file, uses the included iop stylefiles; Uses the texdraw package to generate included figure

    Loschmidt Echo and Berry phase of the quantum system coupled to the XY spin chain: Proximity to quantum phase transition

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    We study the Loschmidt echo (LE) of a coupled system consisting of a central spin and its surrounding environment described by a general XY spin-chain model. The quantum dynamics of the LE is shown to be remarkably influenced by the quantum criticality of the spin chain. In particular, the decaying behavior of the LE is found to be controlled by the anisotropy parameter of the spin chain. Furthermore, we show that due to the coupling to the spin chain, the ground-state Berry phase for the central spin becomes nonanalytical and its derivative with respect to the magnetic parameter λ\lambda in spin chain diverges along the critical line λ=1\lambda=1, which suggests an alternative measurement of the quantum criticality of the spin chain.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Another proof of Gell-Mann and Low's theorem

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    The theorem by Gell-Mann and Low is a cornerstone in QFT and zero-temperature many-body theory. The standard proof is based on Dyson's time-ordered expansion of the propagator; a proof based on exact identities for the time-propagator is here given.Comment: 5 page

    First-order super-radiant phase transitions in a multi-qubit--cavity system

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    We predict the existence of novel first-order phase transitions in a general class of multi-qubit-cavity systems. Apart from atomic systems, the associated super-radiant phase transition should be observable in a variety of solid-state experimental systems, including the technologically important case of interacting quantum dots coupled to an optical cavity mode.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Model for Integration and Interlinking of Idea Management Systems

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    This paper introduces the use of Semantic Web technologies for the Idea Management Systems as a gap closer between heterogeneous software and achieving interoperability. We present a model that proposes how and what kind of rich metadata annotations to apply in the domain of Idea Management Systems. In addition, as a part of our model, we present a Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology (GI2MO). The described model is backed by a set of use cases followed by evaluations that prove how Semantic Web can work as tool to create new opportunities and leverage the contemporary Idea Management legacy systems into the next level

    From research to practice: Implementing an experimental home treatment model into routine mental health care

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    Background In line with previous findings, in a recent randomized controlled trial (RCT), we found that home treatment (HT) for acute mental health care can reduce (substitute) hospital use among severely ill patients in crises. This study examined whether the findings of the RCT generalize to HT services provided under routine care conditions. Methods We compared patients who received HT during the RCT study phase with patients who received the same HT service after it had become part of routine mental health services in the same catchment area. Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics as well as service use (HT and hospital bed days) were compared between the RCT and the subsequent routine care study period. Results Compared to patients who received HT during the RCT, routine care HT patients were more often living with others, less often admitted compulsorily, more often diagnosed with anxiety and stress-related disorders (ICD-10 F4) and less often diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (F2). When compared to patients who were exclusively treated on hospital wards, involvement of the HT team in patients’ care was associated with a clear-cut reduction of hospital bed days both during the RCT and under routine care conditions. However, unlike during the RCT study period, involvement of HT was associated with longer overall treatment episodes (inpatient + HT days) under routine care conditions. Conclusions HT seems to reduce the use of hospital bed days even under routine care conditions but is at risk of producing longer overall acute treatment episodes

    Minority carrier device comprising a passivating layer including a Group 13 element and a chalcogenide component

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    A minority carrier device includes at least one junction of at least two dissimilar materials, at least one of which is a semiconductor, and a passivating layer on at least one surface of the device. The passivating layer includes a Group 13 element and a chalcogenide component. Embodiments of the minority carrier device include, for example, laser diodes, light emitting diodes, heterojunction bipolar transistors, and solar cells

    A comparative study of the neutrino-nucleon cross section at ultra high energies

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    The high energy neutrino cross section is a crucial ingredient in the calculation of the event rate in high energy neutrino telescopes. Currently there are several approaches which predict different behaviours for its magnitude for ultrahigh energies. In this paper we present a comparison between the predictions based on linear DGLAP dynamics, non-linear QCD and in the imposition of a Froissart-like behaviour at high energies. In particular, we update the predictions based on the Color Glass Condensate, presenting for the first time the results for σνN\sigma_{\nu N} using the solution of the running coupling Balitsky-Kovchegov equation. Our results demonstrate that the current theoretical uncertainty for the neutrino-nucleon cross section reaches a factor three for neutrinos energies around 101110^{11} GeV and increases to a factor five for 101310^{13} GeV.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure