179 research outputs found

    Internet socialization as one of the problems social integration of youth

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    Изучается роль сети Интернет в процессе социальной интеграции молодежи в условиях информационного общества. На основе эмпирических данных рассматриваются использование интернет-технологий в повседневной жизни, зависимость молодежи и воздействие Сети на реальные поступки в социальной интеграции.Internet socialization – such one of the problem of social integration of youth. On the basis of empirical data conditions the use of Internet technologies in everyday life, the dependence of young people and the impact of network behavior in real social integration

    Features of wedding traditions and the religious relations in the different countries

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    It is impossible to neglect relevance of studying and the comparative analysis of world cultures, and furthermore cross-cultural communication in general. These phenomena developed long ago, and, in present, and in past, they concern directly last, real, future of the countries and the whole people. For achievement of a goal general-theoretical methods are used nowadays. Confirmation of the fact concerning knowledge of sociocultural realities is a result of this research which promotes understanding of culture and mentality of the Russian and English people. As conclusions of the article offers on studying of processes and features of cross-cultural communication can be served. Нельзя пренебрегать актуальностью изучения и сравнительного анализа мировых культур, а тем более межкультурной коммуникации в целом. Эти явления сложились очень давно и присутствуют и по сей день. Они касаются непосредственно прошлого, настоящего, будущего стран и целых народов. Для достижения поставленной цели использованы общетеоретические методы. Результатом этого исследования является подтверждение факта, что знание социокультурных реалий способствует пониманию культуры и менталитета русского и английского народов. Выводами статьи могут послужить предложения по изучению процессов и особенностей межкультурной коммуникации

    Microorganisms associated with bacterial vaginosis: diversity and clinical and diagnostic significance

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    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common infectious non-inflammatory disease in women of reproductive age. The key feature of BV is that in the  absence of a specific pathogen, the disease develops against the background of vaginal biotope dysbiosis. According to the opinion of some authors, initially, the main role of BV in the pathogenesis was assigned to the species G. vaginalis. However, using of molecular methods made it possible to significantly expand the range of microorganisms found in women with BV, and to identify Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Mobiluncus spp., Prevotella spp. as the primary causative agents of BV. A number of studies have confirmed the sexual transmission of BV pathogens, with a new sexual partner being significant risk factors for episodic BV, and sexual contact with the same partner without using barrier methods of contraception for recurrent BV. At the same time, BV-associated bacterias  rarely exist as planktonic forms of one species, more often, they thrive in complex polymicrobial communities surrounded by an extracellular matrix, the so-called biofilms. In patients with BV, biofilms are detected in 90% of cases. G. vaginalis and Prevotella bivia are widespread in women with BV and, being the primary colonizers, create a bacterial biofilm, to which secondary colonizers can subsequently join, including A. vaginae, Sneathia spp. and potentially other BVABs. The resistance of bacterias in the biofilm to antimicrobial drugs is 1000 times higher than of planktonic forms, which can lead to chronicity of the infectious process and torpid course of the disease.The aim of this review was analyzing of modern studies on the prevalence, characteristics of opportunistic microorganisms associated with BV, to present their clinical and diagnostic significance and role in the pathogenesis of  diseases

    Analysis of phagoand antibiotic sensitivity of Enterobacteriaceae bacteria isolated from women of reproductive age

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    Pelvic inflammatory diseases occupy a special place in the structure of general morbidity, and are polymicrobial in nature with dominance of opportunistic microorganisms, in particular bacteria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. The aim was to study the composition of the vaginal microbiota in women of reproductive age with pelvic inflammatory diseases, as well as to determine the sensitivity of isolated microorganisms to antibiotics and bacteriophages. The study included 70 women of reproductive age, among them 37 were diagnosed with colpitis and cervicitis, 33 women in the comparison group (women screened for a diagnosis). Isolated microorganisms were identified by abdominoperineal methods, including the disk diffusion method to determine the sensitivity of microorganism cultures of Enterobacteriaceae family to antibiotics, and the method of crosses (evaluation of lytic activity of bacteriophages by the number of crosses) to determine the sensitivity to specific therapeutic bacteriophages. Vaginal biocenosis was characterized by deficit of lactobacilli (< 106 CFU/ml in 100 %), the presence of conditionally pathogenic microflora: bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae family, coccal flora and Candida fungi. From 60.0 to 89.3 % of Enterobacteria strains were resistant to aminoglycosides and quinolones, but also had a low level of sensitivity to therapeutic bacteriophages. The obtained data indicate the reduction of colonization resistance of vaginal mucosa in pelvic inflammatory diseases and specify the need to use medicinal drugs only under medical supervision to prevent clinically significant drug resistance

    Assessment of the relationship between the vaginal microecosystem in teenage girls with reproductive disorders

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    Background. Violations of indigenous microflora composition associates with a wide variety of gynecological complications. Thus, the qualitative and quantitative composition of lactobacilli and their associative capacity and functional activity may serve as a criterion of microecological well-being in the body. Aim. To study species diversity of lactobacilli in vaginal biotope teenage girls with gynecological pathologies and to assess the extent of their relationship with the combination of diversity profiles associated opportunistic pathogens. Materials and methods. The study included 107 adolescents with reproductive system disorders. The study was conducted with the use of gynecological and general microbiological methods. Results. It was revealed that in vaginal biocenosis of the studied group of teenage girls dominating lactobacilli were Lactobacillus plantarum and L. crispatus, the incidence of other species did not exceed 21 %. Among the representatives of opportunistic pathogenic microflora dominated coccal microflora and Corynebacterium spp., being the part of normal flora of vaginal mucosa. Analysis of species composition revealed a statistically significant relationship between certain types of lactobacilli and opportunistic microorganisms, i.e. lactobacilli showed no antagonistic activity towards the opportunistic microorganisms, and formed symbiotic relationships with them. Conclusions. Most commonness was found among the minor species of lactobacilli (L. iners, L. gasseri, L. jensenii), coagulase-negative staphylococci and fungi of Candida genus, and that increases the risk of transformation of normal microflora in the pathological one

    Spectrum of conditionally pathogenic microflora isolated from the prostate secret in chronic bacterial prostatitis patients

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    The article represents a description for microbiocenosis of isolated prostate secret. The initial samples were taken on the territory of the Irkutsk region from men diagnosed with chronic bacterial prostatitis in the acute stage. 90 % of samples of isolated prostate secret were tested by cultural method revealed 4l representatives of opportunistic pathogenic microflora. Gram-positive microorganisms were found in most samples (86.7 %). Staphylococcus genus representatives formed the majority in isolated samples of conditionally pathogenic microflora (66.7 %). As for gram-negative representatives (which role in chronic bacterial prostatitis is proven by multiple research), E. coli and K. pneumoniae were isolated. In the half of samples, we revealed bacterial associations consisting mostly of two kinds of microorganisms. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 70 % of such associations

    Verbal extremism as a form of verbal influence on the recipient

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    This paper determines through the linguistic analysis the possibilities of verbal extremism aimed at manipulation with the actions and behavior of the recipient. The texts presented online in the Internet telecommunication network are investigated. The communicative attitudes to the control over the recipient's behavior, as well as the linguistic features of their implementation in the text are reveale

    Eicosapentaenoic acid provokes stronger in vitro antiadipogenic effect than docosahexaenoic acid in differentiated 3T3-L1 cells

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    The comparative studies of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) effects on the amount of lipid droplets (LD) and within adipocytes are limited. In this study, 3T3-L1 mouse embryo fibroblasts (ATCC® CL-173™) were expanded up to fifth passage. At the stage of growth arrest, the cells were treated with EPA and DHA separately and in combination at 100 μg/mL for 2 days. Oil Red O staining protocol, subsequent extraction with isopropanol and spectrophotometric determination of absorbed dye were used to establish the amount of intracellular lipid droplets depo-sition. While DHA administration had no significant effect on reduction of LD intracellular deposi-tion, the EPA treatment decreased optical density (OD) significantly (P<0.05). Furthermore, a syner-gic effect of combined application of both PUFAs was not observed. In conclusion, EPA provoked stronger antiadipogenic effect than DHA suggesting that EPA administration would be more effective in already existing obesity

    Identification of Infectious Diseases Patterns in the Combined Use of Bacteriological Diagnostics and MALDI Biotyper

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    In multidisciplinary hospitals, there are conditions conducive to the emergence of healthcare-associated infections: high concentration of people with reduced immunity in a limited area, the presence of a significant number of sources of contagion (patients and carriers), a change in the biocenosis of the mucous membranes and skin of patients and medical personnel under the influence of widespread use of antibiotics and cytostatics. The aim of the research was in the intercomparison of the standardized bacteriological algorithms and the MALDI Biotyper system in the microbiological diagnosis of pathogens as illustrated by the healthcare-associated diseases.Materials and methods. Seventy-eight patients of a multidisciplinary hospital of a regional level (Irkutsk) in 2018–2019 were examined. The age of patients ranged from 1 to 15 years. The material for the study was blood, sputum, swabs from the tracheobronchial tree, throat, nose, wound, abdominal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, and swabs from environmental objects. Identification of the isolated cultures (78 bacterial strains) was  carried out using generally accepted bacteriological methods, as well as using the MALDI Biotyper system.Results and discussions. In the structure of healthcare-associated infections, Pseudomonas aeruginosa occupied a leading position. Not all isolates of microorganisms were identified by standardized bacteriological methods. The identification of strains with characteristic manifestations of physiological and biochemical characteristics was more reliable. Identification difficulties arose in the presence of atypical properties of microorganisms when the use of MALDI Biotyper would be crucial.Conclusion. It is necessary to apply an integrated approach to conduct reliable diagnostics of pathogens. It includes standardized bacteriological methods and methods for identifying microorganisms using mass spectrometry in the subsequent stages

    The effectiveness of biofilm formation of daily cultures of clinically significant strains of opportunistic bacteria

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    Background. The formation of biofilm structures by microorganisms living in the hospital environment is a serious medical problem. To conduct correct experimental studies, it is necessary to know the speed and efficiency of biofilm formation by clinically significant species of opportunistic bacteria.   Aim: to study the kinetics of plankton culture growth and the rate of biofilm formation by clinically significant pathogens of infections associated with medical care to substantiate the methodology of further research.   Materials and methods. The strains from the working collection of the Laboratory for Microbiome and Microecology of the Scientific Сentre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems were used. Experiments were carried out with conditionally pathogenic microorganisms of the Enterobacteriaceae family and non-fermenting gram-negative bacteria. The optical density was measured, the total microbial number of the cell suspension was determined, and the morphological structure of the biofilm was evaluated using a light microscope on sterile cover glasses for thespecies Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Serratia marcescens.   Results. The duration of the lag phase of the kinetic curve of cell growth varied in isolates of S. marcescens, P. aeruginosa and K. pneumoniae from 1 to 4 and 6 hours of cultivation, respectively. Despite this, the exponential growth phase was the same for all tested isolates and amounted to 4 hours. Thus, isolates of clinically significant species entered the stationary growth phase after 5–10 hours of cultivation and were characterized as fast-growing. On abiotic surfaces, after 8 hours of incubation of the tested cultures, the initial stages of the formation of biofilm structures were observed, after 20 hours the formed multilayer biofilm was visualized, after 24 hours succession occurred, new single cells were attached to the place of the detached structures.   Conclusion. The data obtained on the duration of the main stages of growth kinetics compared with the visualization of the formation of biofilm structures on abiotic surfaces should be taken into account when studying the effects of disinfectants, antiseptics and antibacterial drugs on planktonic cells and biofilm associations of clinically significant opportunistic microorganisms