49 research outputs found

    Bartonella vinsonii sub. arupensis infection in animals of veterinary importance, ticks and biopsy samples

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    Testing for vector-borne pathogens in livestock is largely reliant upon blood and tissue. The role of biopsy samples remains poorly explored for detecting tick-borne bacteria in animals. In a 2-year survey, animals of veterinary importance from farms throughout the Northern part of Greece were routinely checked for the presence of biopsy samples. Where detected, either a portion or biopsy was collected together with whole blood samples and any ticks at the site of the biopsy sample. Molecular testing was carried out by real-time PCR targeting the ITS gene of Bartonella species. A total 68 samples [28 blood samples, 28 biopsy samples and 12 ticks (9 Rhipicephalus bursa and 3 R. turanicus)] were collected from goats (64 samples) and bovine (4 samples). Eight (11.8%) of the 68 samples were positive for Bartonella species. Of the biopsy sample and whole blood samples, four (14.3%) of each type were positive for Bartonella species. None of the ticks was tested positive for Bartonella species. All pairs of positive biopsy samples/whole blood samples originated from the same animals. Positive samples were identified as B. vinsonii sub. arupensis. Although many more samples from a much wider spectrum of animal species is required before concluding upon the merit of biopsy samples on the study of tick-borne diseases, the significance of our finding warrants further study, both for clinical consequences in small ruminants and for those humans farming infected animals

    Ovine and Caprine Brucellosis (Brucella melitensis) in Aborted Animals in Jordanian Sheep and Goat Flocks

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    Two hundred and fifty five biological samples were collected from 188 animals (81 sheep and 107 goats) during the lambing season from September 2009 to April 2010 from the Mafraq region of Jordan. Sampled animals belonged to 93 sheep and goat flocks that had abortion cases in the region. One hundred and seven (41.9%) biological samples were positive for the omp2 primers that were able to identify all Brucella species in the collected samples which were obtained from 86 aborted animals (86/188 = 45.7%). Using the B. melitensis insertion sequence 711 (IS711) primers on the 107 omp2 positive samples, only 61 confirmed to be positive for B. melitensis. These positive samples were obtained from 28 sheep and 33 goats. The prevalence rate of B. melitensis was 27.1% (51/188) among aborted animals. For differentiation between vaccine strain and field strain infection, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method using PstI endonuclease enzyme was used. Vaccination with Rev-1 in the last year (OR = 2.92, CI: 1.1–7.7) and grazing at common pasture (OR = 2.78, CI: 1.05–7.36) were statistically significant (P ≤ .05) risk factors positively associated with the occurrence of brucellosis in sheep and goat flocks

    Differential diagnosis of neurological diseases of small ruminants

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    Σκοπός της παρούσας ανασκόπησης είναι η περιγραφή της διαγνωστικής προσέγγισης σε νευρολογικά περιστατικά σε μικρά μηρυκαστικά. Για την υποβοήθηση της διαφορικής διάγνωσης σε περιστατικά νευρολογικών νοσημάτων σε μικρά μηρυκαστικά, στην ανασκόπηση αυτή τα νοσήματα κατατάσσονται ως εξής: (α) συγγενή νευρολογικά νοσήματα (αβιταμίνωση Α, ενζωοτική αταξία, νοσήματα ιογενούς αιτιολογίας [περιλαμβανομένης της νόσου border και της νόσου Schmallenberg], παθολογικές καταστάσεις με γενετικό υπόβαθρο), (β) επίκτητα νευρολογικά προβλήματα με οξεία εξέλιξη (νοσολογικές οντότητες ιδιαίτερης σημασίας: βακτηριακής αιτιολογίας μηνιγγοεγκεφαλίτιδα, εντεροτοξιναιμία τύπου D, λιστερίωση, λύσσα, οξεία κοινούρωση, πολιοεγκεφαλομαλάκυνση, τέτανος, τοξιναιμία της εγκυμοσύνης, υπασβεστιαιμία / λιγότερο σημαντικές νοσολογικές οντότητες: αλλαντίαση, ενζωοτική αταξία, κροτωνική παράλυση, κροτωνογενής εγκεφαλίτιδα, τοξικώσεις, σπάνιες νευρολογικές παθήσεις παρασιτικής αιτιολογίας, τοξικώσεις, τραυματικής αιτιολογίας μονοπάρεση/μονοπληγία, υπομαγνησιαιμία, χάλκωση, ψευδολύσσα) και (γ) επίκτητα νευρολογικά προβλήματα με χρόνια εξέλιξη (νοσολογικές οντότητες ιδιαίτερης σημασίας: αρθρίτιδα-εγκεφαλίτιδα των γιδιών, ιογενής μη πυώδης εγκεφαλομυελίτιδα των προβάτων, τρομώδης νόσος, χρόνια κοινούρωση / λιγότερο σημαντικές νοσολογικές οντότητες: αποστήματα στο κεντρικό νευρικό σύστημα, παθολογικές καταστάσεις νεοπλασματικής ατιολογίας).Objective of the present review is the description of diagnostic approach in neurological cases in small ruminants. To improve description purposes in the present paper, neurological disorders of small ruminants are classified as follows: (a) congenital neurological disorders (vitamin A deficiency, copper deficiency, disorders of viral aetiology [including border disease and Schmallenberg disease], disorders with a genetic background), (b) acquired neurological disorders with an acute course (acute coenurosis, Aujeszky’s disease, bacterial meningoencephalitis, botulism, copper deficiency, copper poisoning, disorders following injury, hypocalcaemia, hypomagnesaemia, listeriosis, louping-ill, rare disorders of parasitic aetiology, pregnancy toxaemia, rabies, tetanus, tick paralysis, toxicoses, type D enterotoxaemia, vitamin B1 deficiency) and (c) acquired neurological disorders with a long-standing course (caprine arthritis-encephalitis, central nervous system abscesses, chronic coenurosis, neoplastic disorders, ovine lentiviral encephalomyelitis, scrapie)

    Uticaj dodatka Saccharomyces cerevisiae u ishrani na zdravlje i proizvodnju krava tokom perioda tranzicije i početka laktacije

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    Data concerning the effect of probiotics supplementation on many parameters concurrently at the same cows are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae feeding on rumen, blood and milk parameters together in high- producing dairy cattle during the transition and early lactation period. Sixteen clinically healthy Holstein cows were divided into 2 groups: a control group of 6 cows and a probiotics-fed group of 10 cows. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected 21 days before the expected calving as well as 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days- in-milk (DIM). Milk yield for each animal was recorded every 2 weeks. Individual milk samples were collected 15, 30, 45 and 60 DIM. Ruminal pH and rumen ammonia nitrogen were significantly lower, whereas total volatile fatty acids were significantly higher in yeast-fed animals compared with controls throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total proteins and globulins were higher, while albumins were lower in the yeast-treated group. Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in yeast-supplemented animals. Serum triglycerides, high density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins concentrations were lower, with cholesterol being significantly lower in the treated group. Milk production and milk fat percentage were higher, whereas milk protein percentage and somatic cell count were decreased in yeast-supplemented cows throughout the study. These results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae to dairy cows rations during transition and early lactation period improve their health and milk production parameters.Podaci koji bi se odnosili na uticaj suplementacije probiotika na više parametara istovremeno na istim grlima nedostaju u literaturi. Stoga je cilj ovog eksperimenta bio da se ispita uticaj Saccharomices cerevisiae u obroku/hrani na parametre rumena, krvi i mleka zajedno u visoko-proizvodnim mlečnim govedima tokom tranzicije i početkom laktacije. Šesnaest klinički zdravih holštajn krava je podeljeno u 2 grupe: kontrolna grupa od 6 krava i grupa od 10 krava hranjenih probiotikom u obroku. Buražna tečnost i uzorci krvi su sakupljeni 21 dan pre očekivanog teljenja, kao i 7, 15, 30, 45 i 60 dana tokom laktacije (days in milk - DIM). Prinos mleka za svaku životinju zabeležen je svake 2 nedelje. Pojedinačni uzorci mleka su prikupljeni 15, 30, 45 i 60 DIM. pH buraga i buražni amonijačni azot su bili značajno niži, dok su ukupne isparljive masne kiseline bile značajno veće kod životinja hranjenih kvascem u poređenju sa kontrolama kroz celu studiju. Serumske koncentracije ukupnih proteina i globulina bile su više, dok su koncentracije albumina bile niže u grupi sa kvascem. Serumski nivoi glukoze bili su značajno viši kod životinja sa dodatkom kvasca. Trigliceridi u serumu, koncentracije lipoproteina visoke i niske gustine bile su niže, sa holesterolom koji je bio znatno niži u tretiranoj grupi. Proizvodnja mleka i procent mlečne masti bili su viši, dok je sadržaj proteina mleka i somatskih ćelija bio niži u krava hranjenih sa dodatkom kvasca kroz celu studiju. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da dodatak S. cerevisiae u obrocima muznih krava tokom tranzicije i rane laktacije poboljšava njihovo zdravlje i parametre proizvodnje mleka

    Uticaj dodatka Saccharomyces cerevisiae u ishrani na zdravlje i proizvodnju krava tokom perioda tranzicije i početka laktacije

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    Data concerning the effect of probiotics supplementation on many parameters concurrently at the same cows are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae feeding on rumen, blood and milk parameters together in high- producing dairy cattle during the transition and early lactation period. Sixteen clinically healthy Holstein cows were divided into 2 groups: a control group of 6 cows and a probiotics-fed group of 10 cows. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected 21 days before the expected calving as well as 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days- in-milk (DIM). Milk yield for each animal was recorded every 2 weeks. Individual milk samples were collected 15, 30, 45 and 60 DIM. Ruminal pH and rumen ammonia nitrogen were significantly lower, whereas total volatile fatty acids were significantly higher in yeast-fed animals compared with controls throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total proteins and globulins were higher, while albumins were lower in the yeast-treated group. Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in yeast-supplemented animals. Serum triglycerides, high density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins concentrations were lower, with cholesterol being significantly lower in the treated group. Milk production and milk fat percentage were higher, whereas milk protein percentage and somatic cell count were decreased in yeast-supplemented cows throughout the study. These results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae to dairy cows rations during transition and early lactation period improve their health and milk production parameters.Podaci koji bi se odnosili na uticaj suplementacije probiotika na više parametara istovremeno na istim grlima nedostaju u literaturi. Stoga je cilj ovog eksperimenta bio da se ispita uticaj Saccharomices cerevisiae u obroku/hrani na parametre rumena, krvi i mleka zajedno u visoko-proizvodnim mlečnim govedima tokom tranzicije i početkom laktacije. Šesnaest klinički zdravih holštajn krava je podeljeno u 2 grupe: kontrolna grupa od 6 krava i grupa od 10 krava hranjenih probiotikom u obroku. Buražna tečnost i uzorci krvi su sakupljeni 21 dan pre očekivanog teljenja, kao i 7, 15, 30, 45 i 60 dana tokom laktacije (days in milk - DIM). Prinos mleka za svaku životinju zabeležen je svake 2 nedelje. Pojedinačni uzorci mleka su prikupljeni 15, 30, 45 i 60 DIM. pH buraga i buražni amonijačni azot su bili značajno niži, dok su ukupne isparljive masne kiseline bile značajno veće kod životinja hranjenih kvascem u poređenju sa kontrolama kroz celu studiju. Serumske koncentracije ukupnih proteina i globulina bile su više, dok su koncentracije albumina bile niže u grupi sa kvascem. Serumski nivoi glukoze bili su značajno viši kod životinja sa dodatkom kvasca. Trigliceridi u serumu, koncentracije lipoproteina visoke i niske gustine bile su niže, sa holesterolom koji je bio znatno niži u tretiranoj grupi. Proizvodnja mleka i procent mlečne masti bili su viši, dok je sadržaj proteina mleka i somatskih ćelija bio niži u krava hranjenih sa dodatkom kvasca kroz celu studiju. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da dodatak S. cerevisiae u obrocima muznih krava tokom tranzicije i rane laktacije poboljšava njihovo zdravlje i parametre proizvodnje mleka