10 research outputs found

    Infrared is more effective in perineum wound healing during postpartum than iodine

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    Background: Maternal death during childbirth is usually caused by puerperal infection (11%) this happens because of a lack of care on the wound, bleeding (27%) (Due to the birth canal laceration and complications during parturition (8%). Many women feel too concerned about the perineum injury, so they afraid to do activities in the first days after delivering. It was necessary for the proper techniques in wound care, and the most important was the use of materials and the proper way, for example by using Far Infra-Red Therapy. The benefits of infrared light is able to activate the water molecules in the body, improve microcirculation, cleanse the blood, improve skin texture, so by utilizing far infrared, process of wound healing can take place more quickly.Methods: This study used Quasi-experiment with Pre-Post-test Control Group Design with Cross-sectional approach. Intervention group was using puerperal women given far infrared and control using puerperal women given iodine. The sampling technique was purposive sampling. Samples were puerperal women who suffered lacerations in perineum at RB Amanda. Samples were of 30 people that divided into two groups.Results: The results of independent t test p values are significant only on day 1 of 0.01, and Paired t test show a significant difference (p = 0.00) in the control group only at day 1 to 2 with a mean of 15. In the intervention group have a significant difference on day 1 to 2 (p = 0.00, mean = 31.7) and on day 2 and 3 (p = 0:04, mean = 5.7).Conclusions: Infrared therapy is more effective in perineum wound healing during postpartum.

    Komunikasi Antarbudaya dalam Perspektif Periklanan Kreatif

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    Manusia dan budaya merupakan hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, oleh karenanya manusia bersikap dan berperilaku tidak terlepas dari nilai-nilai yang mereka anut berdasarkan budaya yang terjadi di lingkungan sekitarnya dan di dalam kehidupannya sehari-hari, baik itu nilai spiritual (keagamaan) maupun nilai-nilai sosial dan budaya. Nilai-nilai sosial dan budaya tersebut merupakan hasil interaksi antara individu dengan anggota masyarakat lainnya, yang kemudian mewujud dalam berbagai bentuk budaya seperti artefak, seni, upacara-upacara, bahasa, ataupun nilai-nilai. Nilai-nilai yang diyakini tersebut biasanya akan menentukan apa yang dianggap baik dan buruk oleh seseorang, keluarga, kelompok maupun masyarakat di sekitarnya, sehingga pada akhirnya akan menjadi referensi dalam bersikap maupun bertingkah laku di kesehariannya. Dalam konteks pemasaran maupun periklanan, budaya dapat dilihat sebagai suatu aspek makro yang berpengaruh pada pengambilan keputusan individu seorang konsumen. Dalam praktik komunikasi antarbudaya atau komunikasi lintas budaya, hampir semua orang berasumsi yang merupakan asumsi budaya paling umum, bahwa kita semua adalah sama. Asumsi ini tidak sepenuhnya salah, tetapi disaat yang sama kita menunjukkan bahwa kita telah mengabaikan kesadaran budaya mengenai hakikat perbedaan budaya (Liliweri, 2021)

    Strategy and Society: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to the Revolving Fund Program

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    This research was conducted to evaluate the Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the existing education program at PT FIFGROUP, as a program to help improve SME entrepreneurs' quality of business located around the company, especially in Cilandak Sub-district, South Jakarta. The theory used in this research is Corporate Social Responsibility. The method used in this research is qualitative, a case study approached, and the type of research descriptive. The data collection technique is in-depth interviews with Key Informant and Informants as well as methods of data validity by source. The results obtained in this research used the stages of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The results of program activities have been running well by its purpose and benefits. The conclusion of the results of this research indicated that MSME entrepreneurs (micro, small and medium enterprises) got helped by the revolving fund program as assistance in improving the business. It is implemented by the stage of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and PT FIFGROUP doing continuous improvement to spread revolving funds to SME entrepreneurs (micro, small and medium enterprises) that eligible and promptly