259 research outputs found


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    The study evaluates the relationship between evangelism marketing and church growth and the extent to which evangelism marketing has been adopted in twenty-first-century churches, particularly in the South Eastern States of Nigeria. The survey adopts stratified and linear simple random sampling techniques. The target population of the registered Pentecostal Churches in the zone is 5346, comprising 805, 1208, 960, 1116, and 1257 churches in Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu, and Imo States, respectively. The sample size of the churches is 382, distributed as follows; Abia(57), Anambra(86), Ebonyi(69), Enugu(80), and Imo(90). Two hypotheses and two research questions guided the study. The primary and secondary data sources are accessed. In-depth interviews, including focus group discussions, are conducted. The researcher adopted the Five-Point Likert Scale Format in structuring the questionnaire. Marketing experts contributed to the questionnaire validation. A reliability coefficient of the research instrument, 0.977, is derived from the pilot study scores. Using Pearson Correlation Analysis and the One-way ANOVA technique, the hypotheses are tested at 0.05 level of significance and the latter at 19 degrees of freedom. The survey reveals that in spite of the strong positive relationship between evangelism marketing and church growth, church leadership has not significantly adopted evangelism marketing for the growth of the twenty-first-century church.   KEYWORDS: Church growth, Consumer behavior, Evangelism marketing, Social marketing         &nbsp


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    The study is motivated by the need to develop a health tourism destination in the region of Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). Due to deplorable healthcare sector, Nigeria serves as a rich source of health tourists to the international community, resulting in huge drain of the nation’s resources. The study aims at investigating the extent of marketing opportunities associated with health tourism in the sub-region and explores the forces impeding Nigeria’s transformation into a health tourism destination country. A survey method is used. The target population is 30,642 comprising Health tourists, Medical Consultants, Marketing Practitioners and the sample size is 395. One hypothesis and two research questions guided the study. Primary and secondary sources of data are accessed. The questionnaire is validated by expert opinions and adopts the five-point Likert Scale format. The reliability coefficient of the research instrument, 0.975 is estimated from the pilot study. With one-way ANOVA and Minitab software techniques, the hypothesis of the study is tested at 0.05 level of significance and 23 degrees of freedom. The study reveals significant marketing opportunities of health tourism destination in ECOWAS region with effect size of 82.68 percent and queried political system, social system, corruption and weak public institutions as forces impeding Nigeria’s transformation into a health tourism destination country. It is recommended that Nigeria entrenches strong political system, overhauls social system, doggedly fights corruption and strengthens foundations of her public institutions while upgrading medical infrastructures, healthcare services, public utilities and security architectures to international standards to become a health tourism destination country in West African sub-region and beyond

    Problems of Microcredit among Microenterprises in Nigeria

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    This study was designed to assess the problems of microcredit among microenterprises in Nigeria and make recommendations for remedial strategies. Microcredit refers to small loans made available to small producers otherwise known as the active poor to enable them start new productive activities, grow or sustain existing ones. The study was delimited to Aba which has the highest concentration of microenterprises in the South East Zone of Nigeria. The survey research design was used, and the questionnaire and face-to-face interview methods were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using tables, frequencies, percentages and Z-test statistics. It was found that problems of microcredit have significant effects on the performance of microenterprises in Nigeria. Ten recommendations were made based on the findings of this study. Keywords: Microcredit, Microenterprises, Micro-entrepreneurs, UNDP, MfB, CBN, Peru, Soft loans, FEAP, MSMEs, Vulcanizers, Venture Capitalist

    Power of the Knowledge of Management Techniques on Productivity among Indigenous Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

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    The research was conducted to determine the power of the knowledge of management techniques among indigenous entrepreneurs in Nigeria and make recommendations. The survey research method was used and researchers self-designed questionnaire, titled, “Entrepreneurs Self-Assessment Questionnaire” (ESAQ) and face-to-face personal interviews were used to generate data. Management techniques involve the entire body of systems, procedures and methods of the science and art of managing to achieve enterprise objectives. In Nigeria today the great need for sound financial intelligence, planning and management makes the understanding of concepts such as ROA, balance-sheet analysis, variable budgeting, ratios, business plans, etc important for emerging entrepreneurs of the current century. Entrepreneurs as decision-makers are constantly under enormous business pressure to make realistic and intelligent projections in key financial variables on how to maximize organizational efficiency and profitability. Data collected were organized and coded before they were classified. To obtain result, data were analyzed through the use of tables, frequencies, percentages and Chi-Square statistics. The Test Statistics showed that knowledge of management techniques is important for superior productivity among indigenous entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Eight recommendations were made based on the result of the study. Keywords: Entrepreneurs, Management Techniques, Indigenous, ERP, Efficiency, Wharton, Productivity, Kleptomania, Touting, Ownership, Business Plan ICT

    Film as therapy for neurosis: A psychoanalytical evaluation of Kunle Afolayan’s October 1

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    With the preponderance of civil unrest and poor families who are unable to afford three meals per day; high rates of unemployment, kidnapping, banditry, terrorism, Fulani herdsmen conflict and also threat of COVID-19; many of the populace have been left in states of depression and corresponding psychological traumas. These events have further aggrandised neurosis in some citizens in Nigeria today. However, film as a storytelling medium, has a great influence on the minds of the general public due to its audio-visual characteristics and potency to hypnotise the minds of the audience. No one would deny today that film is a popular art that shapes the mind-set of the audience and can be used in educating the public to be better citizens of their country. Consequently, the problem of study rests on the common erroneous notion that film is merely a source of entertainment or relaxation. This undermines film’s potentiality as a veritable psychoanalytical therapy needed in recent times to treat neurosis in Nigeria. Furthermore, the research, extols film as a functional psychoanalytical therapy that can challenge the audience to re-examine their mental states and compel them to make a positive change for their own good and that of the society at large. The research utilised the Psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud’s The Ego and The Id, (1923), as theoretical frames for the study while evaluating kunle Afolayan’s October 1 as a case study for ascertaining the therapeutic nature of film suitable for treating neurosis. The content analysis and case study approaches of the qualitative research methodology was adopted for the study. Findings in this research indicated that, film is a gestalt of perception well suited for treating the neurosis in audience members aiding them to gain an in-depth knowledge of their mental wellbeing, and by extension correcting every maladjusted behaviour they exhibit. However, if film must remain therapeutic in this era, basic psychology study should be introduced in the theatre and film practice and filmmakers must gird themselves with those theories, in order to apply them in their films for the immediate benefit of the Nigerian society.&nbsp

    A Partnership Model for the Control of Unethical Marketing of Medical Drugs in Nigeria.

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    The study assessed the effects of enforcement of anti-counterfeit drug laws (penalties) on the unethical marketing of medical drugs in Nigeria, particularly the South Eastern States. The study was a survey design. Stratified, simple random, convenience and judgmental sampling procedures were adopted. A research question and one null hypothesis guided the study. The population consisted of 5621 respondents, comprising 3444 healthcare professionals, (doctors, pharmacists, nurses), 1641 drug consumers, 390 licensed drug firms and 146 senior staff of the Regulatory Agencies in Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States. Five University Teaching Hospitals were used for the study. A sample of 985 respondents was used. Primary and Secondary sources of data were accessed. The questionnaire was validated using the opinions of experts. Pilot study was conducted and the scores subjected to Cronbach’s Alpha technique. The reliability coefficient was 0.947, indicating high degree of internal consistency of the research instrument .The mean (x) and criterion mean scores were used to answer the research question. Z-test statistical technique was applied in testing the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance and 4 degrees of freedom. The findings of the study revealed that enforcement of existing penalties had non-significant positive reduction in unethical marketing of medical drugs. The partnership model (Regulatory Excellence Model) was designed to enhance the control of unethical marketing of medical drugs in Nigeria and further recommendations were made.  Keywords: Medical Drugs, Unethical Marketing, Model, Enforcement, Penalties, SDSI, NAFDAC

    An Appraisal of Vertical Marketing System of Medical Drugs Distribution in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study attempts to assess the channel performance of the vertical marketing system of drugs distribution in Abia State of Nigeria and the extent channel members’ satisfaction with the channel linkage can facilitate co-operation among members. Two research questions were raised to guide the study. Two hypotheses were formulated for testing. A sample of 300 respondents, comprising 30 licensed drug manufacturers/ importers, 49 wholesalers, 74 Retailers, and 147 Customers was selected from a population of 1200 respondents. Questionnaires were administered and completely retrieved. Interviews were held with some licensed distribution channel members. Data were analyzed using Z-test at 0.05 level of significance and 4 degrees of freedom. Findings revealed low performance of the vertical marketing system of drugs distribution and the statistical insignificance of the channel members’ satisfaction with the channel linkage in relation to facilitating co-operation among members. The manufactuturers should provide assistance to other channel members in training / retraining of personnel to enable them understand the total channel concept. They should extend credits provisions to other channel members while the wealthy distributors should make substantial financial deposits available to manufacturers to enable them attain economies of scale in production. These recommendations, among others, would enhance channel performance, improve channel members’ satisfaction with the channel linkage and induce the cooperation of members. Keywords:  Vertical Marketing System, Channel Performance, Channel Members’ Satisfaction, Dysfunctional Conflict, Metrics and Brand Equity

    Influence of Risk Perception on Marketing of Chemicals in Nigeria

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    Risk perception refers to the way risk is regarded, understood and interpreted while risk is the probability of incurrence of hazards in certain activities. This study investigates the influence of channel members’ risk perception of chemical exposures on marketing of chemicals in Nigeria. The study is a survey design and adopts stratified and simple random sampling techniques. One hypothesis and a research question guided the study. The target population is 876 involving 47 producers, 18 importers, 103 wholesalers, 230 retailers and 478 industrial consumers in Aba and Onitsha. The sample size is 275. The sample size for each category of the respondents is determined. Primary and secondary sources of data are accessed. In-depth interviews are held. The structuring of the questionnaire is based on the five-point Likert scale format. Opinions of marketing experts are used in the questionnaire validation. The scores derived from the pilot study are processed using Cronbach Alpha technique. A reliability coefficient of the research instrument, 0.952 is estimated. Using one way ANOVA technique and Minitab software package, the hypothesis is tested at 0.05 level of significance and 19 degrees of freedom. The study reveals non-significant influence of risk perception of chemical exposures on marketing of chemicals. It is recommended that enlightenment campaigns should be mounted by the Chemical Society of Nigeria and Media Organizations to raise risk perception of chemical exposures as to suppress risk tolerance and high-risk behaviors of channel members, among other

    Influence of Risk Perception on Marketing of Chemicals in Nigeria

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    Risk perception refers to the way risk is regarded, understood and interpreted while risk is the probability of incurrence of hazards in certain activities. This study investigates the influence of channel members’ risk perception of chemical exposures on marketing of chemicals in Nigeria. The study is a survey design and adopts stratified and simple random sampling techniques. One hypothesis and a research question guided the study. The target population is 876 involving 47 producers, 18 importers, 103 wholesalers, 230 retailers and 478 industrial consumers in Aba and Onitsha. The sample size is 275. The sample size for each category of the respondents is determined. Primary and secondary sources of data are accessed. In-depth interviews are held. The structuring of the questionnaire is based on the five-point Likert scale format. Opinions of marketing experts are used in the questionnaire validation. The scores derived from the pilot study are processed using Cronbach Alpha technique. A reliability coefficient of the research instrument, 0.952 is estimated. Using one way ANOVA technique and Minitab software package, the hypothesis is tested at 0.05 level of significance and 19 degrees of freedom. The study reveals non-significant influence of risk perception of chemical exposures on marketing of chemicals. It is recommended that enlightenment campaigns should be mounted by the Chemical Society of Nigeria and Media Organizations to raise risk perception of chemical exposures as to suppress risk tolerance and high-risk behaviors of channel members, among other

    Laboratory Scale Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbon – Polluted Mangrove Swamps in the Niger Delta Using Cow Dung

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    Aims: The aim of the study was to carry-out laboratory–scale bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon polluted mangrove swamps using cow dung as source of limiting of nutrients.Methodology and Results: In a 70 days study, the cow dung treated polluted soil had its total culturable hydrocarbon utilising bacterial/fungi, heterotrophic bacterial and fungal counts increased progressively from the 28th day to the 70th day. The control set- up showed very slight increment in its microbial growth. Alkaline pH was observed in all the treatments and control during the study period. The conductivity values of cow dung decreased progressively. In the cow dung treatment option, the nitrate concentration decreased from 35.44 mg/kg to 14.28 mg/kg. Phosphate concentration of cow dung option decreased from 25.41 mg/kg to 9.31mg/kg. The control had the nitrate decreased from 8.42 mg/kg to 6.98 mg/kg. Percentage total organic carbon (% TOC) in the cow dung option decreased from 4.06% to 0.96%. Control experiment had the % TOC decreased from 3.32% to 2.99%. Studies using Gas chromatographic analyses showed that 0%, 49.88%, and 69.85% of Total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) were lost at zero hour, 28th day and 70th day respectively in the cow dung option. In addition, in the control experimental set-up, 0%, 7.14% and 13.42% of TPH were lost at zero hour, 28th day and 70th day respectively.Conclusion, significance and impact of study: The use of organic nutrient sources such as cow dung has shown good promises in bioremediation of crude oil impacted Mangrove Swamps in the Niger Delta. The next line of action is to transfer the technology to pilot scale study
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