3,179 research outputs found

    Stability of Metal Nanowires at Ultrahigh Current Densities

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    We develop a generalized grand canonical potential for the ballistic nonequilibrium electron distribution in a metal nanowire with a finite applied bias voltage. Coulomb interactions are treated in the self-consistent Hartree approximation, in order to ensure gauge invariance. Using this formalism, we investigate the stability and cohesive properties of metallic nanocylinders at ultrahigh current densities. A linear stability analysis shows that metal nanowires with certain {\em magic conductance values} can support current densities up to 10^11 A/cm^2, which would vaporize a macroscopic piece of metal. This finding is consistent with experimental studies of gold nanowires. Interestingly, our analysis also reveals the existence of reentrant stability zones--geometries that are stable only under an applied bias.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, version published in PR

    Correlated charge polarization in a chain of coupled quantum dots

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    Coherent charge transfer in a linear array of tunnel-coupled quantum dots, electrostatically coupled to external gates, is investigated using the Bethe ansatz for a symmetrically biased Hubbard chain. Charge polarization in this correlated system is shown to proceed via two distinct processes: formation of bound states in the metallic phase, and charge transfer processes corresponding to a superposition of antibound states at opposite ends of the chain in the Mott-insulating phase. The polarizability in the insulating phase of the chain exhibits a universal scaling behavior, while the polarization charge in the metallic phase of the model is shown to be quantized in units of e/2e/2.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Romanticism and Periodisation: A Roundtable

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    "‘Eternity is in love with the productions of time’. This original edited volume takes William Blake’s aphorism as a basis to explore how British Romantic literature creates its own sense of time. It considers Romantic poetry as embedded in and reflecting on the march of time, regarding it not merely as a reaction to the course of events between the late-eighteenth and mid-nineteenth centuries, but also as a form of creative engagement with history in the making. The authors offer a comprehensive overview of the question of time from a literary perspective, applying a diverse range of critical approaches to Romantic authors from William Blake and Percy Shelley to John Clare and Samuel Rodgers. Close readings uncover fresh insights into these authors and their works, including Frankenstein, the most familiar of Romantic texts. Revising current thinking about periodisation, the authors explore how the Romantic poetics of time bears witness to the ruptures and dislocations at work within chronological time. They consider an array of topics, such as ecological time, futurity, operatic time, or the a-temporality of Venice. As well as surveying the Romantic canon’s evolution over time, these essays approach it as a phenomenon unfolding across national borders. Romantic authors are compared with American or European counterparts including Beethoven, Irving, Nietzsche and Beckett. Romanticism and Time will be of great value to literary scholars and students working in Romantic Studies. It will be of further interest to philosophers and historians working on the connections between philosophy, history and literature during the nineteenth century.

    Kondo Resonance in a Mesoscopic Ring Coupled to a Quantum Dot: Exact Results for the Aharonov-Bohm/Casher Effects

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    We study the persistent currents induced by both the Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects in a one-dimensional mesoscopic ring coupled to a side-branch quantum dot at Kondo resonance. For privileged values of the Aharonov-Bohm-Casher fluxes, the problem can be mapped onto an integrable model, exactly solvable by a Bethe ansatz. In the case of a pure magnetic Aharonov-Bohm flux, we find that the presence of the quantum dot has no effect on the persistent current. In contrast, the Kondo resonance interferes with the spin-dependent Aharonov-Casher effect to induce a current which, in the strong-coupling limit, is independent of the number of electrons in the ring.Comment: Replaced with published version; 5 page

    Stability and Symmetry Breaking in Metal Nanowires

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    A general linear stability analysis of simple metal nanowires is presented using a continuum approach which correctly accounts for material-specific surface properties and electronic quantum-size effects. The competition between surface tension and electron-shell effects leads to a complex landscape of stable structures as a function of diameter, cross section, and temperature. By considering arbitrary symmetry-breaking deformations, it is shown that the cylinder is the only generically stable structure. Nevertheless, a plethora of structures with broken axial symmetry is found at low conductance values, including wires with quadrupolar, hexapolar and octupolar cross sections. These non-integrable shapes are compared to previous results on elliptical cross sections, and their material-dependent relative stability is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Universality in metallic nanocohesion: a quantum chaos approach

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    Convergent semiclassical trace formulae for the density of states and cohesive force of a narrow constriction in an electron gas, whose classical motion is either chaotic or integrable, are derived. It is shown that mode quantization in a metallic point contact or nanowire leads to universal oscillations in its cohesive force: the amplitude of the oscillations depends only on a dimensionless quantum parameter describing the crossover from chaotic to integrable motion, and is of order 1 nano-Newton, in agreement with recent experiments. Interestingly, quantum tunneling is shown to be described quantitatively in terms of the instability of the classical periodic orbits.Comment: corrects spelling of one author name on abstract page (paper is unchanged

    Coherent Resonant Tunneling Through an Artificial Molecule

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    Coherent resonant tunneling through an artificial molecule of quantum dots in an inhomogeneous magnetic field is investigated using an extended Hubbard model. Both the multiterminal conductance of an array of quantum dots and the persistent current of a quantum dot molecule embedded in an Aharanov-Bohm ring are calculated. The conductance and persistent current are calculated analytically for the case of a double quantum dot and numerically for larger arrays using a multi-terminal Breit-Wigner type formula, which allows for the explicit inclusion of inelastic processes. Cotunneling corrections to the persistent current are also investigated, and it is shown that the sign of the persistent current on resonance may be used to determine the spin quantum numbers of the ground state and low-lying excited states of an artificial molecule. An inhomogeneous magnetic field is found to strongly suppress transport due to pinning of the spin-density-wave ground state of the system, and giant magnetoresistance is predicted to result from the ferromagnetic transition induced by a uniform external magnetic field.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure

    Coulomb correlations effects on localized charge relaxation in the coupled quantum dots

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    We analyzed localized charge time evolution in the system of two interacting quantum dots (QD) (artificial molecule) coupled with the continuous spectrum states. We demonstrated that Coulomb interaction modifies relaxation rates and is responsible for non-monotonic time evolution of the localized charge. We suggested new mechanism of this non-monotonic charge time evolution connected with charge redistribution between different relaxation channels in each QD.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Prototype finline-coupled TES bolometers for CLOVER

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    CLOVER is an experiment which aims to detect the signature of gravitational waves from inflation by measuring the B-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background. CLOVER consists of three telescopes operating at 97, 150, and 220 GHz. The 97-GHz telescope has 160 feedhorns in its focal plane while the 150 and 220-GHz telescopes have 256 horns each. The horns are arranged in a hexagonal array and feed a polarimeter which uses finline-coupled TES bolometers as detectors. To detect the two polarizations the 97-GHz telescope has 320 detectors while the 150 and 220-GHz telescopes have 512 detectors each. To achieve the target NEPs (1.5, 2.5, and 4.5x10^-17 W/rtHz) the detectors are cooled to 100 mK for the 97 and 150-GHz polarimeters and 230 mK for the 220-GHz polarimeter. Each detector is fabricated as a single chip to ensure a 100% operational focal plane. The detectors are contained in linear modules made of copper which form split-block waveguides. The detector modules contain 16 or 20 detectors each for compatibility with the hexagonal arrays of horns in the telescopes' focal planes. Each detector module contains a time-division SQUID multiplexer to read out the detectors. Further amplification of the multiplexed signals is provided by SQUID series arrays. The first prototype detectors for CLOVER operate with a bath temperature of 230 mK and are used to validate the detector design as well as the polarimeter technology. We describe the design of the CLOVER detectors, detector blocks, and readout, and present preliminary measurements of the prototype detectors performance.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, held 10-12 May 2006 in Pari