10 research outputs found

    Analisis Raskin Dan Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Di Indonesia (Analisis Data Susenas 2011)

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    This study aims to analyze the food security determinant of households by household characteristics in Indonesia using descriptive and multinomial logit analyses, and determine the characteristics of households that need intervention of Raskin in Indonesia. Descriptive and multinomial logit analyses found that households more food secure if the education of household head is higher, number of household members is smaller, the household head work in non-agriculture, income per capita is larger, and the area where household live in urban areas. Generally, Raskin relatively on target. Raskin should be prioritized on women-headed households with low education, and work in agriculture/non-agriculture

    Evaluation of the Spinoffs Criteria: a Lesson From the Indonesian Islamic Banking Industry

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    Spin-off policy is one of the crucial issues in the Indonesian Islamic Banking Act (The Act of 21/2008). This paper is going to evaluate the spinoffs criteria that are inherent in the Act of 21/2008. The method that has been used in this paper to evaluate the spinoffs criteria is ARIMA and simulation. This ARIMA method is used to forecast that the Islamic banking unit can achieve the fifty percent asset after fifteen years after this act. The object that is used in this paper is four Islamic spin-off's banks, five Islamic banking units, and two Islamic full-fledged banks. The ARIMA result shows that from all of the objects in fifteen years or the year of 2023, there are no Islamic banks either Islamic full-fledged banks or Islamic banking unit can achieve the fifty percent asset. Besides that, based on the simulation it needs high growth asset to achieve the market share asset of its parent's banks. According to these results, this study suggests the regulator should revise the spinoffs criteria using the strict criteria that based on either nominal assets, capital, financial ratio or the others

    Analisis Penawaran Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Kegiatan Non USAha Tani Oleh Rumah Tangga Tani : Studi Kasus Di Di Kecamatan Wonosari Kabupaten Gunung Kidul Propinsi Daerah Istimewa YOGYAKARTA

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    The main purpose of this research is to investigate the factors influencing the labor supply on the non-agricultural activities and the of income from non-agricultural activities to the structure and distribution of farmer household income.To reach the goals, three models are developed. The first and second models are labor supply models of husband and wife, respectively. For both models, the dependent variables are labor supplies proxied by work-hours of non-agricultural activities per year. While the independent variables for both models are area of land used, wage level in non-agricultural, age, number of household member with age above and below 5 years, number of working household members, and location of the household. The third model is a model with contribution of non-agricultural income as its dependent variable, while its independent variable is area of land used. The data source for this research istaken from a primary survey, while the secondary data gathered BPS in Gunung Kidul.The study shows that husband labor supply on non-agricultural activities is affected by the area of land used, wage level, education level, number of household members, and household location. But, education level and number of working household members are not giving significant influence to husband labor supply on non agricultural sectors. Furthermore, wife labor supply is influenced by the area of land used, wage level, age, education level, number of household members with age below 5 years, and household location. In the contrary, number of household members of age over 5 years and number of working household members aren 't seem to have significant effect on wife labor supply model on non agricultural activities

    Pengaruh Struktur Ekonomi Pada Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja Sektoral: Analisis Model Demometrik Di 30 Propinsi Pada 9 Sektor Di Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini akan melihat bagaimana pola struktur ekonomi dan pola penyerapan tenaga kerja sektoral di 30 propinsi pada kurun waktu I980-2000 di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini diarahkan pada analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyerapan tenaga kerja di wilayah tersebut dan pada analisis kebijakan perencanaan tenaga kerja di Indonesia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan pendekatan demometrik guna membangun model makro demoekonomi regional yang dimodifikasi dari model penyerapan tenaga kerja yang digunakan oleh J.Ledent. Secara prinsip, model demometrik ini menggabungkan model ekonometri dan model demografi. Dalam hal ini, variabel seperti jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja regional dihubungkan dengan variabel populasi (dengan memperhatikan unsur tingkat kelahiran dan kematian), netmigration, output, dan upah melalui suatu model ekonometri di 30 propinsi pada 9 sektor.Ditemukan hasil bahwa struktur ekonomi Indonesia secara nasional mengalami Perubahan dari sektor pertanian ke sektor-sektor lainnya. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan propinsi, propinsi-propinsi Bengkulu, Gorontalo, Jambi, Kalbar, Kalsel, Kalteng, Lampung, Maluku, Malut, NTB, NTT, Sulsel, Sulteng, Sultra, Sulut, Sumbar, dan Sumut masih bertumpu pada sektor pertanian; dan propinsi-propinsi Babel, Bali, Banten, DIY, DKI Jaya, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, Kaltim, NAD, Papua, Riau, dan Sumsel sudah bertumpu pada sektor manufaktur, sektor perdagangan-hotel-restoran, sektor jasa, dan sektor bangunan. Sektor pertanian paling banyak menyerap tenaga kerja walaupun dengan upah yang lebih rendah dan upah di sektor-sektor lainnya. Namun di propinsi-propinsi Bali, Banten, DIY, DKI Jaya, Jabar, Jateng, Jatim, dan Kaltim, ke-9 sektor sudah saling mendekat. Adanya peningkaran dan penurunan dalam jumlah penyerapan tenaga kerja ini disebabkan oleh Perubahan populasi, net migration, output, dan juga upah. Bahkan terjadi pergeseran penyerapan tenaga kerja antar sektor dan antar propinsi

    Prediksi Ihsg Dengan Model Garch Dan Model Arima

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    This study search for proper models to forecast Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) and then compare their forecasts. The stock index from strong markers, like Dow Jonc Industrial Average (DJIA) and NJKKEI, as well as the index from regional markets, like SET, are expected to have strong influences on JCI. More specijìcally, it is expected that SET will be able to explain the realocalion of short term fund from Thailand to Indonesia through capital market due lo unfavour political situation in Thailand. Other than thai, exchange rate ¡s also expected to have effect on JCI movements. By using the daily darafrom January 3, 2005 to January 2, 2006, the study found that the proper models to be used toforecast JCI are GARCH (2,2) Model and ARIMA (1, 1,0) Model. The empirical results showed thai the forecast from ARIMA Model is superior to that of GARCH Model