35 research outputs found

    Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Polypropylene Reinforced by Calcined and Uncalcined Zeolite

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    This study was carried out to compare mechanical and thermal properties of polypropylene (PP) reinforced with uncalcined and calcined zeolites. The PP samples were reinforced with zeolites at various quantities of 2, 4, and 6 (wt %). The comparison of the two types of zeolite was based  on mechanical properties, including tensile strength, elongation at break, and Young’s modulus, and thermal characteristics analyzed using DSC, and DTA/TGA technique. The results obtained clearly revealed that both zeolites were able to significantly increase tensile strength and Young’s modulus of the samples, with calcined zeolite was found to work better. Addition of calcined zeolite was found to result in increased fracture elongation of the samples reinforced with up to 4 wt% zeolite but decreased sharply for the sample reinforced with 6 wt% zeolite, while for the samples reinforced with uncalcined zeolite, no consistent trend was observed. Thermal analyses demonstrated that the samples reinforced with calcined zeolite are more resistant to thermal treatment than those reinforced with uncalcined zeolite, as indicated by their higher decomposition temperature. DSC analysis revealed that there  was no significant difference  of the melting points of the samples was observed, but the effect of the quantity of zeolite on enthalphy was quite evident, in which the enthalpies of the samples reinforced with calcined zeolites were relatively lower than those of the samples reinforced with uncalcined zeolites.&nbsp

    Analisis Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatiftipe Group Investigation Dan Pemahaman Konsep Awal Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Di SMA Negeri 1 Teluk Mengkudu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: Untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaanhasil belajar fisika siswa dengan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe groupinvestigation dan model pembelajaran direct instruction, untuk mengetahuiapakah ada perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang memilikipemahaman konsep awal tinggi dan siswa yang memiliki pemahamankonsep awal rendah, untuk mengetahui apakah ada interaksi antara model kooperatif group investigation dengan pemahaman konsep awal siswa dalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa. Sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara cluster random sampling sebanyak dua kelas, dimana kelas pertamasebagai kelas eksperimen diterapkan model pembelajaran kooperatif groupInvestigation dan kelas kedua sebagai kelas kontrol diterapkan modelpembelajaran direct instruction. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitianini yaitu instrumen tes hasil belajar fisika dalam bentuk uraian sebanyak 9soal dan tes pemahaman konsep awal sebanyak 12 soal yang telahdinyatakan valid dan reliabel. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwaterdapat perbedaan hasil belajar fisika siswa dengan model pembelajarankooperatif group investigation dan model pembelajaran direct instruction.Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar fisika antara siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep awal tinggi dan siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep awal rendah. Terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran kooperatif groupinvestigation dan pemahaman konsep awal siswa terhadap hasil belajarfisika. Model pembelajaran kooperatif group investigation lebih optimalditerapkan untuk siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep awal tinggisedangkan model pembelajaran direct instruction pemahaman konsep awaltinggi dan rendah hasil belajar yang tidak berbeda

    The Effect of Learning Physics with Problem Based Instruction (Pbi) Models in Physics at the Classroom

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    . Physics learning at school aim to know difference about using PBI model on learning outcomes on dynamic electrical in SMA Istiqlal Delitua A.Y. 2009/2010. This research is a quasy experiment and sampling was done with simple random sampling. From the data analysis and hypothesis testing is concluded, learning outcomes with conventional model to dynamic electrical is 69.13 (enough criteria). Learning outcomes with a PBI model to dynamic electrical is 80.65 (good criteria). It was based on calculation results by t test tcount = 6.82 and ttabel = 1.99, with tcount > ttabel (6.82 > 1.99), then Ha accepted and H0 rejected thus stated that there are significant differences using PBI models on result student learning on a dynamic electrical in grade 10th SMA Istiqlal Delitua A.Y. 2009/2010

    The Effect of Inquiry Training Model Use the Media Phet Against Science Process Skills and Logical Thinking Skills Students

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    The Purpose of The study: science process skills and logical thinking ability of students who use inquiry learning model training using PhET media; science process skills and logical thinking ability of students who use conventional learning model; and the difference science process skills and logical thinking ability of students to use learning model Inquiry Training using PhET media and conventional learning models. This research is a quasi experimental. Sample selection is done by cluster random sampling are two classes of classes VIII-E and class VIII-B, where the class VIII-E is taught by inquiry training model using media PhET and VIII-B with conventional learning model. The instrument used consisted of tests science process skills such as essay tests and tests of the ability to think logically in the form of multiple-choice tests. The data were analyzed using t test. The results showed that physics science process skills use Inquiry Training models using PhET media is different and showed better results compared with conventional learning model, and logical thinking skills students use Inquiry Training model using PhET media is different and show better results compared with conventional learning, and there is a difference between the ability to think logically and science process skills of students who use Inquiry Training model using PhET media and conventional learning models

    The Effect of Cooperative Learning Models Type Group Investigation and Kinesthetic Style Learning to Science Physics Skill Process on Students

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    The purposes of the research are: to determine differences in the physics skills of students with learning model Cooperative Group Investigation using concept maps and Direct Instruction teaching model, to determine differences in the physical skills of students who have high Kinesthetic Learning Styles and Learning Styles low, to determine the interaction between Models of Learning and Kinesthetic Learning Styles toward physical process skills of students. The sample in this study conducted in a cluster random sampling of two classes, where the first class as a class experiment applied learning models Cooperative Group Investigation using Concept Maps as a class and the second class of controls implemented Direct Instruction model. The instrument used in this study is physics instrument science process skills in narrative form as many as 13 questions and instrument kinesthetic learning style questionnaire that has been declared valid and reliable. The results were found: there are differences in physical science process skills students are taught by Cooperative Group Investigation learning model using Concept Maps and Direct Instruction teaching model. There are differences in physical science process skills of students who have kinesthetic learning styles and students who have low kinesthetic learning style. Interaction between learning models Cooperative Group Investigation using Concept Maps and kinesthetic learning styles in influencing the physical science process skills of students

    Efek Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Team Achievement Divisions Dan Tes Potensi Akademik Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Pada Materi Optik Geometri

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    The purpose of this research is to determine whether there is anydifference in result of learning physics which is taught with cooperative modeltype STAD model and DI model in grade 10, to determine the effect of thestudent's academic potential level for the Physics learning outcomes and toknow whether there is an interaction between cooperative learning model typeSTAD and student's academic potential as the Physics learning outcomes. Thisresearch is a quasi-experiment with two-way design. The population in thisresearch is all students in grade 10 with research sample Class X-1 as the controlclass and Class X-2 as the experiment class which have 32 students in each. Thedata analysis technique used SPSS 17, ANOVA Factorial 2x2. Based on the test performed, it is concluded: there are differences between the Physics learningoutcomes that was taught with cooperative model type STAD and DI model, there was student's academic potential influence on Physics learning outcomes therewas an interaction between cooperative model type STAD and student'sacademic potential in improving learning outcomes that was show on Schaeffer Test

    Analyze Critical Thinking Skills and Scientific Attitude in Physics Learning Used Inquiry Training and Direct Instruction Learning Model

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    This study was aimed to determine the differences: (1) the difference of critical thinking skills of students' that using Inquiry Training and Direct Instruction. (2) The difference of critical thinking skills among students who at high scientific attitude and students who at low scientific attitude. (3) To see if there is interaction between inquiry learning model of the scientific attitude students' to increase the ability to critical thinking. This is a quasi experimental research. Which students of private junior high school Two Raya Kahean District Simalungun. Population choose random sample of each class. Instrument used consisted of: (1) test the scientific attitude of students through a questionnaire with 25 statements questionnaire number (2) test the critical thinking skills in the form of descriptions by 9 questions. The data were analyzed according to ANAVA. It showed that: (1) There are differences in students' critical thinking of skills achievement Inquiry Training model and Direct Instruction model, (2) there was a difference of students' critical thinking in scientific attitude at high is better than who thought there is a difference of students' critical thinking in scientific attitude at low. (3) There was no interaction between Inquiry Training model and Direct Instruction with the scientific attitude students' to increase student's critical thinking of skills

    Sintesis Nano Zeolit Alam Menggunakan Metode Ball Milling

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    SINTESIS NANO ZEOLIT ALAM MENGGUNAKAN METODE BALL MILLING. Telah disintesis nanozeolit alam Pahae dengan metode ball milling. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai jual sumber daya alam Sumatera Utara khususnya zeolit. Zeolit digerus sampai halus, lalu diayak dengan ukuran 200 mesh. Zeolit kemudian diaktivasi secara kimia dengan menggunakan HCl untuk membersihkan zeolit dari pengotor, dan secara fisis dengan kalsinasi pada suhu 600 oCselama 2 jam untuk mengurangi kadar air. Selanjutnya, serbuk zeolit yang sudah diaktivasi tersebut dimasukkan ke dalamball miling dan diaduk selama 10 jam untuk mendapatkan serbuk nanozeolit. Hasil X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) menunjukkan dua fasa dominan yaitu calsium aluminium silicate hydrate (CaAl2Si10O24.7 H2O) dan aluminium oxide (Al2O3). Dengan persamaan Scherer diperoleh ukuran kristal rata-rata zeolit adalah 74 nm. Hasil X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)menunjukkan kandungan zeolit alam Pahae terdiri dari senyawa Na2O (1,03%), MgO (0,82%), Al2O3 (17,29%), SiO2 (71,06), K2O (4,63%), CaO (1,92%), TiO2 (0,51%) dan Fe2O3 (2,75%)

    Migran Risen di Provinsi Jawa Barat Hasil Sensus Penduduk Tahun 1980-2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik migran dan memetakan arus migrasi risen di Provinsi Jawa Barat berdasarkan SP tahun 1980-2010 dan SUPAS tahun 2015. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif dan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: Karakteristik migran risen di Provinsi Jawa Barat mayoritas berada diusia 20-24 tahun (22,57%). Berdasarkan jenis kelamin didominasi laki-laki (50,4%). Berdasarkan pendidikan tertinggi yang ditamatkan didominasi migran lulusan SMA (42,54%). Berdasarkan kegiatan seminggu yang lalu didominasi bekerja (38,38%). Mayoritas migran bekerja pada sektor industri pengolahan (29,52%). Berdasarkan status pekerjaan utama sebagai karyawan (80%). Arus migrasi risen masuk tertinggi didominasi oleh Provinsi-Provinsi yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa, Arus migrasi risen keluar tertinggi didominasi oleh Provinsi-Provinsi yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera. Arus migrasi risen neto positif tertinggi terjadi terhadap provinsi DKI Jakarta, arus migrasi risen neto negatif tertinggi terjadi pada Provinsi Bante