26 research outputs found

    Escrow Contract as a New Way to Ensure Obligations

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    The issues of regulation by the Russian legislation of escrow relations, their essence, foreign practice in the field of escrow relations are considered, the priority areas of their distribution in the Russian Federation are defined. A distinction has been made between the concepts of an escrow contract and an escrow account contract, and their differences have been determined both from each other and from existing and widespread relations in the Russian practice. The current legislation and the adopted amendments to the Civil Code governing the escrow contract as a separate civil law instrument are analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that civil law presented a truncated version of the construction of an escrow invoice agreement, in contrast to the agreement that has become widespread in world practice (a limited list of property and escrow agents). contract, and their differences have been determined both from each other and from existing and widespread relations in the Russian practice. The current legislation and the adopted amendments to the Civil Code governing the escrow contract as a separate civil law instrument are analyzed. The authors come to the conclusion that civil law presented a truncated version of the construction of an escrow invoice agreement, in contrast to the agreement that has become widespread in world practice (a limited list of property and escrow agents)

    Случай стрессиндуцированной кардиомиопатии

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    В последние годы в связи с широким применением ангиографии все чаще диагностируется кардиомиопатия (КМП) такотсубо (takotsubo), для которой характерны изменения ЭКГ, сходные с таковыми у больных с острым коронарным синдромом, повышение маркеров некроза сердечной мышцы и отсутствие значимого поражения КА. При вентрикулографии в типичных случаях выявляется транзиторное баллонирование верхушки левого желудочка. Патофизиологические механизмы, лежащие в основе этого заболевания, остаются до конца не выясненными, хотя многие исследователи относят его к редкой обратимой форме нейрогенной КМП. Авторами описан первый диагностированный ими случай КМП такотсубо, имеющий в целом типичные клинические и лабораторные проявления

    Spermatozoal sensitive biomarkers to defective protaminosis and fragmented DNA

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    Human sperm DNA damage may have adverse effects on reproductive outcome. Infertile men possess substantially more spermatozoa with damaged DNA compared to fertile donors. Although the extent of this abnormality is closely related to sperm function, the underlying etiology of ensuing male infertility is still largely controversial. Both intra-testicular and post-testicular events have been postulated and different mechanisms have been proposed to explain the presence of damaged DNA in human spermatozoa. Three among them, i.e. abnormal chromatin packaging, oxidative stress and apoptosis, are the most studied and discussed in the present review. Furthermore, results from numerous investigations are presented, including our own findings on these pathological conditions, as well as the techniques applied for their evaluation. The crucial points of each methodology on the successful detection of DNA damage and their validity on the appraisal of infertile patients are also discussed. Along with the conventional parameters examined in the standard semen analysis, evaluation of damaged sperm DNA seems to complement the investigation of factors affecting male fertility and may prove an efficient diagnostic tool in the prediction of pregnancy outcome

    Indap hypotensive efficacy, influence on cardiac structural and functional changes, and autoregulation of peripheral artery tonus

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    The aim of the study was to investigate indap hypotensive efficacy, its influence on cardiac structural and functional changes, as well as on vascular tonus autoregulation, among patients with essential arterial hypertension. The participants were 20 patients with essential hypertension, Stage I-II, aged 50,3 ± 6,7. Twenty-four-hour blood pressure monitoring, brain magnetic resonance tomography, heart ultrasonography were performed. Endothelium-dependent and independent vasodilatation of a. brachialis (AB) was measured in reactive hyperemia and nitrate administration tests. After 24-week (6 months) indap therapy, a significant decrease in blood pressure level (24-hour monitoring results) and in left ventricular myocardial mass (from 178,3 ± 49,3g to 165,7 ± 75,1 g, or by 7 %), was registered. The parameters of endothelial vasodilatatory function improved: AB diameter increase rised from 4,3 ± 2, 2 % to 7, 7 ± 4, 2 % (p = 0,002)

    Indap hypotensive efficacy, influence on cardiac structural and functional changes, and autoregulation of peripheral artery tonus

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    The aim of the study was to investigate indap hypotensive efficacy, its influence on cardiac structural and functional changes, as well as on vascular tonus autoregulation, among patients with essential arterial hypertension. The participants were 20 patients with essential hypertension, Stage I-II, aged 50,3 ± 6,7. Twenty-four-hour blood pressure monitoring, brain magnetic resonance tomography, heart ultrasonography were performed. Endothelium-dependent and independent vasodilatation of a. brachialis (AB) was measured in reactive hyperemia and nitrate administration tests. After 24-week (6 months) indap therapy, a significant decrease in blood pressure level (24-hour monitoring results) and in left ventricular myocardial mass (from 178,3 ± 49,3g to 165,7 ± 75,1 g, or by 7 %), was registered. The parameters of endothelial vasodilatatory function improved: AB diameter increase rised from 4,3 ± 2, 2 % to 7, 7 ± 4, 2 % (p = 0,002)


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    Paper contains analysis of Scots pine (Pinussylvestris L.) radial growth response on annual fluctuations of temperature of air and soil at different depths in the forest-steppe zone of South Siberia. Effect of temperature on the radial growth was identified and explained. It is positive in the cold (November-February) and negative in the warm season (May-October). It was shown that in different months influence of temperatures at different depths is significant. This climate response in the forest steppe zone varies depending on the local conditions of the site.Проведен анализ климатического отклика радиального прироста сосны обыкновенной (PinussylvestrisL.) на погодичные колебания температуры воздуха и почвы на разных глубинах в лесостепной зонеЮга Сибири. Выявлено и объяснено влияние температур на радиальный прирост - положительное в холодный (ноябрь-февраль) и отрицательное в теплый период (май-октябрь). Показано, что в различные месяцы более значимо влияние температур на различных глубинах.Эта климатическая реакция в лесостепной зоне различается в зависимости от локальных условий места произрастания

    Enhanced external counterpulsation in acute coronary syndrome, as a part of the pre-coronary artery bypass surgery treatment

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    The continuous increase in the numbers of coronary heart disease (CHD) patients warrants the search for the new therapeutic approaches, which could be used when the standard methods are contraindicated or ineffective. One of the methods in CHD treatment is angiogenesis stimulation, i.e. increasing the number of coronary arteries (CA), which “substitute” the local CA defect. At the moment, there are several methods proposed for angiogenesis stimulation, among which enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) had demonstrated clinical effectiveness. EECP is indicated in resistant and unstable angina, chronic heart failure, acute myocardial infarction, and cardiogenic shock. This non-invasive method is particularly important in patients with severe CHD and impossibility of myocardial revascularisation

    Случай стрессиндуцированной кардиомиопатии

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    В последние годы в связи с широким применением ангиографии все чаще диагностируется кардиомиопатия (КМП) такотсубо (takotsubo), для которой характерны изменения ЭКГ, сходные с таковыми у больных с острым коронарным синдромом, повышение маркеров некроза сердечной мышцы и отсутствие значимого поражения КА. При вентрикулографии в типичных случаях выявляется транзиторное баллонирование верхушки левого желудочка. Патофизиологические механизмы, лежащие в основе этого заболевания, остаются до конца не выясненными, хотя многие исследователи относят его к редкой обратимой форме нейрогенной КМП. Авторами описан первый диагностированный ими случай КМП такотсубо, имеющий в целом типичные клинические и лабораторные проявления


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    Material and methods. The data used, from the acute coronary syndrome registry RECORD-3, in the emergency cardiology department of Tomsk SRI of Cardiology, together with another 51 center in Russia. Based on the absence of presence of NOCA, patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction, who had undergone coronary arteriography, were selected to two independent groups: 27 with NOCA and 571 with OCA.Results. There were no significant differences in the clinical portrait of NOCA and OCA patient. However, palpitation followed angina attack in NOCA patients. In the NOCA, there was significantly lower number of persons with diagnostically relevant raise of cardio specific enzymes. Indirectly, it points on temporary ischemia with no necrosis, or that the area of necrotic myocardium is not large. In NOCA patients, statistically more significantly were absent reciprocal ECG changes. Endpoints as mortality and novel heart failure development had tendency to statistically more significant decrease of prevalence in NOCA patients. As final diagnosis at discharge, in NOCA patients more often another diagnosis was mentioned (including unstable angina, etc.), but not myocardial infarction. The key issues in hospital management of these two groups were identical, except more often prescription of dihydropiridine calcium channel blockers to NOCA patients, and rarer prescription of antiplatelet drugs at discharge.Conclusion. Regardless the fact that prognosis in ACS with NOCA and intact arteries is better than in OCA, it is necessary to analyze thoroughly pathogenesis of the disease in every case, as in this category of patients especially, it is most heterogenic. As these patients have comorbid factors, it is necessary to select the leading one, and to intensify efforts on this factor directly