11 research outputs found

    Pengalaman Remaja Berusia Di Bawah 18 Tahun Dalam Bermain Grand Theft Auto Game

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    GTA (Grand Theft Auto) is a video game containing sexual and violent content classified as a mature category (18+). However in Indonesia, this video game is often played by teenegers under 18 years old. This research purposes to describe teeneger's experience on playing GTA game and the factors influencing them to play the game. The informants of this research are 6 teenegers who have been playing this game with under 18 years old obtained by using snowball sample technique. The method used in this research is qualitative with phenomenological approach. The data were collected through semi-structured interview. The result of this research shows that teenegers who play this game said that they could gain new experiences like being outside of country situation. For teenegers it was exciting because they could perform things that they could not do in the real life like kill, rob, and fight beetwen gang. The factors influencing them to play GTA game come from their playmates, parent's supervision, and also education level. Playmates are the main cause for teenegers to play GTA game. Teenagers playing GTA game without parent's supervision will tend to get negative impact. While higher level of teeneger education decreases the intensity of playing GTA game. Therefore, in order to minimize negative impact obtained by teenegers in playing GTA game, it requires the parent supervision so that the teenegers know time limit to play and the certain behavior in the game that may or may not be imitated in the real life

    Esensi Meditasi terhadap Spritualitas Umat Buddha

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    Along with the development of technology and information advances can no longer be denied. Increasing needs of life make humans do various ways to meet their needs. However, at its peak humans are at a saturation point that tends to ignore the values of spirituality and religious teachings. Therefore they need something that can improve their spirituality one of them by meditation. This study aims to identify the effect of meditation on Buddhist spirituality in undergoing various problems of daily life. This research uses a qualitative research approach with the method used is the method of observation, interviews and literature studies with descriptive analysis methods. The results showed that meditation has a goal that can improve human spirituality, especially Buddhists. In addition, meditation also provides benefits and a great influence on the body and spirit of Buddhists in a way that has been arranged in such a way

    Carbon monoxide ameliorates chronic murine colitis through a heme oxygenase 1-dependent pathway

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    Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 and its metabolic product carbon monoxide (CO) play regulatory roles in acute inflammatory states. In this study, we demonstrate that CO administration is effective as a therapeutic modality in mice with established chronic colitis. CO administration ameliorates chronic intestinal inflammation in a T helper (Th)1-mediated model of murine colitis, interleukin (IL)-10-deficient (IL-10-/-) mice. In Th1-mediated inflammation, CO abrogates the synergistic effect of interferon (IFN)-γ on lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-12 p40 in murine macrophages and alters IFN-γ signaling by inhibiting a member of the IFN regulatory factor (IRF) family of transcription factors, IRF-8. A specific signaling pathway, not previously identified, is delineated that involves an obligatory role for HO-1 induction in the protection afforded by CO. Moreover, CO antagonizes the inhibitory effect of IFN-γ on HO-1 expression in macrophages. In macrophages and in Th1-mediated colitis, pharmacologic induction of HO-1 recapitulates the immunosuppressive effects of CO. In conclusion, this study begins to elucidate potential etiologic and therapeutic implications of CO and the HO-1 pathway in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases. JEM © The Rockefeller University Press

    Carbon monoxide ameliorates chronic murine colitis through a heme oxygenase 1–dependent pathway

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    Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 and its metabolic product carbon monoxide (CO) play regulatory roles in acute inflammatory states. In this study, we demonstrate that CO administration is effective as a therapeutic modality in mice with established chronic colitis. CO administration ameliorates chronic intestinal inflammation in a T helper (Th)1-mediated model of murine colitis, interleukin (IL)-10–deficient (IL-10 (−/−)) mice. In Th1-mediated inflammation, CO abrogates the synergistic effect of interferon (IFN)-γ on lipopolysaccharide-induced IL-12 p40 in murine macrophages and alters IFN-γ signaling by inhibiting a member of the IFN regulatory factor (IRF) family of transcription factors, IRF-8. A specific signaling pathway, not previously identified, is delineated that involves an obligatory role for HO-1 induction in the protection afforded by CO. Moreover, CO antagonizes the inhibitory effect of IFN-γ on HO-1 expression in macrophages. In macrophages and in Th1-mediated colitis, pharmacologic induction of HO-1 recapitulates the immunosuppressive effects of CO. In conclusion, this study begins to elucidate potential etiologic and therapeutic implications of CO and the HO-1 pathway in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases

    Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Sport Tourism & Event

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    Buku ajar Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Sport Tourism & Event ini membahas mengenai desa wisata, sport tourism, sport event dan model pentahelix dalam perencanaan sport tourism and event di Desa Hambalang. Buku ajar Pengembangan Desa Wisata Berbasis Sport Tourism & Event ini juga bisa menjadi referensi bagi kalangan Akademisi, Mahasiswa, dan Dosen yang bergerak di bidang pariwisata serta pengelola desa wisata dalam mengembangkan sport tourism and event. Serta semoga buku ini bisa bermanfaat bagi pembacanya