935 research outputs found


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    The article assesses the motivational conditions for the reproduction of labor resources and social and labor relations in agriculture in the Ulyanovsk region. Reproduction of labor resources is considered. The demographic situation in the region is analyzed. Factors affecting the population size are given. The ways of solving the problem of labor shortage are shown. Internal migration and attracting the working-age population from outside are considered. The number of unemployed registered in the state institutions of the employment service of the Ulyanovsk region is shown and analyzed. The quality of life of the rural population and the development of social infrastructure in the region have been analyzed. The basic directions of an exit from the developed situation are given

    Балльно-рейтинговая система контроля на кафедре высшей математики и ее эффективность

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    Some problems of independent mastering some parts of mathematics by students and quality control of acquired knowledge have appeared in connection with change on two level education system. Experience of checking and educating testing programs, electronic teaching materials, electronic teaching aids and electronic curriculum usage in educational process is presented in this work. The analysis of the material usage while independent work has been carried out and recommendations on introduction into educational process of universities have been given.В связи с переходом на двухуровневую систему образования возникли проблемы самостоятельного усвоения студентами некоторых разделов математики и контроля качества полученных ими знаний. В данной работе представлен опыт использования в учебном процессе контрольно-обучающих программ тестирования, электронных учебно-методических комплексов, электронных учебно-методических пособий и электронных учебных курсов. Проведен анализ использования студентами этого материала при самостоятельной подготовке и даны рекомендации по внедрению в учебный процесс вузов


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    The purpose of this study was to define possibilities of different MR myelography techniques in the assessment of cerebral fluid circulation disorders. Our study includes 34 patients who underwent noninvasive MR myelography. In 17 of these patients we also performed MR myelography with cardiac synchronization for the analysis and quantitative evaluation of CSF circulation parameters in patients with aqueductal stenosis and Arnold-Chiari malformation. In 2 patients with symptoms of intracranial hypotension and suspicion of liquorrhea we additionally performed limited-use invasive technique: contrast-enhanced MR myelography. MR myelography and MR cisternography techniques can effectively replace invasive visualization techniques of cerebrospinal fluid space. Phase contrast MRI can be useful in the evaluation of hydrocephalus grade and postoperative follow-up, for instance in patients with Arnold-Chiari malformation. Nowadays these methods become routine and are performed for all of the patients with appropriate CSF system pathology. The only challenge that sometimes require performing of contrast enhanced MR myelography (MR cisternography) is the need of CSF leak visualization in patients with rhinorrhea and otorrhea.Работа посвящена возможностям методов МР-миелографии в исследовании нарушений ликвородинамики с обзором данных литературы и собственных наблюдений, включающих МРТ-обследование 34 пациентов со стенозом водопровода, аномалией Арнольда-Киари и подозрением на ликворею. 34 пациентам была выполнена неинвазивная МР-миелография, у 17 пациентов дополнительно выполнялась МР-миелография с кардиосинхронизацией для анализа и количественной оценки параметров ликворотока. В 2 случаях у пациентов с подозрением на ликворею дополнительно применялась контрастная МР-миелография. Анализ литературы и собственных данных показал, что методы МР-миело- и цистернографии могут успешно заменить инвазивные методики визуализации ликворных пространств головного и спинного мозга. Фазовоконтрастная МРТ эффективна в выявлении степени гидроцефалии и постоперационного контроля, например, при патологии Арнольда-Киари. Сегодня эти методы становятся рутинными и выполняются всем больным с соответствующей патологией ликворной системы

    Approaching the motional ground state of a 10-kg object

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    The motion of a mechanical object— even a human-sized object— should be governed by the rules of quantum mechanics. Coaxing them into a quantum state is, however, difficult: the thermal environment effectively masks any quantum signature of the object’s motion. Indeed, it also masks effects of proposed modifications of quantum mechanics at large mass scales. We prepare the center-of-mass motion of a 10 kg mechanical oscillator in a state with an average phonon occupation of 10.8. The reduction in oscillator temperature, from room temperature to 77 nK, represents a 100-fold improvement in the reduction of temperature of a solid-state mechanical oscillator— commensurate with a 11 orders-of-magnitude suppression of quantum back-action by feedback — and a 10 orders-of-magnitude increase in the mass of an object prepared close to its motional ground state

    Практика применения и особенности контроля олигосахаридов в производстве продуктов специализированного питания. Обзор

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    Functional oligosaccharides include various  groups  of carbohydrates with  the  biological activity — an  ability  to modulate gut microbiota due to the  prebiotic, anti-adhesive and anti-inflammatory activities. The unique properties of oligosaccharides explain a wide spectrum of their use in the dairy industry: from food ingredients for imitation  of the  prebiotic activity of human milk oligosaccharides in infant dry milk mixtures to structuring additives, replacers of sugar and fat. When choosing oligosaccharides for inclusion into dairy products, their biological activity and technological properties that depend on a source  and method for extraction of these compounds are assessed. Fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and pectic  oligosaccharides have been  most widely used. When developing recipes of products with stated biological effectiveness, it is necessary to remember that consumption of large  amounts of substances with prebiotic properties can lead to the  gastrointestinal disorder, which requires introducing into  practice the control of the oligosaccharide quantitative content in the product composition. The aim of this  review is analysis of possibilities of using  oligosaccharides in production of specialized  milk-based food products and  methods for controlling quality, safety  and  effectiveness of inclusion of such products into  a diet. The review considers the  existing methods for quantitative identification of oligosaccharides included in the composition of dairy products as functional ingredients. The emphasis is made on the limitations of the introduction of the developed analytical methods into  routine practice of the oligosaccharide control, which is linked with the complexity and multicomponent nature of the food matrix under study. The necessity of the further improvement of methods for quantitative identification of functional oligosaccharides in foods is shown.К функциональным олигосахаридам относятся различные группы углеводов, обладающих биологической активностью — способностью модулировать кишечную микробиоту за  счет  пребиотического, антиадгезивного и  противовоспалительного  действий.  Уникальными  свойствами  олигосахаридов  объясняется широкий спектр их применения в молочной промышленности: от пищевых ингредиентов для имитации пребиотической активности олигосахаридов грудного молока в детских сухих молочных смесях  до структурирующих добавок, заменителей сахара  и жира.  При выборе олигосахаридов для  включения в молочные  продукты оценивают их биологическую активность и технологические свойства, которые зависят от источника и способа выделения этих  соединений. Наибольшее распространение получили фруктоолигосахариды, галактоолигосахариды, ксилоолигосахариды и олигосахариды пектинового ряда. Разрабатывая рецептуры продуктов с заявленной биологической эффективностью, нельзя забывать, что  потребление больших количеств веществ, обладающих пребиотическими  свойствами, может  привести к нарушениям работы желудочно-кишечного тракта, что требует внедрения в практику контроля количественного содержания  олигосахаридов в составе продуктов. Целью  данного обзора является анализ возможностей применения олигосахаридов в производстве специализированных продуктов питания на  молочной основе и методов контроля качества, безопасности, эффективности включения в рацион питания такой  продукции.  В обзоре рассматриваются существующие методы количественной идентификации олигосахаридов, включаемых в состав  молочных продуктов в качестве функциональных ингредиентов. Внимание акцентируется на  ограничениях внедрения разработанных аналитических методов анализа в повседневную практику контроля олигосахаридов, что  связано со сложностью и многокомпонентностью исследуемых пищевых матриц. Показана необходимость дальнейшего совершенствования методов количественной идентификации функциональных олигосахаридов в пищевых продуктах


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    Systemic sclerosis (SS) is a progressive connective tissue disease, the prognosis of which largely depends on the time of adequate therapy initiation. Low sensitivity of the 1980 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) SS classification criteria for identifying patients with early stage of the disease, and with its limited form in particular, has necessitated revision of existing SS diagnostic standards and elaboration of more sensitive criteria that allow to establish the diagnosis when the first sign of the disease appear.Objective: to compare the sensitivity of the novel SS criteria of ACR and European League against Rheumatism (ACR/EULAR) 2013 and the 1980 ACR criteria in different stages of the disease.Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 302 patients who had been diagnosed by experts as having SS and followed up at the V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology in 2007–2013. The patients’ mean age was 49±13 years (18 to 80 years); male to female ratio – 1:9 (31 and 271), that of patients with diffuse and limited SS – 1:2 (105 and 197); mean duration of the disease from the first non-Raynaud’s syndrome was 8.2±7.0 years (6 months to 36 years). Physical examination, nailfold capillaroscopy, chest radiography or computed tomography, echocardiography for the determination of pulmonary artery systolic pressure and SS-specific antibodies evaluation were performed.Results. 273 (90%) patients fulfilled the novel ACR/EULAR 2013 SS criteria. 76 (25%) patients had skin thickening above the metacarpophalangeal (MPC) joints in both hands; 263 (87%) – finger skin thickening [70 (23%) – finger swelling, 192 (64%) – thickening of all fingers distal to the MPC joints], 141 (47%) – digital ischemia [79 (26%) – digital pitting scars, 20 (7%) – digital ulcers, 42 (14%) – digital pitting scars and ulcers], 134 (44%) – telangiectasias, 276 (91%) – capillaroscopic changes, 225 (78%) – pulmonary hypertension (PH) or interstitial lung disease (ILD) [15 (5%) – PH 185 (61%) – ILD, 35 (12%) – ILD and PH], 301 (99%) – Raynaud’s phenomenon, and 185 (61%) – SS autoantibodies [138 (46%) – anti-Scl-70 antibodies (a-Scl-70), 42 (14%) – anti-centromere antibodies (ACA), 5 (1.7%) – ACA and a-Scl-70]. 216 (72%) patients fulfilled 1980 ACR SS criteria, and all of them met the novel criteria. With the latter, SS could be additionally diagnosed in 57 more (18%) patients.Conclusion. The 2013 ACR/EULAR SS classification criteria have much higher sensitivity than the 1980 ACR criteria. The sensitivity of the novel criteria remained at the level of 90% in all, including the earliest, stages of the disease while the ACR criteria allowed to confirm diagnosis of SS in only half of patients with a disease duration of less than 1 year

    Basal Respiration as a Proxy to Understand Spatial Trends in CO2 Emissions in the Moscow Region

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    Soil respiration (Rs) is an important terrestrial CO2 efflux and receives significant attention at different scale levels. However, the sampling density is limited and global Rs databases are biased towards natural ecosystems. Urbanization is among the most important current land-use trends and its role will likely grow in the future. Urban soils store considerable amount of carbon and are very heterogeneous and dynamic, which affects Rs. Our understanding of the Rs spatial variability is limited, especially for the regions with heterogeneous bioclimatic conditions and high urbanization level. The methodological constraints of direct Rs measurements in the field limit the number of observations. As an alternative approach to approximate the spatial variability of Rs, we used basal respiration (BR) as an indirect measurement. We implemented digital soil mapping technique to map BR as a proxy of Rs in a heterogeneous and urbanized Moscow Region. Topsoil and subsoils BR maps were developed for the region and spatial variability per land-use and soil type was analyzed. BR averaged for the urban areas was lower than in forests and meadows, however, urban areas became the hotspots of BR’s spatial variability in the region. Considerable contribution of subsoil layers to the total BR was also found with the maximal 30% contribution in urban soils. Although the absolute levels of respiration remained uncertain, the spatial patterns of BR are likely to correspond well with Rs patterns, determined by soil type, land use and allocation of urban areas

    Sensitivity and performance of the Advanced LIGO detectors in the third observing run

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    On April 1st, 2019, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (aLIGO), joined by the Advanced Virgo detector, began the third observing run, a year-long dedicated search for gravitational radiation. The LIGO detectors have achieved a higher duty cycle and greater sensitivity to gravitational waves than ever before, with LIGO Hanford achieving angle-averaged sensitivity to binary neutron star coalescences to a distance of 111 Mpc, and LIGO Livingston to 134 Mpc with duty factors of 74.6% and 77.0% respectively. The improvement in sensitivity and stability is a result of several upgrades to the detectors, including doubled intracavity power, the addition of an in-vacuum optical parametric oscillator for squeezed-light injection, replacement of core optics and end reaction masses, and installation of acoustic mode dampers. This paper explores the purposes behind these upgrades, and explains to the best of our knowledge the noise currently limiting the sensitivity of each detector. © 2020 authors. Published by the American Physical Society


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    Objective. To compare disease history data and clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with scleroderma systematica (SDS) with high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT)-verified interstitial lung lesion (ILL) versus those without lung involvement. Subjects and methods. An examination was made in 138 patients with SDS who had been consecutively admitted in 2006-2008, female/male ratio, 124 : 14; limited : diffuse : mixed forms, 78 : 40 : 20; mean age, 47±13 years; median disease duration, 6 (2.5 11) years. The history data (occupational hazards, smoking, respiratory diseases) and clinical manifestations of SDS and laboratory data were studied. The diagnosis of ILL was established on the basis of chest HRCT. Results. According to HRCT data, the signs of varying ILL were found in 82% of the patients with SDS. The duration of SDS was similar in the patients with and without lung involvement; but the latter were younger at the time of disease onset. There were no significant differences between the groups compared in history data, clinical forms of SDS, the frequency of involvement of visceral organs and systems. Crepitation was heard only in the patients with ILL. The frequency of respiratory manifestations increased with a larger number of the involved lung segments. The prevalence of ILL was found to be positively correlated with age at the onset of SDS (r=0.29;

    Кистозная трансформация шишковидной железы (лучевая анатомия и варианты строения эпифиза): проспективное исследование

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    INTRODUCTION: Pineal cysts are a common finding on brain MRI, but their which remains unclear. A theory has been put forward that non-occlusive cysts can compress the deep cerebral veins, leading to intracranial hypertension.OBJECTIVE: Тo study the variant MRI appearance of the pineal gland.MATERIALS AND METHODS: 48 volunteers underwent an MRI examination using a 1.5 T Toshiba Exelart Vantage device to assess the presence of MRI signs of central venous hypertension, taking into account the morphological variants of the pineal gland structure, and a category was assigned based on the calculated tectum-splenium-cyst ratio and thalamic coefficient. The mean age of men was 41.27±4.63, of women — 31.5±2.58 years. The study participants were divided into three groups: the 1st group — no pineal cyst, the 2nd group — pineal cyst less than 10 mm, the 3rd group —a cyst larger than 10 mm.RESULTS: Based on the obtained tectum-splenium-cyst ratios and the ADC coefficient, it was found that in the volunteer group with cysts larger than 10 mm, 8 out of 15 people were at increased risk of developing central venous hypertension (categories 3 and 4). Category 4 patients had the narrowest aqueduct (1.1–1.2 mm). In the 2nd group, in persons with a pineal cyst less than 10 mm, there were no signs of aqueductal stenosis or tectal plate compression. In the 3rd group, in persons without a pineal cyst, there were also no signs of aqueductal stenosis or tectal plate compression, however, category 3 was assigned to 8 volunteers, which may be due to other causes of venous outflow impairment.CONCLUSION: A large pineal cysts occur in younger patients, and in the presence of aqueductal narrowing and an increased risk of venous hypertension may cause clinical manifestations such as headaches, dizziness, and sleep disturbances. When patients present with relevant complaints, categorization based on DWI and SSFP is an additional criterion that reflects the degree of impact of the pineal cyst on adjacent structures. ВВЕДЕНИЕ: Кисты эпифиза являются частой находкой при проведении МР-исследований, и их генез до сих пор четко не описан в научной литературе. Выдвинута теория, согласно которой неокклюзирующие кисты могут сдавливать глубинные вены головного мозга, что может приводить к внутричерепной гипертензии.ЦЕЛЬ: Изучение МР-семиотики вариантов строения эпифиза.МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: 48 добровольцам было выполнено МР-исследование на магнитном томографе Toshiba Exelart Vantage с силой магнитного поля 1,5 Т для оценки наличия МР-маркеров центральной венозной гипертензии с учетом морфологического варианта строения эпифиза и выставлена категория на основе посчитанных пластинчато-валико-кистозного и таламического коэффициентов. Участники исследования были разделены на три группы: 1-я группа — без кисты эпифиза, 2-я группа — с кистой менее 10 мм, 3-я группа — с крупной кистой более 10 мм.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ: На основании полученных коэффициентов tectum-splenium-cyst и коэффициента ADC было выявлено, что в группе добровольцев с кистами более 10 мм в группы повышенного риска развития центральной венозной гипертензии (категория 3 и 4) попали 8 из 15 человек. Пациенты с 4 категорией имели самый узкий просвет водопровода (1,1–1,2 мм). Во 2-й группе, у лиц с кистой эпифиза менее 10 мм, признаков стеноза водопровода и компрессии тектальной пластинки выявлено не было. В 3-й группе, у лиц без кисты эпифиза, также не было выявлено признаков стеноза водопровода и компрессии тектальной пластинки, однако 3 категория была выставлена 8 добровольцам, что может быть связано с иными причинами нарушения венозного оттока.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ: Крупная киста эпифиза встречается у пациентов более молодого возраста, а наличие у них сужения водопровода и повышенного риска венозной гипертензии может обусловливать клинические проявления в виде головных болей, головокружений и нарушений сна. При предъявлении пациентами соответствующих жалоб выставление категории на основании DWI и SSFP является дополнительным критерием, отражающим степень воздействия кисты эпифиза на прилежащие структуры