8 research outputs found

    Gastropoda Laut dan Chiton di Mikrohabitat Bangunan Pelindung Pantai Pelabuhan Krueng Geukueh Provinsi Aceh

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    The study was carried out in March 2022 at 8 observation stations in the Krueng Geukueh Harbor coastal protection facility in Aceh Province, using the visual encounter method for 120 minutes. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index, Simpson dominance, and Shannon-Weaver uniformity were used to generate the gastropod ecology index, while PCA was used to examine dominance by specific species and CA was used to analyze similarities in species composition. The study's findings included 20 species, 7 families, and a group of chitons. Gastropods Littorina angulifera, Echinolittorina puncatata, Nerita chamaeleon, Mauritia arabica, Thais mancinella, Morula musiva and Herba corticata are classified as rare (relative frequency 80%). The gastropod diversity and uniformity indices were both low (1.49 and 0.48, respectively), where as the dominance index was moderate (0.52). The PCA analysis revealed that the dominant gastropod species were C. mauritiana, M. arabica, and M. musiva, and the CA analysis revealed the establishment of three groups based on the species composition discovered as a result of human activities near the study site.  Kajian dilakukan pada bulan Maret 2022 di 8 stasiun pengamatan pada bangunan pelindung pantai Pelabuhan Krueng Geukueh Provinsi Aceh menggunakan metode visual encounter selama 120 menit. Indeks ekologi gastropoda dihitung dengan indeks keanekaragaman Shannon-Weaver, dominansi Simpson dan keseragaman Shannon-Weaver, sedangkan dominansi oleh spesies tertentu dianalisis menggunakan PCA dan kesamaan komposisi spesiesnya dianalisis menggunakan CA. Hasil kajian mendapatkan 20 spesies dan 7 famili serta ditemukan juga kelompok chiton. Gastropoda Littorina angulifera, Echinolittorina puncatata, Nerita chamaeleon, Mauritia arabica, Thais mancinella, Morula musiva dan Herba corticata tergolong langka ditemukan (frekuensi relatif 80%). Indeks keanekaragaman dan keseragaman gastropodanya tergolong rendah (1.49 dan 0.48), sedangkan indeks dominansinya tergolong sedang (0.52). Dari analisis PCA didapatkan spesies gastropoda yang mendominasi adalah C. mauritiana, M. arabica dan M. Musiva, kemudian hasil analisis CA memperlihatkan adanya pembentukan tiga kelompok berdasarka

    Induction of IgG3 to LPS via Toll-Like Receptor 4 Co-Stimulation

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    B-cells integrate antigen-specific signals transduced via the B-cell receptor (BCR) and antigen non-specific co-stimulatory signals provided by cytokines and CD40 ligation in order to produce IgG antibodies. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) also provide co-stimulation, but the requirement for TLRs to generate T-cell independent and T-cell dependent antigen specific antibody responses is debated. Little is known about the role of B-cell expressed TLRs in inducing antigen-specific antibodies to antigens that also activate TLR signaling. We found that mice lacking functional TLR4 or its adaptor molecule MyD88 harbored significantly less IgG3 natural antibodies to LPS, and required higher amounts of LPS to induce anti-LPS IgG3. In vitro, BCR and TLR4 signaling synergized, lowering the threshold for production of T-cell independent IgG3 and IL-10. Moreover, BCR and TLR4 directly associate through the transmembrane domain of TLR4. Thus, in vivo, BCR/TLR synergism could facilitate the induction of IgG3 antibodies against microbial antigens that engage both innate and adaptive B-cell receptors. Vaccines might exploit BCR/TLR synergism to rapidly induce antigen-specific antibodies before significant T-cell responses arise