5 research outputs found

    Fabrication of probes for scanning near-field optical microscopy using focused ion beam

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    The results were obtained using the infrastructure of the Center for Shared Use “Nanotechnology” of the Southern Federal University

    Novel technology for fabrication of probe tips for SPM using focused ion beam induced deposition method

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    The work was done through a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 18-79-00175) using the equipment of the Research and Education Center and the Nanotechnology Joint Use Center of the Southern Federal University (Taganrog)

    Simulation of the particle motion in devices with vertical sectioning of workspace

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    Introduction. The relevance of the topic is determined by the wide using of suspended bed apparatus during the heat treatment of dispersed materials. Materials and methods. Analytical studies were carried out using the classical provisions of gas and fluid mechanics and technical fluid mechanics. Physical experiment was done on the development of industrial design multistage shelf device. Results and discussion. The mathematical model to calculate the residence time of a particle in shelving unit is developed, its adequacy confirmed by experimental studies. The model can be applied for the drying, cooling, granulation processes calculation. The residence time of a single particle on a shelf in operating mode from 2 to 20 seconds, depending on the constructive execution shelf and the gas flow rate. The mutual influence of particles during their stay on the shelf increased by an average of 40 times. For the regime of particle motion in fluidized bed (constricted movement) the maximum time can be up to 20 minutes. Changing the angle of the shelf and its length has little influence as compared with a change in the hydrodynamic regime of gas flow. Design of shelf significantly affect the residence time of the particles in the apparatus only in compressed motion regime. This work theoretically and experimentally proved the existence of different regimes shelf apparatus. Conclusions. The influence mechanism of design shelf and hydrodynamic regime of the gas flow on particle residence time in multistage gravity shelf apparatus is established. The research results are the basis of engineering calculation of equipment with a vertical sectioning of the workspace