9 research outputs found

    Use of integrated optical waveguide probes as an alternative to fiber probes for sensing of light backscattered from small volumes

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    We show that for light collection from thin samples, integrated probes can present a higher efficiency than conventional fiber probes, despite having a smaller collection area. Simulation results are validated by experiments

    Els camins del present, viatges pel passat i el futur

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    La temàtica sobre la qual el Dr. Riera i Tuèbols ha escrit al llarg de la seva trajectòria professional és àmplia i diversa i, per tant, múltiples poden ser les refl exions al voltant del pensament i la seva obra. Aquest volum n’és una mostra. Cal assenyalar que aquesta diversitat temàtica no és aleatòria, sinó el resultat d’una concepció holística de la cultura que li ha permès eliminar les fronteres entre aspectes aparentment allunyats com l’origen de l’Univers, la il·lustració, la fi losofi a de la natura, la bioètica o la Segona Guerra Mundial..

    Integrated waveguide probes for efficient backscattered-light collection from thin samples

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    The higher performance of integrated waveguide probes, with respect to fiber probes, in the collection of light backscattered from thin samples is demonstrated by means of a semi-analytical model, which is validated by experimental results

    Efficiency comparison between integrated optical waveguide probes and conventional fiber probes in the detection of backscattered light

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    Multimode silicon-oxynitride (SiON) waveguide structures are investigated for probing fluorescence and backscattered light from samples of different thicknesses. The collection efficiency together with the resolution of such probes is compared to that of a conventional fiber probe. The simulation results show that, in case of low scattering samples, among the two types of probes the former present higher collection efficiencies when the sample thickness is below 85 µm. The analytical model developed to estimate the collection efficiency of the integrated probes was validated experimentally through fluorescence measurements carried out on a ruby rod. The model and the experimental results are both presented in this work

    Integrated optical microsystems: guiding light into the future

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    At the Integrated Optical Microsystems (IOMS) Group of the University of Twente, we are working towards setting the basis for the future of on-chip nanophotonics. In the following sections, our work on on-chip lasers and amplifiers, optical waveguide devices for different applications such as medical imaging and sensing as well as photonics-electronics integration technologies will be detailed