31 research outputs found

    The Problem of Metal Needles in Acupuncture-fMRI Studies

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    Acupuncture is a therapy based on sensory stimulation of the human body by means of metal needles. The exact underlying mechanisms of acupuncture have not been clarified so far. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become an important tool in acupuncture research. Standard acupuncture needles, which are made of ferromagnetic steel, however, are problematic in acupuncture-fMRI studies for several reasons, such as attraction by the scanner's magnetic field, significant image distortions and signal-dropouts, when positioned close to the head or even heating due to absorption of radio frequency (RF). The aim of this study was to compare two novel types of acupuncture needles with a standard needle for their effect on MRI image quality. The standard needle severely reduced image quality, when located inside the RF coil. The nonferromagnetic metal needle may pose a risk due to RF heating, while the plastic needle has a significantly larger diameter. In conclusion, our recommendations are: (1) standard needles should not be used in MRI; (2) Nonferromagnetic metal needles seem to be the best choice for acupoints outside of the transmitter coil; and (3) only plastic needles are suited for points inside the coil. Laser acupuncture may be a safe alternative, too

    The relationship between blood flow impairment and oxygen depletion in acute ischemic stroke imaged with magnetic resonance imaging

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    Oxygenation-sensitive spin relaxation time T2' and relaxation rate R2' (1/T2') are presumed to be markers of the cerebral oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) in acute ischemic stroke. In this study we investigate the relationship of T2'/R2' with dynamic susceptibility contrast-based relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in acute ischemic stroke to assess their plausibility as surrogate markers of ischemic penumbra. Twenty-one consecutive patients with internal carotid artery and/or middle cerebral artery occlusion were studied at 3.0 T. A physiological model of the cerebral vasculature (VM) was used to process PWI raw data in addition to a conventional deconvolution technique. T2', R2' and rCBF values were extracted from the ischemic core and hypoperfused areas. Within hypoperfused tissue, no correlation was found between deconvolved rCBF and T2' (r=-0.05, p=0.788), or R2' (r=0.039, p=0.836). In contrast, we found a strong positive correlation with T2' (r=0.444, p=0.006) and negative correlation with R2' (r=-0.494, p=0.0025) for rCBFVM, indicating increasing OEF with decreasing CBF and that rCBF based on the vascular model may be more closely related to metabolic disturbances. Further research to refine and validate these techniques may enable their use as MRI-based surrogate markers of the ischemic penumbra for selecting stroke patients for interventional treatment strategies

    Neurocognitive Development of the Resolution of Selective Visuo-Spatial Attention: Functional MRI Evidence From Object Tracking

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    Our ability to select relevant information from the environment is limited by the resolution of attention – i.e., the minimum size of the region that can be selected. Neural mechanisms that underlie this limit and its development are not yet understood. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was performed during an object tracking task in 7- and 11-year-old children, and in young adults. Object tracking activated canonical fronto-parietal attention systems and motion-sensitive area MT in children as young as 7 years. Object tracking performance improved with age, together with stronger recruitment of parietal attention areas and a shift from low-level to higher-level visual areas. Increasing the required resolution of spatial attention – which was implemented by varying the distance between target and distractors in the object tracking task – led to activation increases in fronto-insular cortex, medial frontal cortex including anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and supplementary motor area, superior colliculi, and thalamus. This core circuitry for attentional precision was recruited by all age groups, but ACC showed an age-related activation reduction. Our results suggest that age-related improvements in selective visual attention and in the resolution of attention are characterized by an increased use of more functionally specialized brain regions during the course of development

    The Human Operculo-Insular Cortex Is Pain-Preferentially but Not Pain-Exclusively Activated by Trigeminal and Olfactory Stimuli

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    Increasing evidence about the central nervous representation of pain in the brain suggests that the operculo-insular cortex is a crucial part of the pain matrix. The pain-specificity of a brain region may be tested by administering nociceptive stimuli while controlling for unspecific activations by administering non-nociceptive stimuli. We applied this paradigm to nasal chemosensation, delivering trigeminal or olfactory stimuli, to verify the pain-specificity of the operculo-insular cortex. In detail, brain activations due to intranasal stimulation induced by non-nociceptive olfactory stimuli of hydrogen sulfide (5 ppm) or vanillin (0.8 ppm) were used to mask brain activations due to somatosensory, clearly nociceptive trigeminal stimulations with gaseous carbon dioxide (75% v/v). Functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) images were recorded from 12 healthy volunteers in a 3T head scanner during stimulus administration using an event-related design. We found that significantly more activations following nociceptive than non-nociceptive stimuli were localized bilaterally in two restricted clusters in the brain containing the primary and secondary somatosensory areas and the insular cortices consistent with the operculo-insular cortex. However, these activations completely disappeared when eliminating activations associated with the administration of olfactory stimuli, which were small but measurable. While the present experiments verify that the operculo-insular cortex plays a role in the processing of nociceptive input, they also show that it is not a pain-exclusive brain region and allow, in the experimental context, for the interpretation that the operculo-insular cortex splay a major role in the detection of and responding to salient events, whether or not these events are nociceptive or painful

    A novel sequence to improve auditory functional MRI with variable silent delays

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    Purpose: Auditory functional MRI (fMRI) often uses silent inter-volume delays for stimulus presentation. However, maintaining the steady-state of the magnetization usually requires constant delays. Here, a novel acquisition scheme dubbed “pre-Saturated EPI using Multiple delays in Steady-state” (SEPIMS) is proposed, using spin saturation at a fixed delay before each volume to maintain steady-state conditions, independent of previous spin history. This concept allows for variable inter-volume delays and thus for flexible stimulus design in auditory fMRI. The purpose was to compare the signal stability of SEPIMS and conventional sparse EPI (CS-EPI). Methods: The saturation module comprises two non-selective adiabatic saturation pulses. The efficiency of the saturation and its effect on the SEPIMS signal stability is tested in vitro and in vivo. Results: Data show that SEPIMS yields the same signal stability as CS-EPI, even for extreme variations between inter-volume delay durations. However, dual saturation pulses are required to achieve sufficiently high saturation efficiency in compartments with long T1 values. Importantly, spoiler gradient pulses after the EPI readout have to be optimized to avoid eddy-current-induced image distortions. Conclusion: The proposed SEPIMS sequence maintains high signal stability in the presence of variable inter-volume durations, thus allowing for flexible stimulus design

    Quantitative T1 mapping indicates tumor infiltration beyond the enhancing part of glioblastomas

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate whether maps of quantitative T1 (qT1) differences induced by a gadolinium‐based contrast agent (CA) are better suited than conventional T1‐weighted (T1w) MR images for detecting infiltration inside and beyond the peritumoral edema of glioblastomas. Conventional T1w images and qT1 maps were obtained before and after gadolinium‐based CA administration in 33 patients with glioblastoma before therapy. The following data were calculated: (i) absolute qT1‐difference maps (qT1 pre‐CA ‐ qT1 post‐CA), (ii) relative qT1‐difference maps, (iii) absolute and (iv) relative differences of conventional T1w images acquired pre‐ and post‐CA. The values of these four datasets were compared in four different regions: (a) the enhancing tumor, (b) the peritumoral edema, (c) a 5 mm zone around the pathology (defined as the sum of regions a and b), and (d) the contralateral normal appearing brain tissue. Additionally, absolute qT1‐difference maps (displayed with linear gray scaling) were visually compared with respective conventional difference images. The enhancing tumor was visible both in the difference of conventional pre‐ and post‐CA T1w images and in the absolute qT1‐difference maps, whereas only the latter showed elevated values in the peritumoral edema and in some cases even beyond. Mean absolute qT1‐difference values were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in the enhancing tumor (838 ± 210 ms), the peritumoral edema (123 ± 74 ms) and in the 5 mm zone around the pathology (81 ± 31 ms) than in normal appearing tissue (32 ± 35 ms). In summary, absolute qT1‐difference maps—in contrast to the difference of T1w images—of untreated glioblastomas appear to be able to visualize CA leakage, and thus might indicate tumor cell infiltration in the edema region and beyond. Therefore, the absolute qT1‐difference maps are potentially useful for treatment planning

    Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol reduces the performance in sensory delayed discrimination tasks : a pharmacological-fMRI study in healthy volunteers

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    Background: Cannabis proofed to be effective in pain relief, but one major side effect is its influence on memory in humans. Therefore, the role of memory on central processing of nociceptive information was investigated in healthy volunteers. Methods: In a placebo-controlled cross-over study including 22 healthy subjects, the effect of 20 mg oral Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on memory involving nociceptive sensations was studied, using a delayed stimulus discrimination task (DSDT). To control for nociceptive specificity, a similar DSDT-based study was performed in a subgroup of thirteen subjects, using visual stimuli. Results: For each nociceptive stimulus pair, the second stimulus was associated with stronger and more extended brain activations than the first stimulus. These differences disappeared after THC administration. The THC effects were mainly located in two clusters comprising the insula and inferior frontal cortex in the right hemisphere, and the caudate nucleus and putamen bilaterally. These cerebral effects were accompanied in the DSDT by a significant reduction of correct ratings from 41.61% to 37.05% after THC administration (rm-ANOVA interaction "drug" by "measurement": F (1,21) = 4.685, p = 0.042). Rating performance was also reduced for the visual DSDT (69.87% to 54.35%; rm-ANOVA interaction of "drug" by "measurement": F (1,12) = 13.478, p = 0.003) and reflected in a reduction of stimulus-related brain deactivations in the bilateral angular gyrus. Conclusions: Results suggest that part of the effect of THC on pain may be related to memory effects. THC reduced the performance in DSDT of nociceptive and visual stimuli, which was accompanied by significant effects on brain activations. However, a pain specificity of these effects cannot be deduced from the data presented

    Mapping of the cerebral vascular response to hypoxia and hypercapnia using quantitative perfusion MRI at 3 T

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    Changes in breathing change the concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood resulting in changes in cerebral blood flow (CBF). This mechanism can be described by the cerebral vascular response (CVR), which has been shown to be altered in different physiological and pathophysiological states. CBF maps of grey matter (GM) were determined with a pulsed arterial spin labelling technique at 3 T in a group of 19 subjects under baseline conditions, hypoxia, and hypercapnia. Experimental conditions allowed a change in either arterial oxygen (hypoxia) or carbon dioxide (hypercapnia) concentration compared with the baseline, leaving the other variable constant, in order to separate the effects of these two variables. From these results, maps were calculated showing the regional distribution of the CVR to hypoxia and hypercapnia in GM. Maps of CVR to hypoxia showed very high intra-subject variations, with some GM regions exhibiting a positive response and others a negative response. Per 10% decrease in arterial oxygen saturation, there was a statistically significant 7.0 +/- 2.9% (mean +/- SEM) increase in GM-CBF for the group. However, 70% of subjects showed an overall positive CVR (positive responders), and the remaining 30% an overall negative CVR (negative responders). Maps of CVR to hypercapnia showed less intra-subject variation. Per 1 mm Hg increase in partial pressure of end-tidal carbon dioxide, there was a statistically significant 5.8 +/- 0.9% increase in GM-CBF, all subjects showing an overall positive CVR. As the brain is particularly vulnerable to hypoxia, a condition associated with cardiorespiratory diseases, CVR maps may help in the clinic to identify the areas most prone to damage because of a reduced CVR